

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Ahila P

Aleem Raja

Aniello Paolo Malinconico

@Atsushi Makita

Claudio David Gasparini

Deepika S

Fei Zhang

Klaus Negle

Marcin Sebastian Krasowski

Marcin Szaluś

Niranjana Y

@Ratna Shanker

Sanchita Pathak

Timo Perala

Yogendra Pal


  1. M1 preparation
    1. Core Slicing testing commitment
  2. Support for Option 1 Demo
  3. Integration and E2E Tests - early start

Notes and Actions

  1. Sanchita Pathakto respond to Alessandro Gerardo D'Alessandro's mail on pending testing for Core NSSMF. 
  2. Sanchita Pathak Alessandro Gerardo D'AlessandroAhila Pand krishna moorthy to discuss offline reg. the test setup - TIM Lab, Windriver Lab (OOF tenant?) or ???, and come to an understanding so that the tests can continue soon.
  3. Sanchita Pathak to provide an update on bug fixes which have been implemented, and pending testing (due to SDN-C) issue. If there are still any challenges, alternatives to be explored.
  4. Ahila PDeepika Sto reach out to Sanchita PathakAleem Raja for any help related to Core NSSMF setup/testing in Winlab during preparation of upcoming demo.
  5. Any inputs or suggestions on functional enhancements to our use case is sought from all participants.
  6. From next week onwards, it was proposed to share details of what has been implemented in the various use case tracks (CSMF/NSMF, RAN/Core/TN NSSMFs, Closed Loop) and components (SO, OOF, AAI, DCAE, SDN-R, SDN-C, CPS, ExtAPI, RAN-Sim). This will help the larger use case team to get a better understanding of the use case functionality.


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