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Deprecated Terms are listed at the bottom of this page.

AAF: Application Authorization Framework

  • fine-grained authorization library and service; one of the OpenECOMP Common Services

AAI = A&AI: Active and Available Inventory (component of OpenECOMP runtime)

  • Real-time views of Resources, Services, Products, Customer Subscriptions, and their relationships

Akka: handles clustering (used by Brocade)

AJSC: see Java Service Container

APPC = APP-C: Application Controller (part of OpenECOMP)

  • Spelled "APP-C" in the <<DocRef: Application Controller (APP-C) API Guide>>, but spelled as both "APPC" and "APP-C" in the Application Controller User Guide
  • handles the life cycle management of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)

BPEL: Business Process Execution Language (OASIS Standard)

  • XML-based language that allows Web services in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to interconnect and share data.

BPMN: Business Process Model and Notation (Wikipedia) or Business Process Management Notation (OpenECOMP.pdf)

  • graphical representation for specifying business processes

BRMS: Business Rules Management System


  • commercial product built on top of OpenDaylight that has additional support and services (Brocade's site)

BSS: Business Support System

BVC: Brocade Vyatta Controller

  • old name of the controller that Brocade now calls Brocade SDN Controller now

CDAP: Cask Data Application Platform

  • open source framework to build and deploy data applications on Apache™ Hadoop® ( site)

CCD: Common Configuration Dashboard (application within OpenECOMP)


CI/CD: Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

  • continuous integration (CI) is the practice of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day (Wikipedia)
  • continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time (Wikipedia)

CMA: Change Management Application (within OpenECOMP)



  • manages the state of an Application, Infrastructure, or Network resource
  • single service/network domain scope

DCAE: Data Collection, Analytics and Events (component of OpenECOMP runtime)

DDoS: Distributed Denial-of-Service attack  (Wikipedia)

DG: Directed Graph

  • in OpenECOMP, it is the XML output of DG Builder. Directed graphs are used to encapsulate service logic. 

DG Builder: Directed Graph Builder

  • This is an OpenECOMP-customized version of Node-RED. It is a graphic editor used to generate the resulting XML files that are fed into SLI.

Disconnect: (Vendor specific)

  • disconnecting an existing connection sometimes called a delete
  • Total Disconnect - Disconnect all ports and VLAN from the Database (SDN-C) and Network (NCS)
  • VLAN Disconnect - Disconnect an active vlan from Database (SDN-C) and Network (NCS)
  • Soft Disconnect - Disable the interface for traffic to flow through without deleting the interface from the network 


  • the OpenDaylight community GUI (comes packaged with Brocade) (DLUX documentation)
  • typically not needed for OpenECOMP development

DMaap: Data Management as a Platform

  • a set of common services provided by OpenECOMP, including a Message Router, Data Router, and a Data Bus Controller

DME: Direct Messaging Engine (common service within OpenECOMP)

DNS: Domain Name System


  • containerization platform (link)

DPDK: Data Plane Development Kit

  • a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing ( Its optimizations could be used by VNFs requiring high packet processing speeds.

Drools: Red Hat's Business Rules Management System solution

EELF: Event and Error-Logging Framework (common service within OpenECOMP)

EMS: Element Management System (Wikipedia)

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute

FCAPS: Fault Configuration Accounting Performance Security

GBP: Group-Based Policy (


HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System


  • Java-based agent that runs on the same host as a Vector Packet Processor (VPP); manages the VPP by translating NETCONF/YANG or RESTCONF (link
  • used by vFirewall demonstration service within OpenECOMP

HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protococol

IAM/IDAM: Identity and Access Management

  • security and business discipline that "enables the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons" (Wikipedia)

ICE: Incubation and Certification Environment

  • for vendors and 3rd parties to develop Virtual Network Functions and other Resources using OpenECOMP and a network cloud

IDS: Intrusion Detection System (Wikipedia)

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force (

  • a standards body that creates the internet protocol standards.

IKE: Internet Key Exchange (Wikipedia)

IPS: Intrusion Prevention System (Wikipedia)

IPSEC: Internet Protocol Security (Wikipedia)

JSC: Java Service Container: (formerly AJSC)

  • OpenEcomp service container library and framework

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation


  • a container, sponsored by Apache, fully supporting OSGI with lots of extras (Apache page)

LCM: Life Cycle Management

LRM: Local Resource Monitor

MACD: (Vendor specific) Move Add Change Delete/Disconnect

  • an existing connection is being changed; thus, MACDs are also called change orders. The connection will have both operational and configuration data.

