

To Join:


  • Introductions
  • Review Action Items
  • Thinh Nguyenphu present example of VNFD

    • Add Deployment Flavours, Instantiation Levels, VDU Profile, and Interfaces/Operations to Mindmap and UML
    • Explore the use of TOSCA Simple Profile operations for VNFD
  • Thinh Nguyenphu to discuss Network Service Overview 

    • Begin modeling of ONAP Service constructs based on Network Service model.
  • Discussion on impact of VNF Requirements project on VNFD

  • Continue discuss possible scope extension to define the Network Services model

  • Update mind map based on OASIS NFV Profile and CSD04


Next Time:

  • Discussion on impact of VNF Requirements project on VNFD

  • Continue discuss possible scope extension to define the Network Services model

  • Update mind map based on OASIS NFV Profile and CSD04

  • Review initial UML

Action items

  • Andy Mayer will Add Deployment Flavours, Instantiation Levels, VDU Profile, and Interfaces/Operations to Mindmap and UML by 18 August 2017
  • No labels


  1. Andy,

    Andrei and I work offline to update the ONAP VNF Package Model per ETSI NFV figure.

    if possible, would you add DF, instantiation levels, vdu profiles, etc. to the same figure (slide 1). thanks Thinh

    1. Thanks, will update the mindmap.

      Also, could you please identify the source document? I also wish to update the UML appropriately. see: VNF Descriptor Working UML