Versions Compared


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Policy contributes the following components to ONAP:

  • api
  • clamp
  • pap
  • pdp-x (xacml pdp)
  • pdp-d (drools pdp)
  • pdp-a (apex pdp)
  • distribution
  • gui

Policy instantiates the following third party container:

  • mariadb:10  (maintained by OOM team)
  • sonatype/nexus:2.14.13-01

The reports have been generated with the following command:

Code Block
titledependencies report
mvn project-info-reports:dependencies

The output is located in the target/site sub-directory named 'dependencies.html'.


  • Libraries with group "org.onap.*" group ids are under the ONAP umbrella and safely assumed to have an Apache 2.0 License. 
  • The reader is encouraged to crosscheck and update this information against the individual repositories (root pom.xml link included), maven site reports, or any other suitable means. 

API component


CLAMP component


PAP component


PDP-X component


PDP-D component


PDP-D Control Loop component


Distribution component


PDP-A Component




jquery, jquery-ui: see below

Helper Libraries:



Javascript Libraries:

Open Source Library NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)
jquery3.4.1, 3.5.1MIT

Open Source Code


Open Source Library

Open Source Library NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)ANTLR2. XML Commons1.0.b21.0.b2Apache-1.1Apache Maven Interpolation API1.191.19Apache-2.0classworlds2. Wagon HTTP Provider2.02.0Apache-2.0KIE Internal6.3.0.Final6.3.0.FinalApache-2.0Maven Wagon API1.01.0Apache-2.0Apache HttpComponents Client4.54.5Apache-2.0Plexus1. Expression Language (MVEL)2.2.6.Final2.2..FinalApache-2.0Jackson JSON processor2. HttpComponents Core4. Model3. HttpComponents Core4. Repository Metadata Model3. Aether Provider3. IO2.42.4Apache-2.0jackson-module-jaxb-annotations2. :: CI6.3.0.Final6.3.0.FinalApache-2.0Maven Compatibility Layer3. Maven Wagon :: Providers :: HTTP Shared Library 42.042.0Apache-2.0Maven Model Builder3. Annotation Indexer2.0.0.Final2.0.0.FinalApache-2.0Javax Inject from the JSR-330 Expert Group1330 Expert Group 1Apache-2.0Apache Commons Collections4.14.1Apache-2.0Maven Local Settings Model3. Google Core Libraries for Java10. Security Dispatcher Component1.31.3Apache-2.0Plexus Cypher Component1.41.4Apache-2.0JTA Common Utilities3. Ant1. Plugin API3. JSON processor2. API6.3.0.Final6.3.0.FinalApache-2.0Maven Settings Builder3. Logging 33.3.0.Final33.3.0.FinalApache-2.0google-gson2. IO2. - Guice3. :: Persistence :: JPA6.3.0.Final6.3.0.FinalApache-2.0Maven Artifact3. Commons Logging1.21.2Apache-2.0Apache Commons Lang3.43.4Apache-2.0JBoss Drools6.3.0.Final6.3.0.FinalApache-2.0CDI APIs1.01.0Apache-2.0Apache Extras Companion for log4j Commons Codec1.91.9Apache-2.0Apache Commons Codec1.41.4Apache-2.0Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server9.3.8.v201603149.3.8.v20160314Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0Jackson-JAXRS-JSON_Provider2. AND LGPL-2.1+Jetty :: Servlet Handling9.3.8.v201603149.3.8.v20160314Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server9.3.14.v201610289.3.14.v20161028Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server9.1.1.v201401089.1.1.v20140108Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0Jersey2. AND CDDL-1.1Jetty :: Servlet Handling9.3.14.v201610289.3.14.v20161028Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0Jersey2. AND CDDL-1.1Javassist3.18.1-GA3.18.1-GAApache-2.0 AND LGPL-2.1+ AND MPL-1.1JLine2. Buffer Java API2. Service Assurance Client Library0. flexible XML framework for Java1. Service Assurance Toolkit0. and Error logging framework0. Transaction API1.11.1CDDL-1.0JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform1.01.0CDDL-1.0 Transaction 1.1 API1.0.1.Final1.0.1.FinalCDDL-1.0 AND GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionJUnit4.114.11CPL-1.0Aether Transport Wagon1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0JPA 2.0 API1.0.1.Final1.0.1.FinalEPL-1.0Aether :: SPI1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0Aether Implementation1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0Aether Connector Basic1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0Aether Transport HTTP1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0Aether Transport File1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0org.eclipse.sisu.plexus0.0.0.M50.0.0.M5EPL-1.0Aether :: Utilities1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0org.eclipse.sisu.inject0.0.0.M50.0.0.M5EPL-1.0Eclipse ECJ4. Persistence API, Version :: API1.0.0.v201405181.0.0.v20140518EPL-1.0SDO API2. Persistence API Persistence API University Extreme! Lab Software License Version 1.1.1 AND Public DomainJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)2016081020160810JSONJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)2013101820131018JSONmariadb-java-client1. ORM5.0.7.Final5.0.7.FinalLGPL-2.1+Java Native Access (JNA) Commons Annotations5.0.1.Final5.0.1.FinalLGPL-2.1+Hibernate Entity Manager5.0.7.Final5.0.7.FinalLGPL-2.1+Logback Classic Module1. OR EPL-1.0Logback Core Module1. AND EPL-1.0Bitronix Transaction Manager2. API Module1. API Module1. Database Engine1.4.1931.4.193MPL-2.0 OR EPL-1.0AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standard)1.01.0Public Domainxmlpull1. Domainjersey-repackaged-guava2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1OSGi resource locator bundle - used by various API providers that rely on META-INF/services mechanism to locate providers. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-container-jetty-http2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-media-json-jackson2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1aopalliance version 1.0 repackaged as a module2.4.0-b342.4.0-b34 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1Java API for Processing JSON (JSON-P) Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-container-jetty-http2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-media-jaxb2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1HK2 Implementation Utilities2.4.0-b312.4.0-b31 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-core-server2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1ServiceLocator Default Implementation2.4.0-b342.4.0-b34jersey-repackaged-guava2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1jersey-container-servlet-core2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR CDDL-1.1aopalliance version 1.0 repackaged as a module2.4.0-b312.4.0-b31 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-client2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-container-servlet-core2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-media-jaxb2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1Injection API (JSR 330) version 1 repackaged as OSGi bundle2.4.0-b312.4.0-b31 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1javax.annotation API1.21.2 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1HK2 API module2.4.0-b342.4.0-b34 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-ext-entity-filtering2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1HK2 Implementation Utilities2.4.0-b342.4.0-b34 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1Injection API (JSR 330) version 1 repackaged as OSGi bundle2.4.0-b342.4.0-b34 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-ext-entity-filtering2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-media-json-jackson2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1HK2 API module2.4.0-b312.4.0-b31 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1ServiceLocator Default Implementation2.4.0-b312.4.0-b31 Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1jersey-core-server2. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1Java Servlet API3. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1Java Servlet API3. Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND CDDL-1.1Java Message Service1.11.1Sun Java Message Service 1.1 License