
  • Status and Stucks
  • Technical Discussion
  • Making the PTL Happy


  • Status and Stucks
    • Current POMBA Casablanca Stories (Logging Project) -

    • Current Code Inspections

    • POMBA hourly healthcheck (CD deployment) -
    • Jenkins Jobs Issue
      • Status
        • As of last night, only one release job is not running is Network Discovery, and this is because SDNC has not released widget we are dependent on.
          • Not this project, but will eventually get resolved.
    • General Status
      • Casablanca
        • Done. Just wiki updates for rules is open
        • No open bugs?
          • Resource limit. James is working on, related to OOM charts. Will submit later this morning.
        • Note the validator had some CLM security findings in the A&AI project, and these have been done
          • licenses, policy, etc.
      • Dublin
        • Work done for SDNC Context builder, but can't merge right now.
        • Working on SDNC Mapping. Will post to wiki when a bit more mature.
        • Sharon to double check backlog is in good shape.
    • Engage Integration Team now?
      • Waiting for a merge from A&AI
        • merge, but tested?
        • stability issues resolved.
      • Should be good to go now.
      • Sharon will follow up with Brian and Integration team.
  • Technical Discussion
    • None this week
    • SDNC Mapping next week
  • Making the PTL Happy
  • No labels