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pom.xml :

Open Source Code

Open Source Code NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)

Open Source Library

Open Source Library NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward of License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)
swagger-core1.5.18(see name)Apache-2.0

swagger-annotations1.5.18(see name)Apache-2.0

tomcat-embed-core9.0.19(see name)Apache-2.0

tomcat-embed-el9.0.17(see name)Apache-2.0

tomcat-embed-annotations-api 9.0.17(see name)Apache-2.0

Spring Aspects5.1.6(see name)Apache-2.0

Spring  Data JPA 2.1.6(see name)Apache-2.0

Spring Boot Starter 2.1.4(see name)Apache-2.0

com.bazaarvoice.jolt : jolt-core : 0.1.0(see name)Apache-2.0

com.bazaarvoice.jolt : json-utils : 0.1.0(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml : classmate : 1.4.0(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-annotations : 2.9.0(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-core : 2.9.8(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind : 2.9.8(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat : jackson-dataformat-yaml : 2.9.8(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype : jackson-datatype-jdk8 : 2.9.8(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype : jackson-datatype-jsr310 : 2.9.8 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

com.fasterxml.jackson.module : jackson-module-parameter-names : 2.9.8(see name)Apache-2.0 : jsr305 : 3.0.2(see name)Apache-2.0 : gson : 2.8.5(see name)Apache-2.0 : error_prone_annotations : 2.2.0(see name)Apache-2.0 : failureaccess : 1.0 Open(see name)Apache-2.0 : guava : 27.0-jre Open(see name)Apache-2.0 : j2objc-annotations : 1.1(see name)Apache-2.0

com.squareup.okhttp3 : okhttp : 3.14.1(see name)Apache-2.0

com.squareup.okio : okio : 1.17.2(see name)Apache-2.0

com.squareup.retrofit2 : retrofit : 2.3.0(see name)Apache-2.0

com.zaxxer : HikariCP : 3.2.0(see name)Apache-2.0

commons-beanutils : commons-beanutils : 1.9.3(see name)Apache-2.0

commons-codec : commons-codec : 1.12 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

commons-collections : commons-collections : 3.2.2(see name)Apache-2.0

commons-io : commons-io : 1.3.2(see name)Apache-2.0

commons-logging : commons-logging : 1.2(see name)Apache-2.0

io.swagger : swagger-annotations : 1.5.18(see name)Apache-2.0

io.swagger : swagger-core : 1.5.18(see name)Apache-2.0

io.swagger : swagger-models : 1.5.18(see name)Apache-2.0

javax.inject : javax.inject : 1(see name)Apache-2.0

javax.validation : validation-api : 2.0.1.Final(see name)Apache-2.0

net.bytebuddy : byte-buddy : 1.9.12(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.commons : commons-lang3 : 3.8.1 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.httpcomponents : httpclient : 4.5.8 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.httpcomponents : httpcore : 4.4.11 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-api : 2.11.2 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-to-slf4j : 2.11.2 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.tomcat : tomcat-annotations-api : 9.0.17 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.tomcat.embed : tomcat-embed-el : 9.0.17 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.apache.tomcat.embed : tomcat-embed-websocket : 9.0.17 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.checkerframework : checker-qual : 2.5.2 Open(see name)MIT

org.codehaus.mojo : animal-sniffer-annotations : 1.17 Open(see name)MIT

org.dom4j : dom4j : 2.1.1 Overridden(see name)BSD

 org.functionaljava : functionaljava : 4.2(see name)BSD

org.hibernate.validator : hibernate-validator : 6.0.16.Final Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.javassist : javassist : 3.23.1-GA(see name)Apache-2.0

org.jboss : jandex : 2.0.5.Final Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.jboss.logging : jboss-logging : 3.3.2.Final(see name)Apache-2.0

org.mongodb : bson : 3.8.2(see name)Apache-2.0

org.mongodb : mongodb-driver : 3.8.2 Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.mongodb : mongodb-driver-core : 3.8.2(see name)Apache-2.0

 org.reflections : reflections : 0.9.11(see name)BSD

org.slf4j : jul-to-slf4j : 1.7.26(see name)MIT

org.slf4j : slf4j-api : 1.7.26(see name)MIT

org.springframework : spring-aop : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-aspects : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-beans : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-context : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-core : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-expression : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-jcl : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-jdbc : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-orm : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-tx : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-web : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework : spring-webmvc : 5.1.6.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot : 2.1.4.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-autoconfigure : 2.1.4.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-devtools : 2.1.4.RELEASE Open(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-aop : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-data-jpa :2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-jdbc : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-json : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-logging : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-tomcat : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-web : 2.1.4.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0 : spring-data-commons : 2.1.6.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0 : spring-data-jpa : 2.1.6.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0 : spring-data-mongodb : 2.1.6.RELEASE(see name)Apache-2.0

org.yaml : snakeyaml : 1.23(see name)Apache-2.0

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