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Open Source Code

Open Source Code NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)

Open Source Library

Open Source Library NameVersionLicense TypeDescriptionLink toward License InfoNotes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License)
1Apache Commons Math3.1.1Apache License 2.0Math library
2Jackson JSON processor1.9.9Apache License 2.0JSON Processing library
3Event and Error logging framework0.0.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseLogging framework is only released under BSD license
4Apache Directory Studio2.0.0-M15Apache License 2.0LDAP utilities and libraries
5Mockito1.10.19MIT LicenseMockito mock objects library core API and implementation is only available under MIT license
6Plexus Cypher Component1.4Apache License 2.0encryption/decryption component
7Apache Commons Net3.1Apache License 2.0collection of network utilities and protocol implementations
8Plexus1.5.5Apache License 2.0 full software stack for creating and executing software projects.
9Sisu - Guice3.1.0Apache License 2.0No
10AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standard)1Public DomainAspect-Oriented Programming library is only licensed under public domain
11Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Core3.0.1-incubatingApache License 2.0inkerPop3 provides graph computing capabilities for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).
12XZ for Java1Public Domaindata compression library
13ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec2.0.0-M15Apache License 2.0kerberos codec
14dmaapClient0.2.12BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDMaaP Message Router is a reliable, high-volume pub/sub messaging service client is only licensed under BSD, A&Ai is required to use dmaap
15Maven Settings Builder3.1.1Apache License 2.0maven settings builder library
16HK2 API module2.4.0-b31CDDL 2implementation of JSR-330 in a JavaSE environment. is not available w/ apache2 license
17Jackson JSON processor1.9.2Apache License 2.0json processor library
18FreeMarker2.3.14Apache License 2.0template engine
19JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform1Common Development and Distribution License 1.0JSR-250 Reference Implementation by Glassfish reference implementation is only licensed under CDDL 1
20Smack3.0.4Apache License 2.0xmmp jabber library
21Maven Compatibility Layer3.1.1Apache License 2.0maven compatibility library
22Ganglia Integration for Metrics3.0.1Apache License 2.0No

23reflections0.9.9-RC1BSD 2-clausejava reflection libraries 1jax-rs implementation is not available under Apache 2 license
25jcl104-over-slf4j1.7.21Apache License 2.0jcl log bridge for slf4j
26Maven Wagon API2.4Apache License 2.0API that defines the contract between different Wagon implementations
27Apache Hadoop Annotations2.5.1Apache License 2.0annotations for hadoop
28JLine2.12.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo is distributed under BSD, copyright holder seems willing to allow users to obtain the software under a different license (see website)
29Netty Project4.0.23.FinalApache License 2.0Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.
30Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Groovy3.0.1-incubatingApache License 2.0groovy implementation for tinkerpop
31Apache Directory API ASN.1 API1.0.0-M20Apache License 2.0Java runtime metadata analysis
32Apache Commons Compress1.4.1Apache License 2.0compression libraries
33Jettison - Json Stax implementation1.1Apache License 2.0A StAX implementation for JSON
34ajsc-runner2.0.0BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" Licenseapplication server
35jersey-json1.18CDDL 1.1json parser provided by jersey
36Apache Hadoop Auth2.5.1Apache License 2.0auth module for hadoop
37Apache Commons Lang2.6Apache License 2.0a package of Java utility classes
38Aether :: Utilities0.9.0.M2Eclipse Public License 1.0A collection of utility classes to ease usage of the repository system utils are only available under EPL
39Aether Implementation0.9.0.M2Eclipse Public License 1.0Implementation of the repository system utils are only available under EPL
40Logback Classic Module1.1.7Eclipse Public License 1.0logback-classic module is required in our application and is only available under EPL
41hadoop-common2.5.1Apache License 2.0common hadoop libraries
42HK2 Implementation Utilities2.4.0-b31CDDL2H2k implementation utilities package is not available under Apache license
43javatuples1.2Apache License 2.0Typesafe representation of tuples in Java.
44jbcrypt0.3mISC LicensejBCrypt is a Java™ implementation of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code is not available under Apache license
45Maven Model3.1.1Apache License 2.0maven model
46jersey-media-json-jackson2.22.1CDDL 1.1json media for jersey
47jersey-repackaged-guava2.22.1CDDL 1.1guava for jersey
48Aether :: SPI0.9.0.M2Eclipse Public License 1.0The service provider interface for repository system implementations and repository connectors
49Apache HttpComponents Core4.4Apache License 2.0http components core
50Jackson-JAXRS-base2.5.4Apache License 2.0code that is shared by all Jackson-based JAX-RS providers
51Maven Local Settings Model3.1.1Apache License 2.0maven local settings model
52HBase - Client1.0.2Apache License 2.0client for hbase
53JAXB CORE2.2.11CDDL 1.1jaxb libraries
54Apache TinkerPop :: TinkerGraph Gremlin3.0.1-incubatingApache License 2.0tinkergraph gremlin
55org.eclipse.sisu.inject0.0.0.M5Eclipse Public License 1.0No

56objenesis2.1Apache License 2.0No

57Logback Access Module1.1.7(GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0)No

58Maven Repository Metadata Model3.1.1Apache License 2.0No

59JCIP Annotations under Apache License1.3.9-1Apache License 2.0No

60Apache Commons Logging1.2Apache License 2.0No

61dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java1.6.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

62Jackson JSON processor2.1.4Apache License 2.0No

63Janino2.7.8BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

64jackson-coreutils1.6(Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later)No

65javax.annotation API1.2(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

66SLF4J API Module1.7.21MIT LicenseNo

67OSGi resource locator bundle - used by various API providers that rely on META-INF/services mechanism to locate providers.1.0.1(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

