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The Open Source UML tool Papyrus is a plug-in for the Open Source integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse.

GenDoc is the associated tool that allows you to output a model in Papyrus into a word document. The artifacts in the output (diagrams, classes, datatypes, etc.) can be copy/pasted directly into a model project's wiki page.

The Gendoc plugin is used in conjunction with a document template. The template contains instructions that enable generation of a Microsoft Word document. The document can include extracts from the model such as diagrams, class definitions, attribute definitions along with their stereotypes etc as well as figures and text directly entered into the template.


Note that it's possible to install more than one version of Eclipse on the same machine. Each can then have its own version of Papyrus and GenDoc.

Current ONAP modelling tool versions

  • Eclipse: version 4.8 "Photon"
  • Note that Eclipse Photon requires a 1.8 compatible JVM
  • Papyrus: version 4.0.0
  • GenDoc: version 0.6.0

Test Version (2019-09-30)

  • Eclipse: version 2019-09 R (4.13.0) - Build 20190917-1200
  • Papyrus: version 4.5.0 (Build
  • Gendoc: version 0.72 (build

      Testing of this version still results in an error with gendoc - it will not generate documents where the path to the Papyrus files have a space in it.

Checking the version of Eclipse

  • To verify you have the correct version of Eclipse, go to "Help" → "About Eclipse".
  • A popup window should appear that looks something like this: 

Checking the version of Papyrus

  • To verify you have the correct version of Papyrus, open the version information for Eclipse (see above).
  • Click on "Installation Details" to see something like these:

Checking the version of GenDoc

  • To verify you have the correct version of Papyrus, open the version information for Eclipse (see above).
  • Click on "Installation Details" to see something like these:

Checking compatibility between Eclipse and Papyrus versions

Each version of Eclipse has a corresponding Papyrus version that it supports.

To see the version mapping go to:

How to find the update site for previous Papyrus releases

Update Site for Papyrus Photon

Installing Eclipse Modelling Tools

  • Eclipse “Photon” Modeling Tools package version 4.8 can be downloaded from here:
  • Select the download link that is appropriate for the machine on which you will be making the install, ex. "Windows 64-bit".
  • This results in the download of a zip file.
  • Extract the contents of the zip file to a directory from which you will start Eclipse. On a PC, "Program Files" is always a good option.
  • The content of the extracted files should look something like this:

Contents of Eclipse zip file

  • To launch eclipse, double-click on the "eclipse.exe" file.
    • For convenience, you may want to create a shortcut to eclipse.exe on your desktop or (for PC) pin it to your start menu
  • When Eclipse starts coming up, it will prompt you for a "Workspace", providing a default that you can override. The workspace is where the Eclipse projects, with associated models, will be stored. 
  • When Eclipse fully comes up, you can close the Welcome tab.

Installing Papyrus within Eclipse

  • Papyrus Photon version 4.0.0 can be downloaded from here:
  • Scroll down the page, click on "Previous Releases Update Sites", and copy the URL of the update site for "Papyrus Photon 4.0.0". Should be something like:
  • Now go back into Eclipse and select "Help"→"Install new software". An "Available Software" screen comes up.
  • Paste the URL of the update site into the "Work with:" box and hit enter.
  • There should be multiple "Papyrus" related packages available to install. Select only the box: "Papyrus" and make sure the others are not selected:

  • Click "Next". The installation will check for dependencies and requirements. You will get a screen indicating what will be installed:
    • Papyrus for UML
    • Papyrus for UML Developer Resources
  • Click "Next". The install will then prompt you to "Accept" the license agreement.
  • Once accepted, you can select "Finish" and the installation process continues.
  • Note: The installation might take a while, and perhaps even appear to hang for a while. You can see install progress in the lower right hand corner of Eclipse .

  • When the installation is finished, restart Eclipse to begin to use Papyrus. You may get a popup asking if you want to restart.
  • Go to "Window"→"Perspective"→"Open Perspective"→"Other" and select Papyrus. You will now be in the Papyrus perspective where you can begin to use Papyrus.

