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Other Topics:

A team within the ONAP security sub-committee has being diligently looking at the security requirements for the 5G use cases.  The findings of the work can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Secure+Communication+to+Network+Functions, where you should look for “VNF Activation with Automatic Initial Certificate Enrollment and Role Assignment and it is version 18 dated Aug 29, 2018.”.  ( from TSC email list 8/30/2018)

The Requirement Metadata :

  • Additional metadata fields
  • consistent use of metadata fields across all requirements

Requirement Relevance

add additional context to requirements to indentity specific aspects of ONAP that are compromised if the VNF is nonconformant. 

Service Provider Requirements for Dublin

There is a Wiki page with discussion of candidate features fro Dublin: SP priorities for Dublin

This lists some ~40 candidate requirements, some of which may impact VNFRQTS

  • No labels


  1. Reminder to create a more pointed and specific Epic/Story system for the VNF Badging Category work.

  2. for Dublin the test case descriptions should be updated to include tests covering life cycle operations. (e.g.

    Given the infrastructure requirements for ONAP, it may be simplest to implement these tests using some test scripts to drive the netconf commands/ analyse the responses etc.

  3. ETSI GS NFV-EVE011 (2018-9) "cloud Native VNF implementations" should be reviewed and considered for alignment with ONAP VNF requirements.