

To Join:


  • Introductions
  • Review of Action Items 
  • HPA Modeling
    • Discussed possibility of splitting *Requirements attributes into *Requirements and *HpaRequirements
  • Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
  • Discussed need to put a schedule on Papyrus migration

    • Recommended Papyrus version: 3.2.0 RC4 


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  • Next call 19 JAN 2018

  • Identify stable classes in model
  • Papyrus port - version, schedule.
  • Model driven approach discussion (Alexander Vul)
  • Model walkthrough

  • SDC IM Gap assessment
  • Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors

  • VoLTE VNF Descriptor to latest release of IFA011
  • Gap analysis of HEAT templates

  • Event descriptors alignment with DCAE
  • New Action items

  • No labels


  1. Attached is the write-up I did describing just my way of interpreting the ETSI NFV docs for several entity types. 

  2. In the VNFC v VDU debate: I think for deployment of a VNF, the VDU concept may be sufficient, but for description of service flows through the VNF, one wouldn't want to be talking about VDUs, but rather VNFCs.

  3. Regarding

    See annex in the ETSI document to be further discussed next week:

    in my opinion, the connection points of a VNF are either internal xor external.   Packets/frames from an internal connection point can only go to other internal connection points.  External connection points exchange packets/frames with "outside the VNF".   So,  contra some notes in the document, IMO, external connection points should not be modeled as references to internal connection points.

    PS: are there counter-examples to what I think, where a connection point sends/receives packets both from internal connection points and from "outside the VNF"?