Stability tests are part of the weekly tests. See

Log on the weekly lab

A script shall be able on /home/debian/

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright Oranges (c) 2021 All rights reserved
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

# This script will do the following:
# 1. prepare the benchmark env
# 2. clone onaptests_bench
# 3. run 2 tests:
# - 5 // onboarding during 24h (basic_onboard)
# - 10 // instantiation using a_la_carte bpmn during 24h (basic_vm)
# 4. push results via lftools taking ARCHIVES_LOCATION as argument.
#    Requires CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT, $POD, $LF_RESULTS_BACKUP vars to be set
# Dependencies:
# - python3-venv
# - libssl-dev
# - onaptests_bench

set -euxo pipefail


prepare_stability_tests() {
  # current release has bug with image name parsing, need to install
  # from source until release (end of March 2021)
  local stability_tests_location=$1

  cd /tmp
  echo "Create virtualenv to launch stability tests"
  python3 -m venv stability_tests_env
  cd stability_tests_env
  . bin/activate
  echo "Install onaptests_bench as a python module"
  pip install pip --upgrade
  pip install --no-cache-dir git+

launch_stability_tests() {
  local stability_tests_location=$1
  cd /tmp/stability_tests_env
  . bin/activate
  # Tests are launched sequentially
  echo "===========> Launch Instantiation stability test"
  run_stability_tests -t basic_vm -s 10 -d 1440 -r $RESULTS_STABILITY_INSTANTIATION
  echo "===========> Launch SDC stability test"
  run_stability_tests -t basic_onboard -s 5 -d 1440 -r $RESULTS_STABILITY_SDC

push_results() {
  local archives_location=$1
  local nexus_url=""
  local nexus_path="onap-integration/weekly/$POD/$(date -d${CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT} +'%Y-%m')/$(date -d${CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT} +'%d_%H-%M')"
  sudo chown -Rf debian:debian $ARCHIVES_LOCATION
  echo "===========> Send Result to LF Backend"
  echo "nexus url:"$nexus_url
  echo "nexus_path"$nexus_path
  lftools deploy archives $nexus_url $nexus_path $archives_location

echo "Prepare stability tests"
prepare_stability_tests $STABILITY_TESTS_LOCATION

launch_stability_tests $STABILITY_TESTS_LOCATION

echo "push results to LF backend.."
push_results ${ARCHIVES_LOCATION}

# Once the stability tests results have been pushed to LF, we can
# - sync the results of the tests checking the versions
# - start the resiliency tests

# push the versions if results exist
if [ -f /dockerdata-nfs/onap/integration/security/versions/versions_reporting.html ]; then
  mkdir -p /tmp/versions/archives/security/versions/
  cp  /dockerdata-nfs/onap/integration/security/versions/versions_reporting.html /tmp/versions/archives/security/versions/versions.html
  push_results /tmp/versions

# execute the resiliency tests then push the results to LF backend
cd /tmp/resiliency
if [ -f  /tmp/resiliency/reporting_chaos.html ]; then
  mkdir -p /tmp/resiliency/archives/resiliency
  cp  /tmp/resiliency/reporting_chaos.html /tmp/resiliency/archives/resiliency/reporting_chaos.html
  push_results /tmp/resiliency

The script includes the fact to push the results to the LF log backend as well as pushing the versions results (CI finished before the end of the test). But concretely running a stability script can be summarized at

The run command can be described as follows:

(venvstability) debian@control01-onap-master:~$ run_stability_tests -h
usage: run_stability_tests [-h]
                           [-t {basic_onboard,basic_vm,basic_vm_macro,basic_network,basic_cnf}]
                           [-s SIMU] [-d DURATION] [-r REPORTING] [-i IP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {basic_onboard,basic_vm,basic_vm_macro,basic_network,basic_cnf}, --test {basic_onboard,basic_vm,basic_vm_macro,basic_network,basic_cnf}
                        Select your test (basic_onboard, basic_vm,
                        basic_network, basic_cnf).If not set, basic_onboarding
                        is considered
  -s SIMU, --simu SIMU  Number of simultaneous tests
  -d DURATION, --duration DURATION
                        Test duration (in minutes)
  -r REPORTING, --reporting REPORTING
                        Result directory
  -i IP, --ip IP        Cluster IP

It fully assumes that daily tests have been it reused the resources created in /tmp/xtesting/smoke-usecases/basic_vm and in /tmp/xtesting/smoke-usecases/basic_sdc.

Onap_tests_bench "just" starts N dockers in parallel, wait for the completion and re-run as long as specified.

At the end of the duration tests, it generates reporting pages

Only the tests whose name is randomly chosen can be used (to be parallelized).

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