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Next Time:

  • Modeling standards we are driving into R2 (next call)
  • Modeling services, VNFs and use case building blocks (next call)
  • Modeling use cases as “declarative assembly instructions” (next call)
  • Continue to refine mind map (next call)

New Action items

  •  Check VNF SDK Package header for correct CSAR-Version (should it state 1.1?)  Andrei Kojukhov
  •  Check VNF SDK VNF Descriptor with respect to Release 1 recommendation Andrei Kojukhov
  • Add and correct VNF Requirements Seed Document to align with recommended VNF SDK Modeling standards references Andrei Kojukhov
  • Update Recommendation on Modeling Sub-Committee wiki and ask for agenda item to discuss differences with VFC Andy Mayer
  • No labels


  1. See the progress of VNFRQTS-95 - Getting issue details... STATUS  to resolve the AI # 3.

  2. I checked a couple of the VNF Descriptors (vCSCF, vEPC)) from ZTE and I can provide my findings in the upcoming VNF-SDK modeling meeting

  3. The CSAR version is checked versus the ETSI SOL004 standard and the answer: CSAR = 1.0 if and only if all the artifacts are described in TOSCA.meta file otherwise the CSAR should be 1.1.