Versions Compared


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This page mainly describes the template design steps of option1  option2  for the E2E Network Slicing use case for Istanbul release.

Template design for Option1 can be found in below link:

Template Design for Option 1

Template design for Option2 is as follows:Image Removed

Gliffy Diagram

Sample Service Templates for Option 12:

View file

Table of Contents

Create Service Category


Table of Contents

Create Service Category

Login SDC HOME page with Admin Role,create the following categories:

CST,ServiceProfile,AN SliceProfile,AN NF Slice Profile,  CN SliceProfile,TN SliceProfile,NST, TN BH NSST,   TN MH NSST,  TN FH NSST,  TN Network Requirement,AN NF NSST,CN NSST, AN NSST.



Create TN_Network_Req_T

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'CN_NSSTTN_Network_Req_T' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘CN NSSTTN Network Requirement’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP_internal' as Service Role

2. NSST should be composed of network service(NS).  For NS helm artifacts, CBA package and other design time activities, please follow below link:

3. In Composition section, drag the elements of ‘Fiveg’(NS) from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

4. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

a. Click Image Removed

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.NSSCapabilities’ as type.

c. Set property values as shown bellow.

Image Removed


  • Provide Description and click on create button.

2. In Properties Assignment section, define the following service properties.

Image Added

3. Distribute the service model and check the results.

2.Create TN_Network_Req_AR_BH(Allotted Resource)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role , add new serviceand add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_Network_Req_


  • AR_BH' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP


  • ' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.

2. In Properties Assignment sectionComposition section,search 'Allotted Resource', define the following service properties.

Image Removed

3. Distribute the service model and check the results.

3.Create TN_Network_Req_AR(Allotted Resource)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.


rag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of TN_Network_Req_


T to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

Image Added

3.CreateTN_Network_Req_AR_FH(Allotted Resource)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_Network_Req_AR_FH' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource


2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of TN_Network_Req_T to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

Image Removed

4.Create TN_BH_NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_BH_NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘TN BH NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP_internal' as Service Role

2. In Composition section,search 'TN_Network_Req_AR', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define the following service efine Service properties.

Image Removed

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.


a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of TN_Network_Req_T to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

Image Added

4.Create TN_Network_Req_AR_MH(Allotted Resource)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_FHNetwork_Req_AR_MH' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.


b. Use the value of TN_Network_Req_T to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.





Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • CN_


  • NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • CN NSSTas Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP_internal' as


  • Service Role

2. NSST should be composed of network service(NS).  For NS helm artifacts, CBA package and other design time activities, please follow below link:

3. In Composition section, drag the elements of ‘Fiveg’(NS) from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

4. In Properties Assignment section,

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of TN_Network_Req_T to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

Image Removed


Click Image Added

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.NSSCapabilities’ as type.

c. Set property values as shown bellow.

Image Added

6.Create AN_NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_MHAN_NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘TN MH AN NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide 'TRANSPORT' as Service Type.Provide 'TN_MHONAP_internal' as Service Role.

2. In Composition section,search 'TNRAN_MHNF_ARNSST', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.


3.In Properties Assignment section, add anNSSCap to the service properties.

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

7.Create TN_BH_NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'TN_FHBH_NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘TN FH BH NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide 'TRANSPORT' as Service Type.Provide 'TN_FHONAP_internal' as Service Role.

2. In Composition section,search 'TN_Network_FHReq_AR_BH', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.


3.In Properties Assignment section, define the following service properties.

Image Added

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

8.Create TN_MH_NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new VFservice.In

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • TN_MH_


  • NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘


  • TN MH NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide '




  • Service Type.
  • Provide '


  • ONAP_internal' as


  • Service Role.

2. In Composition section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic CategoryTN_Network_Req_AR_MH', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

  • Rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E2'.


9.Create TN_FH_NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new VFservice.In

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • TN_FH_


  • NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘


  • TN FH NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide '




  • Service Type.
  • Provide '


  • ONAP_internal' as


  • Service Role.