Installing GenDoc within Eclipse

  • In Eclipse, go to "Help" → "Install new software". An "Available Software" screen comes up.
  • Paste the GenDoc update site in the "Work with" section and hit enter. The "gendoc" package should show:

  • Select the Gendoc package and hit "Next".
  • Follow the instructions to complete the installation. Note: You may get a warning message about installing software that contains unsigned content - select "Install anyway".
  • When the installation is finished, restart Eclipse to begin to use GenDoc.

Tips and Tricks in Eclipse


A workspace is a directory where Eclipse projects, with associated models and files, are stored. It's possible to have several workspaces, but only one is active at a time. Preferences for Eclipse and its plugins are also local to a workspace.

Important: if you open a workspace in a different version of Eclipse than previously used, Eclipse will update the workspace to match that version.

  • When Eclipse starts, a popup window normally asks you to select a Workspace, with many different options for selection:

    • You can also create a new workspace by writing in a new directory name in the Workspace field.
  • Within Eclipse, you can switch between workspaces by going to go to "File"→"Switch Workspace". 
    • Clicking "Other..." brings up a popup window similar to the one shown on startup, but that also allows you to copy workspace settings from the current workspace to a new one.
  • Note: It's possible to delete a workspace by simply deleting its directory when it is not active in Eclipse. This will delete all content that is stored locally there!!!


A perspective is a view in Eclipse that contains a series of selection and content editor areas. The perspective has an initial layout that you can change by collapsing, expanding or moving around the different areas.

  • Eclipse has a number of pre-defined perspectives associated with different tasks and plugins. In ONAP we mainly use the perspectives for Papyrus and for Git.
  • To change perspective, go to "Window→Perspective→Open Perspective→Other" on the top of your screen and then select the perspective that you want to use:
  • Another quick way to change perspective exists on the top right side of your screen. Next to the "Quick Access" bar, you will see a number of small icons:
    • Select the icon for the perspective that you want to use. The storage/cylinder icon marked "GIT" is for Git, and the bird icon is for Papyrus.
    • If you don't see the icon for the perspective that you want to use, clicking the icon with the "+" to the left of the predefined perspectives brings you to the same popup window as going to "Window→Perspective→Open Perspective→Other".

Using the ONAP Model with Gerrit

First-time Setup

This process must be followed if you have never used the Eclipse/Git function with Gerrit.

Setup of RSA Keys in Eclipse

  • You must first generate an SSH key within Eclipse/Papyrus.
  • Go to "Window→ Preferences→ General→ Network Connection→ SSH2"
  • Select the tab "Key Management" and choose "Generate RSA Key"


  • The system will generate a key for you and place the key in the same window. Select "Save private key" which will save your key as id_rsa.
  • Note:  You may be asked if you want to save this private key without passphrase protection - select OK.

  • A window will pop up with a location and a name for the key - just click Save.

  • Before you hit "Apply and Close", "copy/paste" that key so that you can upload it into Gerrit.

Uploading an RSA key from Eclipse into ONAP Gerrit

  • Login to Gerrit (
  • Click your name at the top right.
  • Go to Settings → SSH Public Keys
  • Click Add Key.
  • Go back to Eclipse and go to "Window→ Preferences→ General→ Network Connection→ SSH2" → LOAD EXISTING KEY
  • Paste the text of your public key into the text box.
  • Click Add.

ONAP Gerrit user setup in Eclipse

To be able to push model changes to Gerrit, your "committer" user information in Eclipse/Git must correspond to the user name and email you have associated with your Gerrit account. 

  • To see these settings in Gerrit (, click on the drop down next to your name and choose "settings". You will see your user name and email.
  • To check the committer information being filled in by Git in Eclipse, go to Eclipse and go to: Window → Preferences → Team → Git-Configuration → User Settings
  • If User Settings is empty or the information doesn't match your settings in Gerrit, you will need to update your User Settings. Sometimes on an initial setup, your settings may not be writable.
    • First check that the Location field points at a valid Git config file. If you're unsure, click on "Open". This should open the .gitconfig file in the background in Eclipse.
      • Note: if you want to switch to the opened file and see its contents, you'll need to close the settings window and reopen it.
    • If the specified .gitconfig file isn't valid and writable, you may be able to fix this by exiting Eclipse, specifying your home directory in Windows, and reopening Eclipse. Follow the instructions here:
  • Once your User Settings are editable:
    • Select "add entry". Type in as a key "" and provide your user name from Gerrit.
    • Then select "add entry" again, type in "" as a key and provide your email from Gerrit.

