Meeting time: 13:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link:  International numbers available:

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links




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1) Email Polls: 2020 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions

A) Email for Poll: Proposed Location Model

   The polling period will be open until 22:00 UTC on 17 September 2020. 1 vote per company to this email list

   We will address rough consensus during the 22 September 2020 Modeling Subcommittee weekly call.

   Poll Results: 2 Yes Votes (Nokia, Ericsson). 0 No Votes

    Discussion: Move Location Model to Clean

B) Initiate Email Poll for VES 7.2 Updates: VES 7.2

Discuss any comments on Resource IM Call  next week

Discuss update to Papyrus model concurrent with poll.

Call for help with Papyrus updates.

2)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

3+) ONAP R8 Modeling High Level Requirements

refer: Honolulu Release Requirements

stabilize R8 requirement by Oct. 27th.

4) Request initiation of co-chair election process 

Modeling Subcommittee Members

5) Wrapup of DDF Event:


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AAI Reverse Engineering status

open Jira ticket: get A&AI schema into papyrus. A&AI 2441 Guilin EPIC,

not necessarily done in Guilin 

10Modeling and Use Cases

Sept 17 meeting Honolulu release - functional requirements proposed list

Ben shared:

Chaker from Architecture subcommittee would like to cooperate with modeling subcommittee.

Action item: Andy will invite Chaker next week

Plugfest: Use Case quick review

Helping to identify modeling impacts.


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