Versions Compared


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Open Source Code

Open Source Code NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework1.1Sun JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1 License for non-redistributables and Sun JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1 License for Redistributable Code

grizzly-http2.3.8Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Jersey2.9.1Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Jersey1.17Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

JAXB XML Binding Code Generator Package2.2.3-1Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Java Architecture for XML Binding2.1Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

OSGi resource locator bundle - used by various API providers that rely on META-INF/services mechanism to locate providers.1.0.1Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

grizzly-websockets2.3.8Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

jersey-repackaged-guava2.8Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

jersey-connectors-grizzly2.9.1Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

jersey-client1.17Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

aopalliance version 1.0 repackaged as a module2.3.0-b05Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Java(TM) EE 6 Specification APIs7Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Injection API (JSR 330) version 1 repackaged as OSGi bundle2.3.0-b05Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

jersey-json1.17Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

javax.annotation API1.2Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

ServiceLocator Default Implementation2.3.0-b05Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

HK2 Implementation Utilities2.3.0-b05Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Grizzly Async HTTP Client1.7Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

HK2 API module2.3.0-b05Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

grizzly-framework2.3.8Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs1.47MIT

Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs1.52MIT

Bouncy Castle1.52MIT

Bouncy Castle1.47MIT

SLF4J API Module1.7.12MIT


Logback Classic Module1.1.1LGPL-2.1+ or Eclipse Public License 1.0.

Logback Core Module1.1.1LGPL-2.1+ and Eclipse Public License 1.0

Jackson JSON processor1.9.2LGPL-2.1+

Jackson JSON processor1.9.12LGPL-2.1+

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)20131018JSON

jsch0.1.51JSch License

JavaMail1.5.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception or Common Development and Distribution License 1.1



EclipseLink ANTLR2.5.2EPL-1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0

EclipseLink Core2.5.2EPL-1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0

EclipseLink Moxy2.5.2EPL-1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0

EclipseLink ASM2.5.2EPL-1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0.




Protocol Buffer Java API2.5.0BSD-3-Clause

CDP - PAL common code0.0.1BSD-3-Clause



Network Service Assurance Client Library0.0.1BSD-3-Clause

CDP - PAL Openstack implementation0.0.1BSD-3-Clause

dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java1.6.1BSD-3-Clause

Network Service Assurance Toolkit0.0.1BSD-3-Clause

Event and Error logging framework0.0.1BSD-3-Clause

javagems's scala-swing2.11.7BSD-3-Clause


VMware VI (vSphere) Java API5.1BSD-3-Clause

ANTLR 4 Tool4.5.1BSD-3-Clause

functionaljava's functionaljava4.2BSD-3-Clause

Javassist3.20.0-GAApache-2.0 or GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later or Mozilla Public License 1.1

jackson-module-jaxb-annotations2.3.2Apache-2.0 and GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later

Graphite Integration for Metrics3.0.1Apache-2.0



Jettison - Json Stax implementation1.3.7Apache-2.0


Apache Karaf :: JAAS Modules3.0.3Apache-2.0

OpenStack Nova Model3.3.24Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client4.5Apache-2.0


Apache Karaf :: Region :: Persistence3.0.3Apache-2.0

Jackson JSON processor2.3.2Apache-2.0

OpenStack Jersey Connector3.3.24Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core4.4.4Apache-2.0

Netty Project4.0.33.FinalApache-2.0

Apache Karaf :: Assemblies :: Features :: Standard3.0.3Apache-2.0




Apache HttpMime4.5Apache-2.0


Apache HttpComponents Core4.4.1Apache-2.0

Commons IO2.4Apache-2.0


OpenStack Glance Model3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Glance Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Nova Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

Apache Mina SSHD :: Core0.12.0Apache-2.0



Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java18Apache-2.0

Disruptor Framework3.3.2Apache-2.0


Apache Commons Codec1.1Apache-2.0

OpenStack Quantum Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client4.4Apache-2.0


Apache HttpComponents Client4.4.1Apache-2.0


Apache MINA Core API2.0.7Apache-2.0


OpenStack Heat Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

Netty Project3.9.9.FinalApache-2.0

Apache Commons Lang2.6Apache-2.0


OpenStack Cinder Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

Apache Karaf :: Shell Console3.0.3Apache-2.0


Apache Karaf :: JAAS Config3.0.3Apache-2.0

Apache HttpMime4.4Apache-2.0

Apache Commons Logging1.2Apache-2.0


Apache Karaf :: Assemblies :: Features :: Framework3.0.3Apache-2.0

Apache Commons Lang3.4Apache-2.0

OpenStack Keystone Model3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Cinder Model3.3.24Apache-2.0


OpenStack Heat Model3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Keystone Client3.3.24Apache-2.0

OpenStack Quantum Model3.3.24Apache-2.0

config - com.typesafe:config1.2.1Apache-2.0


Uncommons Maths1.2.2aApache-2.0


Apache Felix File Install3.1.6Apache-2.0

Metrics Core3.0.1Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core4.4Apache-2.0



Apache HttpComponents Client4.5.1Apache-2.0

Apache XML Commons1.0.b2Apache-1.1

Open Source Library

Open Source Library NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)