Cloning the Model

The ONAP model currently resides in Gerrit in the modeling/modelspec repository. In order to download the model to your machine, to either visualize it or make updates, you will need to clone it in Eclipse/Git.

  • Bring up the Eclipse/Papyrus that you installed in the previous steps, if you haven't done so already.
    • Note: you may have to CLOSE THE ECLIPSE WELCOME PAGE.
    • Note: If you were previously using Papyrus ONAP model when it was in a "Private" GitHub, you will have to select that repository, right click, and select "Delete Repository". Make sure you delete all files.
  • Go to the Git Perspective by selecting "Window"→"Perspective"→"Open Perspective"→"Other..." on the top of your screen and then select "Git".
  • Once in the Git perspective, your screen should have the following on top:


  • Select the "cloud" icon with a repository and a green arrow. This is your "clone repository" function in Git:
  • In the popup window, you need to supply the URI for the Source Git Repository. The format of that URI is ssh://{LF Userid}
    • Ex. ssh://
    • Based upon what you have just entered, the rest of the screen gets populated with the correct info. It should look something like this:
  • Make sure to fill in User and Password with your LF Userid and password. Once the screen is filled in, select "Next".
  • It will then prompt you for the branches to select. Choose: "master" (DESELECT everything else) and click "Next". The popup should looks like this:
  • You will then be prompted to select a local directory on your machine into which the model should be loaded. It can be any location you want, and not necessarily the workspace you are using for Eclipse/Papyrus projects.  As an "initial branch", select "master". Check the box "Import all existing Eclipse projects...".  Your screen at this point should look like this:
  • If you forget to check the box to import all existing Eclipse projects, you will not see the project in the Papyrus perspective.
    • To fix this, go to the Git perspective, select the repository name or the Working Tree, then right-click and select "Import projects...".
  • Note: If some step in this process doesn't work, you may have to exit your corporate VPN or, alternatively, set up a proxy access gerrit:
    • Go to "Window"→"Preferences"→"General"→"Network Connections"
    • Edit the entries for HTTP and HTTPS that have "Provider" preset to Manual. For both, set the URL for your proxy under "Host" and its port under "Port".
  • Select "Finish".
    • For a first-time setup, you may get the following message. Select "Yes".
  • The cloning process should complete, and the repository should be created on your local machine. If you encounter errors, contact the ONAP model administrator to get help.
  • The view below shows an example of the newly created repository which has been opened up down to the level of the "Local" folder. Only the "master" branch should show up as your "Local".


Viewing the Model in Papyrus

Once you have successfully cloned the ONAP model, you can now view it in Papyrus.

  • Go to the Papyrus perspective by selecting  "Window"→"Perspective"→"Open Perspective"→ "Other..." on the top of your screen and then select "Papyrus".
  • This perspective should show a "Project Explorer" on the left side of the screen that looks like this:

  • You should see your newly created Eclipse/Papyrus project in the "Project Explorer" on the left side of the screen. (ignore the question mark, it shouldn't be there)

