20171120: Brian Freeman has commented on R1 changes - need to verify these in a live system before posting here

VNF preload is now part of VID in a checkbox - so we don't require the sdnc rest call as part of preload

Robot in OOM is run in oom/kubernetes/robot now

Creating a Service Instance

In this tutorial we show how to take a service design that has been distributed and create a running instance of the service. 

SDNC preload fragment

"service-type": "11819dd6-6332-42bc-952c-1a19f8246663",
"vnf-name": "DemoModule2",

above is the vf-module (3 of 3 in the diagram below)
"vnf-type": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0",
"generic-vnf-name": "vFWDemoVNF",

avove ios the vnf (2 of 3)
"generic-vnf-type": "vsp 0"


To simplify this we are going to use scripts (with some selenium robot scripts) to create the design, pre-load customer and network information, and orchestrate parts of the virtual firewall closed loop example.  The following steps assume that you have completed and understand basic concepts from the
setting up the platform and using the portal tutorials. 

Let's start by finding the IP Address of vm1-robot in the Rackspace list of servers.  Use this vm1-robot IP address, your Rackspace private key, and the PuTTY client to login to vm1-robot as root.

Note: The current default LCP Region is IAD - to use DFW switch the example zip in the last section - currently though we have hardcoding that must be fixed:  DOC-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS

osx$ ssh-add onap_rsa

osx$ ssh root@

Run Robot init

At the command prompt type

root@vm1-robot:~# cd /opt

root@vm1-robot:/opt# ./ init

Wait for all steps to complete (will take 60-120 sec) as shown below

If you want to see the details of what ran, you can open report.html in a browser. (located within openecompete_container docker container)

root@vm1-robot:/opt# docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES

f99954f00ab2   "lighttpd -D -f /e..."   19 hours ago        Up 19 hours>88/tcp   openecompete_container

root@vm1-robot:/opt# docker exec -it openecompete_container bash

root@f99954f00ab2:/# cat /share/logs/demo/InitDemo/            

log.html     output.xml   report.html  

Deploy Service Instance in VID

From the ONAP portal, login to the VID application using demo user, browse to locate the demo SDC Service Models, and Deploy an instance of the service you created - not the pre-populated demoVFW.

(Note: deploy your "service" above - not demoVFW or demoVLB - these 2 are leftover pre-population artifacts of the init script and will be removed)

Use the generated demoVFW above (you don't need to onboard/distribute your own)

Fill in the information (Instance Name=DemoInstance, Demonstration, vFW) for a Service Instance as shown below and press Confirm.

adjust above for project and owning entity and vFWCL/vSNK

Wait for a response and close the window

You should now see a service instance displayed.

Add a Virtual Network Function under the Service Instance in VID

Add a VNF using the drop down button, complete, and enter the following information.   The tenant and LCP region drop down choices may be different for your Rackspace account.  Both IAD and DFW support heat templates.

Wait for and close the response window.

Run Robot preload of DemoModule

Return to the PuTTY/ssh window and type the command to load VNF configuration information

DO NOT Navigate from the Deploy page before adding the VF Module below - or you will need to search for it - then hit edit

./ preload <vnf_name> <module_name>
./ preload DemoVNF DemoModule

Wait for the results as shown below

For any error/debug logs looks into 


Preload Flow

see overall Tutorial: Verifying and Observing a deployed Service Instance#vFirewallFlow calls in the docker container in robot - which runs the robot test framework scripts starting with PreLoad VNF in demo.robot

Preload VNF
Preload User Model ${VNF_NAME} ${MODULE_NAME}

which calls demo_preload.robot (although it screen scrapes the Service ID previously from VID - in this call it does a rest call to VID to package up the vm modules list) and calls SDNC preload with these (the diagram needs a 25-2 for robot to VID as well for this sub-step)

Preload User Model
Login To VID GUI
${vf_modules}= Get Module Names from VID ${invariantUUID}
Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${service} demo

which calls sdngc_interface.robot (logs in and posts to sdnc/mobility/addVnfProfile)

Preload Vnf Profile
Login To SDNGC Admin GUI
Click Button xpath=//button[@data-target='#add_vnf_profile']
Click Button xpath=//button[contains(.,'Submit')]

which calls the post form

<form name="addFormrole="formaction="/mobility/addVnfProfilemethod="POST">


which runs a backend DB insert operation on SDNC (calling the DB directly here is likely not advised, also there is no parameter checking on the resultant SQL, we should also be using an ORM framework)

/sdnc-oam/admportal/mobility.js'/addVnfNetwork', csp.checkAuth, function(req,res){
var sql = "INSERT INTO VNF_NETWORKS (vnf_type,network_role) VALUES ("
+ "'" + req.body.nf_vnf_type + "'," + "'" + req.body.nf_network_role + "')";
tasks.push( function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); } );

Add a VF Module in VID

Option 1: REST call to MSO

POST to http://{{mso_ip}}:8080/ecomp/mso/infra/serviceInstances/v2/<id>/vnfs/<id>/vfModules - see UCA-20 OSS JAX-RS 2 Client

Option 2: VID GUI

Add a VF Module using the drop down button.

Fill in information for the VF module (service name = Service) and confirm.