68EclipseLink Core2.6.2(Eclipse Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

69jcabi-log0.14BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

70HawtBuf1.11Apache License 2.0No

71btf1.2(Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later)No

72Java Architecture for XML Binding2.2.11(Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

73Jersey1.18(Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

74Apache HttpComponents Client3.1Apache License 2.0No

75Protocol Buffer Java API2.5.0BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

76gmetric4j1.0.3MIT LicenseNo

77EclipseLink ASM2.6.2(Eclipse Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

78ajsc-surfsup-archetype1.0.0BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

79Jersey2.22.1(Apache License 2.0 AND (Unknown License OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1))No

80Apache Commons Configuration1.1Apache License 2.0No

81xmlenc0.52BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

82jsr-3053.0.0Apache License 2.0No

83beanvalidation-api1.1.0.FinalApache License 2.0No

84Javax Persistence API Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

85Groovy2.4.1Apache License 2.0No

86classworlds2.5.1Apache License 2.0No

87JAXB XML Binding Code Generator Package2.2.11(Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 OR GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception)No

88Titan-HBase: Distributed Graph Database1.0.0Apache License 2.0No

89Plexus Common Utilities3.0.15Apache License 2.0No

90Apache HttpComponents Client4.5Apache License 2.0No

91google-gson2.7Apache License 2.0No

92HBase - Annotations1.0.2Apache License 2.0No

93J2EE Management License 2.0No

94jackson-module-jaxb-annotations2.1.4Apache License 2.0No

95jsch0.1.42JSch LicenseNo

96Guice3Apache License 2.0No

97hadoop-yarn-common2.5.1Apache License 2.0No

98Apache Commons Lang3Apache License 2.0No

99snappy-java1.0.4.1Apache License 2.0No

100jersey-ext-entity-filtering2.22.1(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

101CDI APIs1Apache License 2.0No

102Commons IO2.4Apache License 2.0No

103Java API for Processing JSON (JSON-P)1(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

104Plexus Interpolation API1.19Apache License 2.0No

105Titan-Core: Core Library for Titan1.0.0Apache License 2.0No

106jcabi-manifests1.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

107Maven Aether Provider3.1.1Apache License 2.0No

108Commons Compiler2.7.8BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

109Injection API (JSR 330) version 1 repackaged as OSGi bundle2.4.0-b31(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

110Spring Framework4.2.5.RELEASEApache License 2.0No

111Aether :: API0.9.0.M2Eclipse Public License 1.0No

112Apache ActiveMQ5.12.2Apache License 2.0No

113Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server6.1.26(Apache License 2.0 OR Eclipse Public License 1.0)No

114Apache Extras Companion for log4j License 2.0No

115HBase - Protocol1.0.2Apache License 2.0No

116ParaNamer Core2.3BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

117Apache Commons Collections3.2.2Apache License 2.0No

118JMS License 2.0No

119Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities1.0.0-M20Apache License 2.0No

120org.eclipse.sisu.plexus0.0.0.M5Eclipse Public License 1.0No

121aopalliance version 1.0 repackaged as a module2.4.0-b31(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

122HBase - Common1.0.2Apache License 2.0No

123Apache TinkerPop3.1.0-incubatingApache License 2.0No

124Javax Inject from the JSR-330 Expert Group1Apache License 2.0No

125ajsc-war2.0.0BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

126json-simple1.1.1Apache License 2.0No

127Javax Persistence API Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

128Highly Scalable Java1.1.4Public DomainNo

129ServiceLocator Default Implementation2.4.0-b31(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

130EclipseLink Moxy2.6.2(Eclipse Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

131msg-simple1.1(Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later)No

132JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)20090211JSON LicenseNo

133Network Service Assurance Client Library0.0.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

134hadoop-yarn-api2.5.1Apache License 2.0No

135Spring Web Services1.5.2Apache License 2.0No

136jersey-client2.22.1(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

137Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java16Apache License 2.0No

138Remote Tea Runtime1.0.7GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or laterNo

139jersey-client1.18(Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1)No

140Apache Commons Codec1.7Apache License 2.0No

141Netty Project3.6.2.FinalApache License 2.0No

142Network Service Assurance Toolkit0.0.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

143hadoop-mapreduce-client-core2.5.1Apache License 2.0No

144Graphite Integration for Metrics3.0.1Apache License 2.0No

145Maven Model Builder3.1.1Apache License 2.0No

146Spatial4j0.4.1Apache License 2.0No

147Apache XML Commons1.0.b2Apache License 1.1No

148log4j1.2.16Apache License 2.0No

149Apache Commons CLI1.2Apache License 2.0No

150Apache Maven 23.1.1Apache License 2.0No

151Metrics Core3.0.1Apache License 2.0No

152htrace-core3.1.0-incubatingApache License 2.0No

153Maven Artifact3.1.1Apache License 2.0No

154json-patch1.9(Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later)No

155JCommander Library1.48Apache License 2.0No

156SDO API2.1.1(Eclipse Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0)No

157Jackson-JAXRS-JSON_Provider2.1.4Apache License 2.0No

158Apache Ivy2.3.0Apache License 2.0No

159Logback Core Module1.1.7(GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0)No

160Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Shaded3.0.1-incubatingApache License 2.0No

161jcodings1.0.8MIT LicenseNo

162Jackson JSON processor2.4.3Apache License 2.0No

163joni2.1.2MIT LicenseNo

164SnakeYAML1.15Apache License 2.0No

165Apache Avro1.7.4Apache License 2.0No

166Event and Error Logging Framework0.0.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseNo

167Plexus Security Dispatcher Component1.3Apache License 2.0No

168Apache ZooKeeper3.4.6Apache License 2.0

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