  • The text in light brown is telling you that your project is in the modelspec repository you just created, in the branch "master". Note that all model work is being performed in the "master" branch.
  • If you open up the ONAP Information Model folder (click on the ">" to open/explore the Model), you will see:
  • Here is a description of what you have in the ONAP Information Model. Each of the "green birds" represent a Papyrus model. Aside from the Profiles, you have the overall "model" that is composed of "sub-models". Each of the "sub-models" has a model editor that is responsible for editing the model and uploading the changes into Gerrit/Git. Note: two people can not be editing a "sub-model" without clearly communicated coordination, otherwise "model conflicts" arise. 
    • GenDoc  - This is where the GenDoc templates reside for creating an output of the model in Word                     
    • StyleSheets - These are CSS stylesheets to use when formatting the model                                                              
    • Common - The common submodel of the model (where artifacts used by multiple sub-models are stored)           
    • Infrastructure -  The infrastructure submodel where the multi-cloud artifacts are stored                                          
    • model - This is the "umbrella" ONAP model that contains all the submodels                                                            
    • Nf - Network Function submodel                                                                                                                                
    • Ns - Network Service submodel                                                                                                                                  
    • OpenModel_Profile.profile - Contains IISOMI stereotypes                                                                                                                                     
    • Party - The party submodel for party related artifacts                                                                                                 
    • Pnf - The Pnf submodel where PNFD resides                                                                                                               
    • Resource - The resource submodel for resource related artifacts                                                                                
    • Service - The service submodel for service related artifacts                                                                                         
    • Vnf - The Vnf submodel for Vnf specific artifacts
  • To see the entire model, double-click on "model". The model will open up in the model explorer which is on the left side of the screen in the center:


  • The icon with the triangle saying "model" represents the entire ONAP model. The icons with a little arrow coming out of a circle represent the sub-models.
  • Open up any sub-model like you would a folder, and you will see something like the following (in this example it is the Vnf sub-model)
  • Each sub-model has the following types of packages
    • Associations - Contains all associations used in diagrams.
    • Diagrams - Contains UML diagrams
    • Interfaces - Contains Component, Interface, and Operation artifacts (usually empty for now)
    • ObjectClasses - Contains all class definitions
    • TypeDefinitions - Contains all DataTypes and Enumerations.
  • Start viewing the model by selecting any diagram, i.e. in the Vnf → Diagrams package.
  • Here's a little trick for seeing the associated artifacts in the diagram. In the model explorer bar you will see two arrows opposing each other. Select that double-arrow option:


  • What this means, is when you select any artifact on a diagram, i.e. a "Class", the model explorer takes you directly to that artifact in the model explorer tree.
  • Now, explore the model yourself by taking a look at all the class diagrams in the sub-models! Note, some of the sub-models are currently empty.

Updating the Model in Gerrit

  • Only approved model editors can update the working branch in Gerrit. To be a model editor you must undergo Papyrus training.
    • Current model editors for each submodel are specified here.
  • Once you have finished making your model changes, make sure you "save" them in Papyrus, by selecting "File→ Save", or select the Save icon.
  • If this is a first-time that you're updating the model, make sure that you first have set up the user information for Gerrit properly: ONAP Gerrit user setup in Eclipse
  • Next, go to the "Git" perspective to select the files you have changed and prepare them for uploading to Gerrit.
    • Go to the Git perspective by selecting  "Window->Perspective→Open Perspective→Other" on the top of your screen and then select "Git".
    • Once in the Git Perspective, select the repository where you have changed the files.
    • Select the "Git Staging" tab in the lower right hand portion of your screen (it might also be on the right-hand side of your screen based on your layout)
      It looks like this: with a little green down-arrow
    • You will see the files that you have changed in the "Unstaged changes". Note: If there is a file there that you did not intend to change, right-click on that file and select "Replace with HEAD revision". That will revert any unwanted changes you may have made.
    • STAGE CHANGES: Select the files that you did change, right-click and select "Add to index", Or, as a shortcut, you can select the little green "plus" sign that will add the files for you:


    • The Git Staging window looks like this:
    • after you hit the green "++" it looks like this:
    • Once they have been added, they will show up in the "Staged Changes
    • COMMIT MESSAGE: Next you will need to prepare to "Commit and Push" your changes. Position your cursor in the "Commit Message" window
    • Add a commit message indicating the change you have done, i.e. "Added new diagram to service model" then carriage return twice so that you will have a blank line after your message.
    • You can then optionally add a more detailed message about the change.
    • JIRA TICKET: Next, you will have to associate the change to a JIRA ticket. Add on the line after the blank line:  Issue-ID: MODELING-104
    • Note that there is a blank between ":" and "M".  The JIRA ticket MODELING-104 is a general ticket for changes to the working branch.
    • Note that Git will generate a "Change id" for you, so you don't need to manually add one.
    • SIGNOFF (PENCIL) ICON: Then you will need to "Sign-off" on the change by selecting the "Sign-off" button. This is the "Pen" icon next to the "Commit Message". Select that icon