MANO: MANagement and Organization of NFV

MD-SAL: Model Driven Service Abstraction Layer

MR: Message Router (a Common Service of OpenECOMP)

MOP: Method of Procedure

  • set of deployment instructions

MOTS: Mechanized Operations Tracking System

MSO: Master Service Orchestrator (component of OpenECOMP runtime)

  • automates activities, tasks, rules and policies needed for on-demand creation, modification or removal of network, application or infrastructure services

NCSP: Network Cloud Service Provider

NEP: Network Equipment Provider

NETCONF: Network Configuration Protocol (Wikipedia)

network cloud:

  • a compute, storage, and network virtualization environment where the network integration and control scope extends beyond the data center

NFV: Network Function Virtualization (Wikipedia)

  • a network architecture concept that uses the technologies of IT virtualization to virtualize entire classes of network node functions into building blocks that may connect, or chain together, to create communication services
  • decouples the network functions, such as DNS, Caching, etc., from proprietary hardware appliances, so they can run in software to accelerate service innovation and provisioning, particularly within service provider environments.

NFVI: network functions virtualization infrastructure

NOD: Network On Demand


  • open-source project by IBM to graphically create flows that configure devices. Projects include managing a raspberry pi.  (official docs)

NS: Network Services

NS: (Vendor Specific) New Start

  • a new connection is being setup for the first time. There will only be configuration data until it is activated.

OA&M: Operations, Administration and Management


  • Nonprofit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society.


  •  in OpenECOMP, a bundling of Products with specific Marketing configurations

OMF: Operational Management Framework (of OpenECOMP)

OpenDaylight = ODL

OpenECOMP: Open-source Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management, and Policy


  • Open source software for creating private and public clouds (compute, network, and storage facilities) (

OPNFV: Open Platform for NFV Project


  • the definition and execution of workflows or processes to manage the completion of a task
  • will not involve human intervention/decision/guidance in the vast majority of cases

OSS: Operations Support System


  • a modular system and a service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model (OpenDaylight uses this) (Wikipedia)

PAP: Policy Administration Point (OpenECOMP)

PDP-x: Policy Decision Point - XACML (OpenECOMP)

PDP-d: Policy Decision Point - Drools (OpenECOMP)

PO: Platform Orchestrator

PNF: Physical Network Function

  • a network function that runs in a hardware appliance


  • OpenECOMP user interface; provides access to design, analytics and operational control/administration via a common role-based menu or dashboard. Includes SDK to drive UI consistency.


  • in OpenECOMP, a composition of Services

RCA: Root Cause Analysis

RCT: Reference Connection Tool


  • within Chef, the most fundamental configuration element (see the Style Guide)


  • in OpenECOMP, a fundamental capability

REST: REpresentational State Transfer (Wikipedia)


  • IETF draft that describes how to map a YANG specification to a RESTful interface. Read the IETF draft and see its current status here or here.

RO: Resource Orchestrator

RPC: Remote Procedure Call

SDC: Service Design and Creation (component of OpenECOMP for visual modeling and design)

SDN: Software-Defined Networking

SDNC = SDN-C: Software Defined Network Controller (part of OpenECOMP)

  • its operators accept Comma Separated Value files describing networks

SDN-GP: Software Defined Network - Global Platform


  • in OpenECOMP, a composition of Resources

SLA: Service Level Agreement

  • a contract between a service provider (either internal or external) and the end user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider. SLAs are output-based in that their purpose is specifically to define what the customer will receive.

SLI: Service Logic Interpreter

  • within the Application Controller (APP-C), executes Directed Graphs (DGs)

SME: Subject Matter Expert

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol

SOT: Source Of Truth

  • external system where data object originates

SR-IOV: Single-Root Input/Output Virtualization (Wikipedia)

  • network interface that allows the isolation of the PCI Express resources for manageability and performance reasons

SSH: Secure Shell

SUPP(Vendor Specific) short for supplement, changing a connection before activation

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

TEM: Telecom Electronics Manufacturer


  • a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to a software instance on a server (Wikipedia)

TOSCA: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (OASIS spec)

TPS: Transactions Per Second


UEB: Universal Event Broker, Universal Event Bus (NOT in OpenECOMP)

vCE: virtual CE (Customer Edge) router

VES: Virtual function Event Stream

  • OPNFV proposed standard common event data model for telemetry-related data (PowerPoint of proposal)
  • used by vFirewall OpenECOMP demonstration VNF to report heartbeats, faults, measurements, etc.
  • DCAE has a VES Collector

VF: Virtual Function

VFC: Virtualized Function Component (draft_OpenECOMP_0_1 p. 45)

