This was the first meeting POMBA, a subproject of the Logging Project

  • Sharon provided a basic introduction to POMBA and our current status
  • Additional Notes
    • Proposed Meeting Format
      • Status & Stucks

      • Technical Deep dive

        • Includes demos, when available

      • ONAP demos, even if just in code review

    • Status and Stucks
      • Seed code in progress

        • Some check ins and code reviews already

      • Current issues with Linux Foundation - CLM job refactor – wars and jobs not getting pushed Nexus

        • Common jar not up, 5 other containers are now blocked

        • Once fixed, should unblock code

        • Updates made, but perhaps not fixed yet.

        • Other components are also not getting latest version, but may not notice

        • Michael and Prudence are working this

    • Technical Deep Dive
      • There was discussion on the different between the context aggregator and A&AI Enrichment
        • Enrichment combines information about a given resource from multiple sources into a single representation
        • Context aggregator combines information about a given resource, but keeps them separate to facilitate comparison
      • Common Model
        • POMBA has its own model, but plans to migrate to the common model when available. The versioned API will help this transition
        • Sharon will ensure that model members are familiar with our current model
        • There are plans for a common data management platform for Dublin
    • Making the PTL Happy
      • Not this week (smile)