
 | 9am PST |  noon EST | 17:00 UTC | 18:00 CET | 21:30 IST 

new ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 890 6970 8424

Let's see how this works (wink)
in case of trouble you find us also on Slack



Discussion items


Next meetings: 

2021-01-27: John Keeney (O-RAN vf2f)

2021-02-03: Martin Skorupski

2021-02-10: John Keeney

2021-02-17: Martin Skorupski


Does the new Zoom bridge work?

Meeting ID: 890 6970 8424

including recording to the cloud?

calendars will be updated

The new messenger is on ONAP Slack:

Status reports:

00:20Enrichment Coordinator ServicePawel Slowikowski

Clarification about:

  • Do you know what OSC plans against Enrichment Coordinator Service are?
  • Is that component going to be unstreamed to ONAP SMO?
    • no answer yet - depends (wink)
    • Enrichment Coordinator Service is more or less standalone - so there is no (not much) integration effort expected regardless which LFN project
    • Non-RT-Function should be in O-RAN-SC, but if functions are needed in ONAP then requirements and architecture are needed. 
00:25Abstract topology modelAndy Mayer / Martin Skorupski

Based on last weeks discussion the following Jira was create:

ONAPMODEL-35 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What next?

Was discussed in ONAP Modelling meeting - even starting in Honolulu. - Papyrus, concept, ....

Mo 8am EST call



Please get familiar with: add link here 

Project-specific CSIT structure

00:59A1gajalakshmi senthilkumar

A1 Status Policy check with Guilin

→ offline with John
→ check with a RestClient

00:??Use Case


OSC Proposed e2e integration use case: O-RU FH connection recovery

<bridge dropped recording stopped at this point. Most participants reconnected once bridge started again>

  • Topology ??: (contd)
    • John Keeney Lots of options for how this should be done properly in ONAP.
    • Swaminathan Seetharaman ONAP usecases already have some plans for this e.g. slicing, oof,  etc
    • Andy Mayer A model should be agreed in ONAP. Lots of previous discussions in ONAP - e.g. what goes in A&AI and CPS ... but that was a while ago.
    • Martin Skorupski SDNR has some topology model too - not standards based.
    • @Sven John Keeney Martin Skorupski Lots of issues with different topology models ... and most existing hierarchical models break down in a 5G/CloudRan environment
    • Lots of work ... Andy Mayer Martin Skorupski Can create a JIRA in ONAP MODCOM ...
    • ... but will keep it simple here for this use case.
  • @? Will other O1 usecases be effected? Martin Skorupski i No. O1 functions continue as before.
  • Martin Skorupski Please add feedback if any


From last week


  • Pawel Pawlak Should we have a slack channel for this?
    • Difficult in some IT environments ...
    • RocketChat - No its shutting down.
    • Martin Skorupski Pawel Pawlak check with participants here & create a slack channel


Action items