TC ID | TC Name | Status | Comment | |
PNF-POB-OB-1 | Test Pre-Onboarding of Vendor Supplied Package in VNF-SDK | COMPLETED | Tested successfully for PNF package csar/zip validation in local VTP using Ericsson sample packages and generic sample packages as indicated at top of 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Cases page. | |
PNF requirement test (including negative tests) CLI commands with • oclip --product onap-vtp csar-validate-r<xxxxxx> --pnf –csar <csar_location> (where xxxxxx is the requirement number) • oclip --product onap-vtp csar-validate --pnf –csar <csar_location> | R-87234 TOSCA-Metadata directory as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL004. | Tested with TOSCA_Metadata_missing.csar. Output error message is not clear to see the cause. e.g. expected - Missing. Directory [TOSCA-Metadata]. | ||
moved to PNF-POB-OB-3 - test uses official VNF-SDK API | ||||
R-146092 (MODIFIED of) Manifest file in this CSAR package **MUST** contain: non-MANO artifact set | Bug reported in Jira. Tested with non_mano_artifact_sets_is_mandatory.csar. | |||
R-57019 pnfd_provider - pnfd_name - pnfd_release_date_time - pnfd_archive_version | Test ongoing in local VTP with no_pnfd_release_date_time_error.csar. | |||
R-787965 If the VNF or PNF CSAR Package utilizes Option 2 for package security, then the complete CSAR file **MUST** be digitally signed with the VNF or PNF provider private key | Tested with indicated sample package in 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Cases page. | |||
R-10087 PNF CSAR package **MUST** include all artifacts required by ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 including Manifest file, VNFD or PNFD | COMPLETED | Similarly as R-293901, tested missing PNFD with PNFD_missing.csar. | ||
PNF-POB-OB-2 | Test Onboarding of Vendor Supplied Package in SDC | COMPLETED | Tested successfully on latest Dublin ONAP deployment in Ericsson and WindRiver labs using sample packages as indicated at top of 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Cases page. | |
PNF-POB-OB-3 | Test Pre-Onboarding of Vendor Supplied Package in (offline) VNF Test Platform installed according to | |||
R-293901 TOSCA-Metadata **MUST** include following additional keywords pointing to TOSCA files: - ETSI-Entry-Manifest - ETSI-Entry-Change-Log | COMPLETED | Tested with noETSI-Entry-Manifest or ETSI-Entry-Change-Log.csar. Bogumil Zebek The command without requirement number is not working in our environment. However is working on Nokia site. As we haven't managed to verify this, can you set it to completed? Output for noETSI-Entry-Manifest or ETSI-Entry-Change-Log.csar is output.json | ||
Tested successfully for PNF package csar/zip validation in local VTP using Ericsson sample packages and generic sample packages as indicated at top of 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Cases page. output for sample-pnf-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.csar output for | In VNFSDK key name in non_mano_artifact_set is written with a lower case "source" as standard SOL004 define it as "Source" In VNFSDK non mano artifact type name is used "onap_yang_module:" however in samples from gerrit is used "onap_yang_modules:" As SOL004 says it need to be agreed on ETSI level - what is the official name? |