Versions Compared


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Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameFrankfurt Release
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation.( Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information)
Participating Company AT&T, CenturyLink, China Mobile, China Telecom, Orange, PCCW Global, Turk Telekom, Verizon, Amdocs, Ciena, Huawei, Intel, Wipro, Netcracker, ZTE, MEF, TMF


What is this release trying to address?

  • Deliver points of interoperability between ONAP and External Systems
  • Focus on ONAP External APIs to BSS/OSS (i.e., MEF Legato)
    • Service Catalog
      • Add notification for serviceCatalog API
        • Description:
          • Allow BSS catalog function to receive service catalog notification as serviceSpec status change or characteristic change (new value in an enum list for example). Could be interesting to track these serviceSpec update to update accordingly productSpec
        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Moderate - need to subscribe to authenticated topic
        • Prerequisites: It requires to have a notification from SDC via DMaaP
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
    • Service Ordering
      • Add Support for serviceOrder API for Service Instantiation via macro mode
        • Description: 
          • With Dublin, a new mode is available in SO to instantiate a service : the "macro" mode.

            In SDC, a service can be declared with an instantiationType equal to "A-la-carte" or equal to "Macro". This information is then available in the Tosca service definition file.

            When "Macro" mode is choosen for a service, the SO will use different kind of BPMN workflow.

            This "macro" mode need to be managed by NBI.

            NBI needs to look at service definition in Tosca file, select the mode, build the "macro" request toward SO  when service instantiationType is "Macro". 

            REQUEST 1 : NBI have to send a request to SO with the parameter "aLaCarte": false when instantiationType is Macro in service definition file

            In macro mode, the SO request may also contain, in the "userParams" section, all needed information about VNFs and VF-module(s) to be instantiated.

            All those necessary information are in the Tosca service definition file generated by SDC.

            If NBI do not fill those information, the serviceOrder sent to NBI will have to provide those informations (that means an external system will have to do the job)

            REQUEST 2 : NBI to look at VNF, VF-module and Network in the Tosca service definition file in order to build the full "macro" request toward SO.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: High
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Romain and Rene
      • Update serviceOrder API to use GR_API
        • Description: 
          • SO can use two kind of API with SDNC : Generic-Resource API (GR_API) or VNF_API.It seems that it is better to indicate to SO to use GR_API now. It is the value of the field "testApi" that need to be modified in SO request to instantiate service object. Can be an environment variable.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Easy
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Romain
      • Update ServiceOrder to accommodate Service Characteristics of "object" type
        • Description: 
          • Need to handle service orders which use "object" type in the serviceCharacteristics, i.e. utiizing the new specificationInputSchema  

            also update the object to be stored as "object" v "Object" in the service catalog response.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Easy
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
    • Performance Management (specification focus) (stretch goal: implementation associated with Network Slicing KPI reporting)
    • Integration 
      • Integrate External API/NBI within ONAP DMaap for authenticated topics ( Adrian )
      • Integrate External API/NBI with AAF for security enhancement  ( Matthieu )

Use Cases

The existing use cases are still going to be supported and additional use cases will be supported for the Frankfurt Release (as defined by the Control loop sub committee and TSC). Network Slicing Use case is a new use case which have plans to use External API Service Order APIs.

Minimum Viable Product

  • Documentation of User Stories; Use Cases and Interactions (e.g., swagger ); Data Models (e.g., JSON); Interface Profiles and Functional Definition; 
  • ONAP Component Mapping and Functional Analysis; 
  • Code contribution for External API Agent functionality.


List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.



Longer term Roadmap

Indicate at a high level the longer term roadmap. This is to put things into the big perspective.

The long term goal is to reach a common platform for managing control loops within ONAP :

CLAMP is a platform for designing and managing control loops.  It is used to setup a control loop, configure it with specific parameters for a particular network service, then deploying and undeploying it.  Once deployed, the user can also update the loop with new parameters during runtime, as well as suspending and restarting it.

It interacts with other systems to deploy and execute the closed loop.  For example, it receives CSAR service package from SDC, associating it with the VF resource.  It requests from DCAE the instantiation of microservices to manage the closed loop flow.  Further, it creates and updates multiple policies in the Policy Engine that define the control loop flow.  

The ONAP CLAMP platform abstracts the details of these systems under the concept of a control loop model.  The setup of a control loop and its management is represented by a workflow in which all relevant system interactions take place.  This is essential for a self-service model of creating and managing control loops, where no low-level user interaction with other components is required.

