The Base Wiki Page of Network Slicing can be found at: 5G - Slicing

Documenting Use Case Scenarios for Slicing, how it could be used. Configuring elements, data needed.

GOAL: to demonstrating simple, practical definition and implementation of a 5G Network Slice

Simulators to be developed.


PROJECTPTLUser Story / EpicRequirement
A&AI AAI-2600 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Update A&AI schema with Network Slicing model


No impact foreseen for Frankfurt

Need to check whether this is needed.

No impact foreseen for Frankfurt
No impact foreseen for Frankfurt
No impact foreseen for Frankfurt

DCAEGEN2-1878 - Getting issue details... STATUS

KPI monitoring - new KPI Compute MS and DB
No impact foreseen for Frankfurt
External API

MODELINGEpic #1 - Network Slicing Demo

Enhance ONAP model with Network Slicing related constructs

Provide a demo Network Slicing SDC model

Provide a demo Network Slicing A&AI model

Multi-VIM /


No impact foreseen for Frankfurt
OOF OPTFRA-277 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • OOF shall fetch details of active slices, slice sub-nets and services from A&AI.
  • Given the similarities between Slicing and Service instantiation workflows, this could potentially be integrated/interact with HAS, but, if needed, can be seen as standalone for Frankfurt release.

POLICY-2056 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Config policy for slice allocation, slice sharing, slice sub-net allocation and slice sub-net sharing
  • Config policy for resource allocation for a slice sub-net
  • Config policy for optimization constraints – e.g., network resource optimization, resiliency, etc.


SDNC-915 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • DGs for receiving DMaaP message from SO with RAN NSSI details, map them to netconf messages and send to RAN.
  • Interaction with PNF PnP to be discussed
  • Config DB – could leverage existing Config DB and extend it.


SDC-2555 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Enhance SDC with properties mapping from composite  to nested service
SO SO-2281 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Enhance Request handler with Network Slicing instantiation
  • Workflow for recursive service instantiation
  • Handling of shared / dedicated services
  • Store slice catalog items

(Potential impact to VID to invoke the Demo)



List of PTLs:Approved Projects

Test cases

1Successful design of NSSTs


2Successful design of NSTs


3Service instantiation via CSMF portal resulting in automatic NSI selection (new NSSIs to be instantiated)


4Service instantiation via CSMF portal resulting in NSI selection with manual inputs (existing NSSIs to be selected)NOT YET TESTED
5On-demand service activation from CSMF portal - service activation, NSI binding


6On-demand service activation from CSMF portal - service de-activationNOT YET TESTED
7Service instantiation with KPI monitoringNOT YET TESTED
8Service activation with KPI monitoringNOT YET TESTED
9Fetching KPI data from DCAE DB from PortalNOT YET TESTED


ONAP Network Slicing PoC for Frankfurt: presentation at the Use cases sub-committee meeting during Antwerp F2F on Sep 27, 2019

ONAP Network Slicing PoC for Frankfurt: presentation to Modeling sub-committees team on Aug 27, 2019

ONAP Network Slicing PoC for Frankfurt:

presentation to 5G use cases team on Aug 8, 2019

ONAP Network Slicing Next Steps (Frankfurt)

 ONAP Network Slicing Next Steps (Frankfurt) -

Presentation & Recording


  • No labels


  1. Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan   and I are working on updates to the proposal based on the feedback received during the presentation to the 5G use cases team (targeting Phase 1 for Frankfurt). We will also try to align with the efforts of Borislav Glozman as much as possible, though our focus at present is on slice orchestration & optimization, in a step-by-step manner. We will present the updated proposal in a few weeks.

  2. I'm unable to access CSARs attached to PPT. Could someone point me to those CSARs ?

    1. Borislav Glozman Would it be possible to upload the CSARs directly into the wiki ?

  3. May I ask what kind of the testing environment you are using? Can you give me more information about the simulator you are using for AN and CN?

    Many thanks~

  4. Benjamin Cheung

    We had developed some screens in VID for creation of NST and NSST based on the JSON format as defined is 3GPP 28.541. We would like to upsteam the same for R6 release. Can we discuss this during our next meeting on 10th Oct? 

    I guess, we would also need Borislav Glozman Swaminathan Seetharaman Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan in the call for their inputs.

    1. Guys, didn't chip in today since the call overran. But would like to discuss this thread during the next call on 17th Oct. I shall join 30 minutes later because of TSC call conflict. Request you to allocate some 10-15 minutes for this discussion. Thanks!

      Benjamin Cheung Borislav Glozman Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan Swaminathan Seetharaman