16:00 UTC, 09:00 PST, 12:00 EST,  17:00 BST, 18:00 CEST, 19:00 EEST, 21:30 IST, 00:00 CST (Thurs), 01:00 JST (Thurs)

Meeting ID: 890 6970 8424


Summer Daylight Savings time eventually stabilizes to:
9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC | 17:00 BST | 18:00 CEST | 19:00 EEST | 21:30 IST | 00:00 CST (Thurs) | 01:00 JST (Thurs)

Winter (non-DST) time eventually stabilizes to:
9am PST | 12pm EST | 17:00 UTC | 17:00 GMT | 18:00 CET | 19:00 EET | 22:30 IST | 01:00 CST (Thurs) | 02:00 JST (Thurs)

(During Winter→Summer DST changeover follow US time. Summer→Winter DST changeover follow Europe time)

Table of Contents



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LF Antitrust

See also / Co-Located


  • share information between
    • O-RAN-SC Non-RT-RIC
    • O-RAN-SC OAM
    • O-RAN-SC O-DU
    • LFN (wink)


Discussion items


Next meetings: 

Please follow the calendar

  • O-RAN-SC ToC
  • Non-RT-RIC: John Keeney
    • Last Week: Demo Service Exposure Enforcement (R1-ish)
    • This Week: Demo: PM Collection & Delivery to rApps: : 
      • See below
    • Trying to wrap up ONAP Kohn tasks
      • e.g. Still working on Logging & metrics reporting A1-PMS (ONAP & OSC)
    • Adding seed code to new repo for Service Exposure:
    • Getting started on more advanced rApp manager - lots to do there!
      • Plan to experiment with rApp packaging, onboarding, LCM
        • Reusing alot from ONAP
    • Note LFAnalytics/Insights data for ONAP & OSC seems to be getting out of date ... A new version of the portal coming soon?
  • SIM: Alex Stancu
    • NS3-E2: work on documentation
      • github not synched with gerrit → LF issue raised

00:15ONAP Release managementDavid McBride 

Target for Kohn - nov10

London kick off tomorrow 

00:25SON/slicing Use caseN.K. Shankaranarayanan 
  • A1 policy artifacts are used for the use case.
  • Abstraction for RAN
  • ongoing implementation on RAN-SIM 
  • all in Kohn


  • integration with RAN-SIM complete and testing in progress


  • preparation for DTF - email to Timo - Nov17 reserved for x-community - Nov18 for ONAP and this use case

00:26Non-RT-RIC demoJohn Keeney 

Demo: "PM Data Collection & Delivery to rApps"

  • Abstract:
    • We demonstrate who we can use our NONRTRIC Information Coordination Service (ICS) to coordinate delivery of Bulk-PM data to rApps.
      We show how PM files can be efficiently collected, parsed and filtered, with ICS publishers serving the requested data to ICS Consumers - coordinated as ICS Subscriptions/Jobs
      This work is intended as a fore-runner for work related to R1-DataManagement - here with a focus on PM data.

  • Recording: (38 Min) (ref Meeting Recording (MP4 - lo res) - Part 2 - Demo)
    • High-Res Video
    • Low-Res Video

None this week.
Have a good week (big grin)


00:303GPP copyright issue

Still! "not ok" - how to use NETCONF YANGs from 3GPP and O-RAN

Problem Statement might be not fully understood. 

Next step: Call with Magnus Buhrgard 

After the call and some emails: Magnus it preparing a call with 3GPP SA5 representatives and then another ONAP LS to 3GPP

The topic is on the ONAP TSC agenda tomorrow: TSC 2022-09-08

> Magnus wont give up (smile)

Action items

1 Comment

  1. John Keeney - I went through the demo that you have put on this page and liked it as well. I have couple of questions. Appreciate your inputs on them.

    1. Multiple instances of Data File Collector shown in architecture but the demo uses single instance. Are you able to run multiple instances of this DCAE micro-service without any issue?
    2. Demo says ONAP Data File Collector is modified slightly. May I ask what are these modifications? Are those contributed back to ONAP community if those are enhancements?
    3. Xml-to-Json producer and Filtered-Json producer are the components from ORAN Software Community (OSC) ? I couldn't find them actually.
    4. Any reason for not using DCAE's PM-Mapper micro-service in this work?