

To Join:


  • Introductions
  • ONAP VNF Descriptor Data Modeling Update Andy Mayer
  • Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs
    • Model is established and we can make updates to working branch
    • Are model owners also model committers for model fragments based on Modeling requirements?
    • What is model review and approval process in Gerrit?
    • Documentation of Papyrus Model Governance Process?
  • Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE Alexander Vul
    • with a target of Dublin release
    • TOSCAiszation of Use Cases (E2E)
    • Needs to be shared back to ETSI (December meeting for TOSCA)
    • IFA alignment (e.g., split of VDU and VNFC) (provide input into ETSI by IFA meetiings:  November)
  • VES Descriptor inclusion into VNF Package Andy Mayer
  • Additional Items

Last Time

  • Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs
    • Model repo is available in Gerrit in model spec repo, may need to be committed.
    • ACTION: Need Model Spec committers for Gerrit Model Spec Repo. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
    • Testing pulling model back to local environment from Repo
    • ACTION: Need process for updates back to working tree with quick committs, vs approving final release. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
    • ACTION: Use of GenDoc format for Readthedocs version of the model. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
  • Review ONAP VNF Descriptor Data Modeling Collaborative Proposal for Casablanca Andy Mayer
  • Review vCPE R2 data model gaps Lianhao Lu

VNF Package Security Recomendation


  1. Andy Mayer you keep pinging me in the minutes stating I'm going to work with Jessie S Jewitt to get Papyrus working. My understanding is that y'all already have it working. From my point of view there is nothing left for us to do.

    1. Andrew, Thanks for letting me know. I updated the current minutes and removed some of the older leftover items.