At a higher level, CLAMP is about supporting and managing the broad operational life cycle of VNFs/VMs and ultimately ONAP components itself. It will offer the ability to configure, test, deploy and update control loop automation - both closed and open. Automating these functions would represent a significant saving on operational costs compared to traditional methods.

Another Key long term goal is to provide a better user experience by having more flexibility to add mico-service without code development.

A Dashboard has been introduced to allow the user to get a quick overview of the status and events  of running control loops.

  • TSC Must Have Requirements for ExtAPI - as per 
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Document current upgrade component strategy (TSC must have)  -  to be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
    • SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables (TSC must have)
    • SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts (TSC must have) To be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
    • SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP (TSC must have) - to be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
  • Deliver increased interoperability between ONAP and External Systems ( e.g. Service Catalog Notifications ) 
    serverONAP JIRA

    • Service Catalog -
      • Add notification for serviceCatalog API
        • Description:
          • Allow BSS catalog function to receive service catalog notification as serviceSpec status change or characteristic change (new value in an enum list for example). Could be interesting to track these serviceSpec update to update accordingly productSpec
        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Moderate - need to subscribe to authenticated topic
        • Prerequisites: It requires to have a notification from SDC via DMaaP
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
      • Operation Domain Manager ( stretch goal ) specification focus around supporting POST of partner ServiceSpecification 
        serverONAP JIRA
        (Specification Focus) Analysis of new Operation Domain Manager APIs in SDC and impact on support POST for ServiceSpecification Resource. Currently Telstra are working on SDC APIs for onboarding a Partner ServiceSpecification reference in SDC with all the information to communicate with Partners External APIs for Service Instantiation. ( Stretch goal - resources permitted to look at supporting POST ServiceSpecifcation - potential to use jolt to transform to new SDC API format_.
  • Continue to enhance ONAP External APIs exposed to BSS/OSS (e.g. Increase support for SO Service APIs , macro mode)
    • Service Ordering
      • Add Support for serviceOrder API for Service Instantiation via macro mode in 
        serverONAP JIRA

        • Description: 
          • With Dublin, a new mode is available in SO to instantiate a service : the "macro" mode.

            In SDC, a service can be declared with an instantiationType equal to "A-la-carte" or equal to "Macro". This information is then available in the Tosca service definition file.

            When "Macro" mode is chosen for a service, the SO will use different kind of BPMN workflow.

            This "macro" mode need to be managed by NBI.

            NBI needs to look at service definition in Tosca file, select the mode, build the "macro" request toward SO  when service instantiationType is "Macro". 

            REQUEST 1 : NBI have to send a request to SO with the parameter "aLaCarte": false when instantiationType is Macro in service definition file

            In macro mode, the SO request may also contain, in the "userParams" section, all needed information about VNFs and VF-module(s) to be instantiated.

            All those necessary information are in the Tosca service definition file generated by SDC.

            If NBI do not fill those information, the serviceOrder sent to NBI will have to provide those informations (that means an external system will have to do the job)

            REQUEST 2 : NBI to look at VNF, VF-module and Network in the Tosca service definition file in order to build the full "macro" request toward SO.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: High
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Romain and Rene
      • Update serviceOrder API to use GR_API  - 
        serverONAP JIRA

        • Description: 
          • SO can use two kind of API with SDNC : Generic-Resource API (GR_API) or VNF_API.It seems that it is better to indicate to SO to use GR_API now. It is the value of the field "testApi" that need to be modified in SO request to instantiate service object. Can be an environment variable.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Easy
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Romain
      • Update ServiceOrder to accommodate Service Characteristics of "object" type
        • Description: 
          • Need to handle service orders which use "object" type in the serviceCharacteristics, i.e. utiizing the new specificationInputSchema . Also update the object to be stored as "object" v "Object" in the service catalog response.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Easy
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan - Note work complete 
      • ( stretch goal ) Specification work on how to Handle action modify in ServiceOrder in a manner other than recreate Service 
        • Description: 
          • 5G Network Slicing plan to have new SO capability for Service Modifications, specifically allowing an instantiated and activated service to be deactivated without being deleted.

        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Moderate
        • Prerequisites: 
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
    • Performance Management (stretch goal ) specification focus: specification work associated with Network Slicing KPI reporting.
    • Operation Domain Manager ( stretch goal ) specification focus around supporting POST of partner ServiceSpecification 
      serverONAP JIRA
    • Integration 
      • Integrate External API/NBI within ONAP DMaap for authenticated topics ( Adrian )
      • Integrate External API/NBI with AAF for security enhancement, introduce https support  ( Matthieu )

Use Cases

The existing use cases are still going to be supported ( BBS, CCVPN ) and additional use cases will be supported for the Frankfurt Release (as defined by the Control loop sub committee and TSC).

