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Use CasesImpacts
PNF - Pre-Onboarding / Onboarding

Epic 1: VNF onboarding

E1a: Alignment to SOL 001 (modeling discussions)

E1b: VNFD transforming mapping

E1c: Enhance security for xNF package artifacts.

Epic 2: VNFD Model mapping (modeling discussions)

E2: VNFD (onboarded) to Platform Model (modeling discussions)

Epic 3: S/W Version in Package

E3: S/W Version (modeling discussions)

SDC SUMMARY: Modeling discussion. SDC (Ofir) this acceptable; potential SDC impacts. Can Commit

PNF - S/W Upgrade
  1. support generic workflow design
  2. CBA association enhancement to support PNF upgrade. Impacts on PNFD AID model
  3. CBA association enhancement to support VNF upgrade. Impacts on VNFD AID model

Jira Tickets SDC-2394 and SDC-2393

SDC SUMMARY: Tickets open already. SDC can Commit.

PM-FM Dictionary

Generic Artifact Browser (GAB) Configuration File (No S/W changes)

Format of the artifact will be changing. If the format will not be changed, then it will only be configuration change, a default configuration; the configuration of the GAB based on the file format.

SDC SUMMARY: Nokia investing impact for the format changes; If proposal is accepted there would be no S/W change only a configuration change for the GAB. SDC can commit.

Network Slicing

Enhance SDC with properties mapping from composite to nested service.

Foundation for nested svcs is there already. Modeling work. Jira items created. Is it SDC testing only? (1) nested svcs (2) testing.

SDC-2555 - SDC support of Network Slicing Demo in Frankfurt Open 

SDC SUMMARY: What will the demo be? More details needed before Committing.

ORAN/3GPP Harmonization

New Events & domains will be added to VES events. Should be no impact to SDC, push yaml artifacts to whomever is subscribing. If a new VES event/ VES domain as part of a yaml registration (in CSAR file) would SDC be impacted? New Domains. New Subscribers for DMaAP distribution; API to consume the SDC external APIs consume & parse the CSAR file. The consumers would have to use the existing solution (DMaaP parser). If the A1 interface (new) nonRT RIC + near-RT RIC might be new artifacts associated with that. New artifacts are configurable in SDC (depends on format) no coding impact. Infrastructure already exists. Assumption is that these artifacts would not be validate.

SDC SUMMARY: No SDC S/W impact; possible configuration impact. SDC can commit.

Dist. Analytics as a Service



RunTime DB

Onboarded artifacts for RunTime DB configuration.

building configuration database (global). The vendor run-time package. Yang models in design time; in distribution > downstream applications.

setup structure of Database. (1) get Schema from node; parameters (2) from Yang model under configuration mgmt supported via onboarding package.

As long as it is about existing or new artifacts, the infrastructure is there already. can create new types of artifacts; already supported in SDC API/UIs. > CSAR. Find relevant artifacts in onboarded package. Try to make use of yang model. APIs to create consumers to consume APIs; supply SDKs for components to use distribution clients. consuming the library is documented.

VES collector > CM Notify add VES registration (yaml artifact).

SDC SUMMARY: No SDC S/W impact, no new development needed; usage of existing design time artifact/onboarding functions (already supported). SDC can commit.

Control Loop

Self Serve Control Loop.

(1) Integrate w/ blueprint generator to include blueprint for DCAE into CSAR. Nokia will commit based on best effort. BPG (blueprint generator) DCAE instead of TOSCA-lab. otherwise wlil have to upload manually. upload JSON file and generate blue print in design time. Component spec > output Cloudify BP store > was manual

(2) Impact policy models dynamically in run-time. Entities in SDC catalog. Versioning only define pre-defined policy models can't import new ones.

Self Serve Control Loop

SDC SUMMARY: (partially commit)

K8S Based Cloud Region Support

Eric MultanenLiang Ding  artifact Heat template envelope. passed through. artifact designed as cloud artifact in SDC. any parameters are invisible to SDC. figuring out how to address/solve that. Resources? how to expose parameters; digging into the artifact. Its type and artifact were hard-coded. Should be refactored but works. ideally specify the artifact name & type by user.

SDC SUMMARY: (needs further investigation)

Change Management

Chris Rapposelli-Manzo , schedule opt/deconfliction might impact. W/F for change management. PNF S/W upgrade. Historically there has been SDC impact but no development.

service design W/F designer (amdocs made the original flexible W/F designer). hard-coded SO W/F (sent for every VNF)

choose model before W/F want it to be indep. artifact and attach to any model.

SDC SUMMARY: (needs investigation)

Multi-Domain Optical Service Orchestration

Have to start discussions. Mostly for now we will just be using existing features of SDC. May require small tweaks. Satoshi Fujii ; might be able to design with existing SDC features. Might be no impact. Other requirement might need importing svc template from remote ONAP instance. might be impact to SDC. Still some open questions. Still investigating. Review solution.

SDC SUMMARY: SDC can commit based on Fujitsu resources.

3rd Party Op Domain Mgr

ONAP Ext API updates SDC catalog by invoking internal SDC API. Atif Husain . SDC-2378

SDC SUMMARY: SDC committed
