

Discussion items

1Integration testing status update

EXT API Bug Fix update - EXTAPI-602 - multiple instantiations of same service fails IN PROGRESS

  • Code-Review +2, Merged, Build Unstable 
    • TSC suggested to use master branch 
  • Long term solution: OOF to take over extapi/nbi repo ongoing
    • Investigated the EXT-API dependent project and understood that SO component is the closest match.
    • Had a meeting with Seshu (SO PTL), who suggested a few solutions. Further follow up discussion might be required on the upcoming TSC call.

Update on Core Slicing issues:

1) 2)

  • SO-3810, SO-3835 in progress
  • CBA package from I release not working properly, getting help from Sashmita.
    • Able to create core slice, NFs are updated, error with service instantiation in the 2nd time (4/19/2022)
    • Testing on new CBA package (4/26/2022)
4CPS requirements Ahila P 

Had meeting with CPS PTL Toine Siebelink on the following CPS requirements for K release:

  1. PATCH method support for list-nodes API - More investigation or discussion needed
  2. Support for CPS-E-05 interface which requires Cache to be enabled - More investigation or discussion needed
  3. Ran-network Configuration update using NCMP - Confirmed to be included in Kohn
  4. add CPS-TBDMT under CPS umbrella - More investigation or discussion needed or can be a stretch 