    • Now you are ready to select "Commit and Push". This commits your local changes and pushes them to the remote Gerrit repository (which should be the working branch)
    • Note that the "committer" above must correspond to the user name and email you have associated to your Gerrit account. If they don't, follow the instructions here: ONAP Gerrit user setup in Eclipse
    • After you hit the commit and push you will see this popup:
    • Once your changes have been successfully committed and pushed to Gerrit, you will see the results:


    • This window display the Gerrit identifier (in this case 59893) associated to the change.
    • Next you will have to go to Gerrit at: and login to Gerrit
    • You can then see the change you have made. Select that change. You will then need to "add" the name of the person to approve that change.
    • Approvers are Deng Hui together with the model owner, if you are updating a model for which you are not the owner.

    • Once the change has been committed, you will receive an email confirmation of the commit.
    • Note: If your commit and push fails for any reason, once you have fixed the problem, you can resend the request by selecting the "Amend (Edit previous commit)" icon in the Commit Message bar.

Recovering from a Failed Push to Gerrit

Export the ONAP Model

Export to a Word Document

GenDoc is a plugin to Eclipse/Papyrus that enables you to output the model to a Word document. (See installation instructions for the GenDoc plug-in above.)

Updating the GenDoc Template

  • Generic GenDoc templates are provided in the GenDoc folder of the ONAP model. Each template is a Word document itself that contains GenDoc instructions.
    • The template commonly used for model output is called "ONAP GenDoc Template.docx". 
  • You can open the template directly in Eclipse by right-clicking the template and choosing "Open With", and then the editor you want to use.
    • To open the template in Word outside of the Eclipse environment, select "System Editor".
  • There are two things in this template that you need to update before exporting the model:
    • Find the key "model_name" and fill in the name of the model that you want to export. This needs to be changed whenever you export a different sub-model.
      • Ex.<param key='model_name' value='Pnf'/><drop/>
    • Find the key "user_path" and fill in the name of the directory of your workspace. This only needs to be changed when opening the model in a new workspace.
      • Ex. <param key='user_path' value='D:\eclipse-workspace\ONAP_IM'/><drop/>
    • Note: Don't "push" the updated GenDoc template which contains your specific information, unless you are also changing something in the body of the template itself

Running the GenDoc template

  • Once you have updated the GenDoc template, right-click on the template file and select "Generate documentation using Gendoc"
  • The GenDoc utility is invoked and the template is run.
  • By default, the template creates a directory "GenDoc_output" in your workspace, if it doesn't already exist.
  • It then creates a Word doc that contains the model name and the current date-time in its name.
  • To see the newly directory and file, select "File"→"Refresh".

  • As an alternative:
    • Create your own private folder for the Gendoc template by selecting  "File"→"New"→"Folder". Give the folder a name.
    • Then select "File"→"Import"→"File System" and import the Gendoc template from your "ONAP Information Model"/Gendoc directory .
    • This imported file is now your own private copy. You can run the template using the same procedure described above.

Export to an Excel File

Papyrus provides the capability to export fragments of the model to tables.

Creating a table

  • In the Model Explorer, right-click on the folder containing the UML artifacts you want to output (for example "Common"→"Root"→"RootObjectClasses") and select an option under "New Table".
    • Papyrus proposes different formats for your table, such as Class Tree Table, Generic Tree Table, as well as a configuration utility to create your own table format.
    • For the purposes of this example, select "Class Tree Table". 
  • The table artifact will be stored in the folder you selected above, using the name you provided when you created the table.
  • The "Class Tree Table" will be automatically opened up when it is created and will look like this:
  • Now, in the Model Explorer, select all the classes you which to put in the table and "drag/drop" them into the table. 
    • Note: Another option to create a table is to first select the UML artifacts you wish to output, then right-click and select New Table.
  • Select the table contents and right-click and select  "Expand all for selection". The table will look something like this:


Putting a table into Excel

  • You can then "copy/paste" your table to an Excel spreadsheet, or just keep the table in Papyrus for future reference.


  • No labels