5G Network Slicing Use case is a new use case which have plans to use External API Service Order APIs to Create, Delete and modify Communication Services. The hope is to reuse existing Service Order APIs. Some enhancements may be needed, mainly in the ability to modify a service ( updateType, pending support from SO ) plus allowing serviceType to be an optional parameter in the Service Order ( used in AAI ). Wipro has taken ownership of 

 for enhancements needed. 

Impact assessment completed by Adrian, updates only to support Service Ordering considered in Frankfurt timescale. 

Platform Maturity

 Platform Maturity (i.e., S3P items)  Frankfurt Release Platform Maturity

Minimum Viable Product

  • Documentation of User Stories; Use Cases and Interactions (e.g., swagger ); Data Models (e.g., JSON); Interface Profiles and Functional Definition; 
  • ONAP Component Mapping and Functional Analysis; 
  • Code contribution for External API Agent functionality.


List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.


jqlQueryproject = EXTAPI AND fixVersion = "Frankfurt Release" AND type = Epic


jqlQueryproject = EXTAPI AND fixVersion = "Frankfurt Release" AND type = Story

Longer term Roadmap

Indicate at a high level the longer term roadmap. This is to put things into the big perspective.

Provide a clear and unambiguous ONAP service abstraction so that the BSS/OSS can exchange service requirements and service capabilities in a common and consistent fashion.
Provide a way to rapidly integrate new Services and Service Components into ONAP so that they can quickly introduce capabilities for their customers and within their infrastructure.
Enable management the entire lifecycle of Services within ONAP in a common way so that they can ensure orchestration, manageability and control of each Service in an easily integrateable and low cost way.
Model Driven approach: a cohesive way to have a shared view of information across ONAP external interfaces that can be used for or be input into a model driven process whereby the cost of delivering platform functionality is drastically reduced and the time to delivery is dramatically decreased.

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It is envisioned that from a Service Provider to BSS/OSS interaction context (i.e. MEF Legato), the ONAP External API will support the following types of interacts:

  • BSS/OSS retrieves Service Models
  • BSS/OSS requests service feasibility determination.
  • BSS/OSS requests reservations of capabilities related to a potential Service.
  • BSS/OSS requests activation of Service.
  • BSS/OSS receives Service activation tracking status updates.
  • BSS/OSS retrieves Service Inventory
  • BSS/OSS receives usage events due to a Customer initiating dynamic activity on their Service (e.g., increase in bandwidth).
  • BSS/OSS receives a summary of Service quality and usage information.
  • BSS/OSS receives Service state and fault event information
  • BSS/OSS receives Service Activation Testing results.
  • BSS/OSS receive capability information about the Service layer.
  • BSS/OSS manages Licenses
  • BSS/OSS receives License Usage information

It is envisioned that from a Service Provider to Partner Provider interaction context (i.e. MEF Interlude), the ONAP External API will support the following types of interacts:

  • Service Provider controls aspects of the Service within the Partner domain (on behalf of the Customer) by requesting changes to dynamic parameters as permitted by service policies.
  • Service Provider queries state of the Service.
  • Service Provider requests change to administrative state or permitted attributes of a Service.
  • Service Provider request creation of connectivity between two Service Interfaces as permitted by established business arrangement.
  • Service Provider request instantiation of functional service components as permitted by established business arrangement.
  • Service Provider queries the Partner for detailed information related to Services provided by the Partner to the Service Provider.
  • Service Provider receives Service specific event notifications (e.g., Service Problem Alerts) from the Partner.
  • Service Provider receives Service specific performance information from the Partner.
  • Service Provider request Service related test initiation and receive test results from the Partner.

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Release Deliverables

Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.


Code of the Designer and run time of CLAMP





High level architecture diagram

At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.

Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.

Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.


  • Below we show how the CLAMP application fits into ONAP.  The red figure below shows the CLAMP application components.  There is a design portion and an operations component.

Overall ArchitectureImage RemovedCLAMP CORE Technology ArchitectureImage Removed


, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.