2. In Composition section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic CategoryTN_Network_Req_AR_FH', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

10.Create NrtRIC_resource 

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new VF.

In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'NrtRIC_resource' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Network Elements’ as Category.
  • Provide '5G RAN' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1' as Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic Category, drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

  • Rename 
  • Rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_NG_c'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E1'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E2'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1C'.


11.Create CUCP_Resource 

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new VF.

In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'CUUPCUCP_Resource' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Network Elements’ as Category.
  • Provide '5G RAN' as Vendor Name
  • Provide '1' as Vendor Release

2. In Composition section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic Category, drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

  • Rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_NG_uc'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E1'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E2'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1UF1C'.



Create CUUP_Resource 

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new VF.

In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'DUCUUP_Resource' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Network Elements’ as Category.
  • Provide '5G RAN' as Vendor Name
  • Provide '1' as Vendor Release

2. In Composition section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic Category, drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

  • Rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E2NG_u'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_FHE1'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1CE2'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1U'.






Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new serviceVF.


In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • DU_


  • Resource' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘


  • Network Elements’ as Category.
  • Provide '5G RAN' as


  • Vendor Name
  • Provide '


  • 1' as


  • Vendor Release

2. In Composition section,drag the elements of ‘NrtRIC_resource’,‘CUCP_Resource’,‘CUUP_Resource’, 'DU_Resource' from the section,search 'ExtCP2' from Generic Category, drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

  • Rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_E2'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_FH'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1C'.
  • drag another 'ExtCP2' element from Generic Category and rename ExtCP2 as 'EP_F1U'.

14.Create RAN_NF NSST

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'RAN_NF_NSST' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘AN NF NSST’ as Category.
  • Provide 'RAN' as Service Type.
  • Provide 'ONAP_internal' as Service Role.

2. In Composition section,drag the elements of ‘NrtRIC_resource’,‘CUCP_Resource’,‘CUUP_Resource’, 'DU_Resource' from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

a. a. Click 

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.NSSCapabilities’ as type.


4. Distribute the service model and check the results.




CN_AR(Allotted Resource

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role , add new serviceand add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • CN_AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.


  • Provide '


  • ONAP' as


  • Vendor Name.
  • Provide '


  • 1.0' as


  • Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,drag the elements of ‘RAN_NF_NSST’,‘TN_MH_NSST’,‘TN_FH_NSST’ section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.



b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.NSSCapabilities’ as type.

Image Removed

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.


Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of CN_NSST to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

16.Create Tn_BH_AR(Allotted Resource

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fieldsfields.

  • Suggest 'Tn_BH_AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP_internal' as Service Role' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of


TN_BH_NSST to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.


17.Create Tn_


FH_AR(Allotted Resource(New)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.fields.

  • Suggest 'Tn_FH_AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor ReleaseSelect ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of TN_


FH_NSST to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.




Tn_MH_AR(Allotted Resource(New)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'Tn_MH_AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.
  • Provide 'ONAP' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of


TN_MH_NSST to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.




AN_AR(Allotted Resource

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role , add new serviceand add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • AN_AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.


  • Provide 'ONAP


  • ' as Vendor Name.
  • Provide '1.0' as Vendor Release.

2. In Composition section,drag the elements of ‘AN_AR’,‘Tn_BH_AR’,‘CN_ARsection,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.



Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Use the value of AN_NSST to set 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and 'providing_service_name'.

20.Create NSTO2 Service Template


Set property values as shown bellow.

Image Removed

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.


Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role and add VF, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • NSTO2' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • NSTas Category.
  • Suggest 'ONAP_internal' as Service Role

2. In Composition section,search 'Allotted Resource', drag the element section,drag the elements of ‘AN_AR’,‘Tn_BH_AR’,,‘Tn_FH_AR’,,‘Tn_MH_AR’,‘CN_ARfrom the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

b. Select 'providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

Image Removed


Click Image Added

Set property values as shown bellow.