  • the smallest granularity of function visible to OpenECOMP users (designers or operators)
  • component of a VSP
  • examples: Hypervisor, virtual machine recovery details, and cloning

VID: Virtual Infrastructure Deployment

  • instantiate services or components that are required by infrastructure customers (draft_OpenECOMP_u_g p 113)

VIM: Virtualized Infrastructure Manager

  • part of MANO
  • controls and manages the NFVI compute, storage, and network resources

VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network

VM: Virtual Machine

VNF: Virtual Network Function (link)

  • a virtualized task formerly carried out by proprietary, dedicated network hardware. (Examples: virtual firewall, virtual DNS.)
  • in OpenECOMP, a VNF is a Resource
  • a VNF is a specific kind of Vendor Software Product

VNFC: Virtual Network Function Component

  • a part of a VNF. It is a stand-alone executable that is loosely-coupled, granular, re-usable, and responsible for a single capability.

VNO: Virtual Network Operator

vPE: virtual PE (Provider Edge) router

VPP: Vector Packet Processing (link)

  • open-source version of Cisco's VPP
  • a platform that provides switch/router functionality
  • used by vPacketGenerator, vFirewall, and vLoadBalancer Virtual Network Functions in OpenECOMP

VSP: Vendor Software Product (from SDC Demo Guide)

  • example: a VNF
  • In OpenECOMP, a VSP is a Resource.

XACML++:  eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (OASIS standard, extended)

  • a declarative fine-grained, attribute-based access control policy language, an architecture, and a processing model describing how to evaluate access requests according to the rules defined in policies. It is an Attribute-Based Access Control system (ABAC), where attributes (bits of data) associated with a user or action or resource are inputs into the decision of whether a given user may access a given resource in a particular way.


  • machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages such as Perl and Python ( (Wikipedia)

YANG: A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)

Renamed ECOMP Terms (Delete this section on release)

A&AI: use AAI

AJSC: replace with JSC or Java Service Container

AT&T Service Design and Creation (ASDC): renamed to Service Design and Creation (SDC)

ECOMP: replace with OpenECOMP

Features of ECOMP that are not in OpenECOMP (Remove all references before OpenECOMP release)

See this page.

SDN-C Specific Terms

DHV - Dynamic Hybrid VPN formerly Hybrid Networking

NFoD - Network Functions on Demand

PLC - Port Level Class of Service

PNC - Private Network Connection

uCPE - AT&T Universal Customer Premises Equipment read more at the public PDF on the AT&T business site.

VIG - Virtual Interface/Interconnection Gateway

VPE - Virtual Provider Edge

VRF - Virtual Routing & Forwarding

SDN System Acronyms (Deprecated, not part of OpenECOMP; Delete this section on release)

SDN-CP - Software Defined Network - Controller Platform

SDN-GP - Software Defined Network - GUI Portal

SDN-GC - Software Defined Network - Global Controller

SDN-F - Software Defined Network - Fabric

SDN-MLC - Software Defined Network - Multi Layer Controller

SDN-U - Software Defined Network - Uverse

AT&T Terms (Deprecated, not part of OpenECOMP; delete this section at release)

1610: All references to AT&T Release Version numbers, such as this one, will be removed. There will be a new version numbering scheme with OpenECOMP.

AIC: AT&T Integrated Cloud: replace with "cloud" or "network cloud"

AT&T: omit

AOTS-CM - One Ticket System - Change Management

AOTS-TM - One Ticket System - Trouble Management

ASPR: AT&T Security Policy and Requirements (link to public document)

  • a comprehensive set of security control standards based in part on leading industry standards such as ISO/IEC 27001:200
  • proprietary to AT&T and are not generally disclosed to any organization or entity external to the AT&T corporate family

ASTRA: Web application firewall provided by Czar Securities and developed by AT&T (not part of OpenECOMP)

C-BUS - Collaboration Bus

CCD - Common Configuration Dashboard <<same as Dashboard? If so, promote>>

D2 = Domain 2.0

  • Vendor's program to leverage cloud technologies and network virtualization, to offer services while reducing Capital and Operations expenditures and achieving significant levels of operational automation

EIPAM - Enterprise IP Address Management

INSTAR (sometimes used interchangeably with LPP)

LPP - Logical Provisioning Platform consists of INSTAR, ICORE and other sub-components. LPP has no mots id, they use either INSTAR or ICORE.

NCS - Network Control System

PHS - Phone Home Server

SSP: facilitates creation of a tenant (or container) in which service resources are stored in AIC

UEB - Universal Event Broker 

VID - Virtual Infrastructure Deployment

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