Deliverable NameDeliverable Description
DocumentationDocumentation of User Stories; Use Cases and Interactions (e.g., UML); Information Models (e.g., UML); Data Models (e.g., JSON); Interface Profiles and Functional Definition;ONAP Component Mapping and Functional Analysis
External APIJSON Swagger / OpenAPI for the External Interface
External API Agent SoftwareCode contribution for External API Agent functionality


List all sub-components part of this release.
Activities related to sub-component must be in sync with the overall release.

Sub-components are repositories are consolidate in a single centralized place. Edit the Release Components name for your project in the centralized page.

  1. External API Agent:
    1. Core Agent Functionality
    2. Service Catalog API
    3. Service Ordering API
    4. Service Inventory API

ONAP Dependencies

List the other ONAP projects your depends on.

Dependent on APIs from SDC, SO, DMaaP and AAI


High level architecture diagram

At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.

Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.

Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.

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Platform Maturity

Refering to CII Badging Security Program and Platform Maturity Requirements, fill out the table below by indicating the actual level , the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.


Actual Level

Targeted Level for current Release

How, Evidences


  • 0 -- none
  • 1 – baseline performance criteria identified and measured
  • 2 & 3 – performance improvement plans created & implemented
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – 72 hours component level soak w/random transactions
  • 2 – 72 hours platform level soak w/random transactions
  • 3 – 6 months track record of reduced defect rate
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – manual failure and recovery (< 30 minutes)
  • 2 – automated detection and recovery (single site)
  • 3 – automated detection and recovery (geo redundancy)
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – CII Passing badge + 50% Test Coverage
  • 2 – CII Silver badge; internal communication encrypted; role-based access control and authorization for all calls
  • 3 – CII Gold
  • 0 – no ability to scale
  • 1 – single site horizontal scaling
  • 2 – geographic scaling
  • 3 – scaling across multiple ONAP instances
  • 1 – single logging system across components; instantiation in < 1 hour
  • 2 – ability to upgrade a single component; tracing across components; externalized configuration management
  • 1 – user guide; deployment documentation; API documentation
  • 2 – UI consistency; usability testing; tutorial documentation
  1. Design/Setup Time(Cockpit/UI to Configure the received templates)
    1.  SDC will distribute a CSAR, for a service, the part of the CSAR that CLAMP will use are:
      1.   the Control Loop flow Templates(e.g: blueprint) are defined in DCAE-D(sub-component of SDC) and distributed to CLAMP by SDC. The templates format is TOSCA. The blueprint is also pushed, by SDC, to DCAE platform orchestration engine.
      2. The policy-models defining the DCAE µS used inside the blueprint. note that policy-engine will also receive this SDC distribution and so should be also aware of those policy-models.
    2. policies (configuration and operational policies) are pushed/provisioned towards the Policy Component of ONAP. (those policies will be triggered by DCAE during Closed Loop operations).
      1. The DCAE team needs to provide models to Policy team in order for the Configuration policy to be built. 
    3. DCAE (in Frankfurt release), plan to introduce the DCAE-DESIGNER to(this is part of the new Self Serve Control Loop initiative):
      1. design control loop flow (sequences of µS)
      2. expose an API for CLAMP to retrieve the list of existing flow, so that CLAMP can use it to create new Control Loop's
    4. CDS (in Frankfurt release):
      1. expose by an API (or through CSAR distribution via SDC), the list of actors and corresponding actions, that CLAMP can then configure as part of an Operationnal policy configuration
  2. Run time(DCAE-Policy, grabbing events and triggering policies based actions)
    1. the triggering to deploy(and then effectively start the closed loop)  a blueprint will be manual (via CLAMP cockpit) an automatic deployment based on an event will come in future release.
    2. The CLAMP cockpit will support the following action at runtime:
      1. start (start the provisioned Closed Loop on DCAE)
      2. stop (stop a provisioned Closed loop on DCAE)
  3. Dashboard (ELK based)
    1. CLAMP also provides (as a separate components) an ELK stack (with specific configurations for the elk components) that listen to Control Loop events published on DMAAP on specific dmaap topics. 

CLAMP will thus control the typical following control loop flow within ONAP :

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Platform Maturity


API Incoming Dependencies

List the API this release is expecting from other ONAP component(s) releases.
Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.

Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.


