High level steps

  1. run daexim to export mdsal
  2. run sqldump to export mariadb data (just in case)
  3. copy the files to backup directory
  4. helm delete/undelply --purge of sdnc
  5. cleanup k8 pvc, pv, secrets (modify cleanup.sh to not remove mariadb database
  6. DON'T remove dockerdata-nfs data
  7. helm deploy dev-sdnc .... for normal upgrade
  8. copy daexim json file to dockerdata-nfs/dev-sdnc/sdnc/mdsal0 if you mistakenly removed the dockerdata-nfs
  9. run daexim import of mdsal
  10. if mariadb was cleaned run mysqldump to import the databsase backup

Export Script (exportMdsal.sh)

Replace ODL_IP with your k8 host IP of sdnc-0 or set  ODL_IP in your environment

#! /bin/bash


curl -s -S -k -v -X POST -u ${ODL_USER}:${ODL_PWD} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "input": { "data-export-import:run-at": 10, "data-export-import:local-node-only": false } }' https://${ODL_IP}:30267/restconf/operations/data-export-import:schedule-export | python -mjson.tool

Import Script (importMdsal.sh)

Replace ODL_IP with your k8 host IP of sdnc-0 or set  ODL_IP in your environment

Make sure the backup json files are in /dockerdata-nfs/dev-sdnc/sdnc/mdsal0

root@release-nfs:~/sdnc# ls -l /dockerdata-nfs/dev-sdnc/sdnc/mdsal0
total 388
drwxr-xr-x 2 systemd-network systemd-journal 4096 Oct 7 05:30 boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-network systemd-journal 240673 Oct 10 15:25 odl_backup_config.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-network systemd-journal 5649 Oct 10 15:25 odl_backup_models.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-network systemd-journal 141530 Oct 10 15:25 odl_backup_operational.json

#! /bin/bash


curl -s -S -k -v -X POST -u ${ODL_USER}:${ODL_PWD} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "input" : { "check-models" : true, "clear-stores" : "all" } }' https://${ODL_IP}:30267/restconf/operations/data-export-import:immediate-import

If you get an error on netconf clustering not found make sure that the clustering:true setting is the same in both the export and the import ODL.

Mariadb Export/Dump

Log into the mariadb container via kubectl exec -it ...

         mysqldump -u sdnctl -p sdnctl > sdnctl.dump

[kubectl cp sdnctl.dump out of the container]

Mariadb Import

Copy the dump into the mariadb container

Log into the mariadb container via kubectl exec -it

          mysql -u sdnctl -p sdnctl < sdnctl.dump

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