Image Added

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

21.Create Slice_AR(Allotted Resource)

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role , add new serviceand add VF.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest '


  • Slice_


  • AR' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select


  • ‘Allotted Resource’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_ARAllotted Resource', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a.  Add some properties as the picture shown bellow.

Image Removed

b. Select all properties and click Declare Input.

c. Click 'Slice_AR Click 'AllottedResource 0' in the right pane

db. Select 'allottedresource0_providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'allottedresource0_providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.


Image Added



TN_SliceProfile Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'CNTN_SliceProfile' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘CN TN SliceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_AR', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

a. Click Image Removedb. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.SliceProfile’ as type.c. Add some properties as properties as the picture shown bellow.

Image RemovedImage Added

db. Select  Select all properties and click Declare Input(For the sliceprofile type, select all attributesInput.

ce. Click 'Slice_AR 0'in the right pane

fd. Select 'allottedresource0_providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'allottedresource0_providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.




CN_SliceProfile Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'SliceProfile_AN_NF_O1' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘AN NF SliceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_AR', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

a. Click Image Removed

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.SliceProfile’ as type.

c.  Add some properties as shown bellow.

Image Removed

d. Select all properties and click Declare Input(For the sliceprofile type, select all attributes

Image Removed

e. Click 'Slice_AR 0'in the right pane

f. Select 'allottedresource0_providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'allottedresource0_providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

Image Removed

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

23.Create SliceProfile_AN_O1 Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'SliceProfile_AN_O1' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘AN SliceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,drag the elements of ‘SliceProfile_AN_NF_O1’,‘TN_SliceProfile’ from the Elements palette to the service canvas.


Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'CN_SliceProfile' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘CN SliceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_AR', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. Properties Assignment section, define Service properties.

a. Click Image Added

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.SliceProfile’ as type.

c.  Add some properties as shown bellow.

Image Added

d. Select all properties and click Declare Input(For the sliceprofile type, select all attributes

e. Click 'Slice_AR 0'in the right pane

f. Select 'allottedresource0_providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'allottedresource0_providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

24.Create SliceProfile_AN_NF_O2 Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'SliceProfile_AN_NF_O2' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘AN NF SliceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_AR', drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.

3. In Properties Assignment section,define Service properties.

a. Click Image Added

b. Input name and  select ‘org.openecomp.datatypes.SliceProfile’ as type.

c.  Add some properties as shown bellow.

Image Added

d. Select all properties and click Declare Input(For the sliceprofile type, select all attributes

Image Added

e. Click 'Slice_AR 0'in the right pane

f. Select 'allottedresource0_providing_service_invariant_uuid' and 'allottedresource0_providing_service_uuid' and click Declare Input.

Image Added

4. Distribute the service model and check the results.

25.Create ServiceProfile_O2 Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.

1. In the General section, complete all required fields.

  • Suggest 'ServiceProfile_O1O2' as the name to indicate the meaning of the service.
  • Select ‘ServiceProfile’ as Category.

2. In Composition section,search 'Slice_AR', ’SliceProfile’CN_CN‘,‘SliceProfileSliceProfile‘,‘SliceProfile_AN_O1’,‘SliceProfile_TN’,NF_O2’,‘TN_SliceProfile’,drag the element from the Elements palette to the service canvas.


4. Distribute the service model and check the results.




Create CST_


O2 Service Template

Login SDC HOME page with Designer Role, add new service.


Code Block
curl --user AAI:AAI -X PUT -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k "https://{worker-vm-ip}:30233/aai/v21/service-design-and-creation/models/model/bfd35bbf-4469-44d2-aa13-eb531b2d4e7a" -d '{
"model-invariant-id": "bfd35bbf-4469-44d2-aa13-eb531b2d4e7a",
"model-type": "Service",
"model-vers": {
"model-ver": [
"model-version-id": "fd4ca61e-2147-4693-ad2c-2786889b51a5",
"model-name": "NSTO1NSTO2",
"model-version": "1.0"