API Name

API Description

API Definition Date

API Delivery date

API Definition link

Same as previous releaseSDC Client(jar library provided by SDC team) used to get service template (describing control loop flow) and blueprint id( to know which blueprint has been distributed to DCAE for this Control Loop template)Already availableSame as previous release API exposed by Policy to create/update guard policies 
(used for scale out use case operational policies)
Already availableSame as previous releaseAPI exposed by Policy to create/update policies Already availableAPI exposed by policy to get a policy-model given the policy-model-idongoingTBDAPI exposed by Policy to create polidy pdp groupongoingTBDSame as previous releaseAPI exposed by DCAE to start/stop a Closed LoopAlready availableSame as previous releaseAPI exposed by DCAE to trigger the deployment/undeployment of a Control Loop templateAlready availableSame as previous releaseAPI exposed by DCAE to get status of a CLAMP deployed µSAlready availableAPI exposed by DCAE to get status of all µSongoing TBDAPI exposed by DCAE to get the list of Control Loop Flow available to use by CLAMPongoingTBDAPI exposed by CDS to retriev CDS actors/actionsongoingTBD

API Outgoing Dependencies

API this release of CLAMP is delivering to other ONAP Component(s) releases.


SDC: Catalog APIExposes Service CatalogTBDTBD
SO: Service Instantiation APIRequests for Service InstantiationTBDTBD
AAI: Service Inventory APIQuery for Service InventoryTBDTBD
DMaaP: Events APIQuery for AAI_EVENTS and SDC Distribution EventsTBDTBD

API Outgoing Dependencies

API this release is delivering to other releases.

API Name

API Description

API Definition Date

API Delivery date

API Definition link (i.e.swagger)

ExtAPI: Service CatalogExternal Service Catalog APITBDTBDTBD
ExtAPI: Service OrderingExternal Service Ordering APITBDTBDTBD
ExtAPI: Service InventoryExternal Service Inventory APITBDTBDTBD
API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)N/A

Third Party Products Dependencies

Third Party Products mean products that are mandatory to provide services for your components. Development of new functionality in third party product may or not be expected.
List the Third Party Products (OpenStack, ODL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch,Crystal Reports, ...).




SpringbootJava Platform FrameworkTBD
MariaDBMySQL open fork
MongoDBMongo Database
Camelframework to define routing and mediation rules2.22.1
DockerContainer engine1.12
MariaDBdatabase container10.1.11
Spring bootSpring boot Framework dependencies1.4.1

In case there are specific dependencies  (Centos 7 vs Ubuntu 16. Etc.) list them as well.

Testing and Integration Plans


Describe the plan to integrate and test the release deliverables within the overall ONAP system.
Confirm that resources have been allocated to perform such activities.CLAMP will invest in CSIT tests to allow further integration testing, CLAMP already provided some tests as part of previous releases.within the overall ONAP system.
Confirm that resources have been allocated to perform such activities.

Potential Test Cases for External API include:

  • BSS/OSS retrieves Service Models
  • BSS/OSS orders a new Service.
  • BSS/OSS subscribes to Service order tracking status notifications.
  • BSS/OSS retrieves Service Inventory


This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release.
List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.

limited testing of final product

Gaps identified



Known Defects and Issues

Provide a link toward the list of all known project bugs.

jqlQueryproject = EXTAPI AND fixVersion = "Frankfurt Release" AND type = Bug
Please refer to Frankfurt Defect Status


List the risks identified for this release along with the plan to prevent the risk to occur (mitigation) and the plan of action in the case the risk would materialized (contingency).

Please update any risk on the centralized wiki page - Frankfurt Risks


Risk identified

Mitigation Plan

Contingency Plan



Fill out Link toward the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.

Release Milestone

The milestones are defined at the Release Level and all the supporting project agreed to comply with these dates.

Team Internal Milestone

This section is optional and may be used to document internal milestones that the team agreed on.Alsowithin a project team or multiple project teams. For instance, in the case the team has made agreement with other team to deliver some artifacts on a certain date that are not in the release milestone, it is erecommended to provide these agreements and dates in this section.

It is not expected to have a detailed project plan.

To fill outsdc UI/UX SDK





Documentation, Training

  • Highlight the team contributions to the specific document related to he project (Config guide, installation guide...).
  • Highlight the team contributions to the overall Release Documentation and training asset
  • High level list of documentation, training and tutorials necessary to understand the release capabilities, configuration and operation.
  • Documentation includes items such as:
    • Installation instructions
    • Configuration instructions
    • Developer guide
    • End User guide
    • Admin guide
    • ...



The Documentation project will provide the Documentation Tool Chain to edit, configure, store and publish all Documentation asset.

Other Information

Vendor Neutral


FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible.
List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ).
In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.

Each project must edit its project table available at Project FOSS.

Charter Compliance

The project team comply with the ONAP Charter.

Release Key Facts

Fill out and provide a link toward the centralized Release Artifacts.