

To Join:


  • Introductions
  • Review of Action Items 



  • Next call 6 APR2018

  • Papyrus port - version, schedule.
  • Model driven approach discussion (Alexander Vul)
  • Model walkthrough

  • SDC IM Gap assessment
  • Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors

  • VoLTE VNF Descriptor to latest release of IFA011
  • Gap analysis of HEAT templates

  • Event descriptors alignment with DCAE
  • New Action items

here is the link, if you have access to ETSI NFV,

VNF Package Security Recomendation

  • No labels


  1. Hi,

    I noticed much of the current discussions have been focused on the functional descriptors, is this project or any other ONAP project looking at nonfunctional areas (yellow shaded areas) to help facilitate onboarding automation and lifecycle management from operational perspectives?

  2. Hi Jenny, as I presented in our last VNF-SDK modeling call yesterday the Amsterdam release CSAR VNF package includes:

    • The manifest file including vnf_product_name, vnf_provider_id, vnf_package_version and vnf_release_data_time.
    • TOSCA based VNF descriptor includes the VNF metadata with the type and category of VNF, also TOSCA descriptors for VNF metrics
    • License Metadata is supported as part of CSAR
    • Testing Metadata is supported by a standard (ETSI SOL004) VNF package however we did not include it yet. I expect we will include it once we agree on VNF validation and acceptance testing that is currently in development by OPNF and VNF-SDK integrated team.

    I'm not sure about SLA field - what is you expectation from an orchestration entity in handling SLA? My understanding it should be defined as part of VNF descriptor by some threshold/constraints.


  3. Thanks Andrei, I will look into more on the info that you provided.

    On SLA, most vendors will provide some SLA information but they need to be aggregated at service level that the SP provides.  i.e Orchestrator needs to coordinate with Service Assurance which usually resides in the BSS layer.

    There are some vendors, SPs and Catalyst (PoC) inputs from the TM Forum on those nonfunctional fields.  I'm trying to sort out when and where to synchronize with the ONAP community. Looks like this project is the right place and perhaps I can coordinate with Andy on when and how to introduce additional inputs?