Create VF Module - polling hangs - vFW VMs are created though

Maximum number of poll attempts exceeded

Eventually you will see a (red-herring) poll timeout - we need to adjust the wait time and # of retries here - anyway the 3 VM's are up (with pings but not necessarily with 200 health checks on the processes)

see  UCA-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Select close, and later cancel (for now) - as the VMs are actually up 

For now cancel the Create VF Module dialog (the VMs were created)

Watch VF VM stack creation

Watch as the 3 VMs for the VF start to come up on Rackspace (dialog is still up)

Note: Openstack users with RegionOne may see failures here. Looks into the below ticker to update MSO docker container /shared/mso-docker.json file with RegionOne settings. For logs use 

docker logs -f testlab_mso_1

Browse our new vFW service

Verify VNF Profile

create an account on SDNC http://sdnc-ip:8843/signup

login http://sdnc-ip:8843/login

Check VNF Profile in Profile menu

Wait for the response and close the window as was done in prior steps.    The VF Module creation can also be viewed as a stack in Rackspace as shown below.

Run Robot appc on DemoModule to mount the Traffic Generator

To complete the service instance we will run one more script that mounts the Traffic Generator on the Application Controller to enable policy driven configuration changes.   Return to the PuTTY window, type the command and wait for the response as shown below.

     ./ appc DemoModule

To summarize: here are all 3 orchestration assistance runs (init, preload, appc) between interleaved Service, VNF and VF-Module UI actions - to summarize

see the vFW sink page on the snk VM - to view traffic generation stats

Note: the overrides in the env are not picked up for the network/IPs as well - these are the sample py defaults - a JIRA is open

UCA-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Control Loop Flows

The platform and virtual function interactions in the control loop are summarized here.

Tutorial: Verifying and Observing a deployed Service Instance#vFirewallFlow

Error Handling

Handle MSO Failure on RAM Quota exceeded

A default rackspace account is only allocated 128G but we will require 

      "requestState": "FAILED",
      "statusMessage": "Received vfModuleException from VnfAdapter: category='INTERNAL' message='Exception during create VF 0 : Stack error (CREATE_FAILED): 
Resource CREATE failed: Forbidden: resources.vsn_0: Quota exceeded for ram: 
Requested 4096, but already used 130048 of 131072 ram (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-02439f0a-c8a4-4fe7-8d79-d6fa99bd4f57) - stack successfully deleted' rolledBack='true'",
      "percentProgress": 100,
      "finishTime": "Tue, 23 May 2017 22:19:11 GMT"

Handle MSO Failure on Create VF Module

Update: 20170523: looks like the template defaults are not being modified - and pass through

UCA-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This type of MSO failure means the demo VNF was retried with the same defaults - a retry will just fail on another IP conflict for the port.

The openstack tenant also happens to have other instances of the VNF that look like they are causing a port resource contention - clean/reset your VM's for now.

onap@server-01:~/onap$ openstack port list | grep ip_address=.10.1.0.

| 6d4c9ef9-ceec-4c62-85b1-fa6f2de34256 | FirewallSvcModule-vfw_private_2_port-ewvqxhjdm2tv | BC:76:4E:20:57:DB | ip_address='', subnet_id='5a4808b2-2fca-40ab-ba43-10d21a9e5b64'                              | ACTIVE |

| 7861e542-600f-4bfa-96d0-47e1be19331d | FirewallSvcModule-vpg_private_1_port-ctu2jymvh2yr | BC:76:4E:20:3B:75 | ip_address='', subnet_id='5a4808b2-2fca-40ab-ba43-10d21a9e5b64'                              | ACTIVE |

| b22e7d79-58e6-4c16-8acc-f1a4c358c8c9 | FirewallSvcModule-vsn_private_1_port-xit2fdnpz2yd | BC:76:4E:20:3B:63 | ip_address='', subnet_id='5a4808b2-2fca-40ab-ba43-10d21a9e5b64'                              | ACTIVE |

05/18/17 15:05:57 HTTP Status: OK (200)
  "request": {
    "requestId": "6c0afeaf-42a4-4628-9312-2305e533f673",
    "startTime": "Wed, 17 May 2017 19:04:56 GMT",
    "requestScope": "vfModule",
    "requestType": "createInstance",
    "requestStatus": {
      "requestState": "FAILED",
      "statusMessage": "Received vfModuleException from VnfAdapter: category='INTERNAL' message='Exception during create VF 0 : Stack error (CREATE_FAILED): Resource CREATE failed: IpAddressInUseClient: resources.vsn_private_1_port: 
Unable to complete operation for network 6dfab28d-183e-4ffd-8747-b360aa41b078. The IP address is in use. - stack successfully deleted' rolledBack='true'",
      "percentProgress": 100,
      "finishTime": "Wed, 17 May 2017 19:05:48 GMT"

Handle outdated vFW (201702xx) zip causing Traffic Generation not to start

Fix: Use the 1.0.0 template in Nexus - or the updated one on this wiki

1)      The vFW zip attached to the wiki that we were using will not work with 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.0.0 (disabled/replacing it) – we are using the official yaml now from 1.0.0 - this fixes the userdata bootstrap script on the PGN instance – where nexus pulls of TG scripts was failing (why the demo did not work in the past) – we now use (with modified ssh key, ips and networks)

Heat template:

Scripts to verify on the pgn VM:

After this we were able to run ./ appc – to start the TG


We are currently having issues with the traffic generator - both starting the stream and also actually sshing to the VM (looks like the ssh key in the env is not picked up)

Fix: the repo URL in the vFW zip has changed to 

  #repo_url: https://ecomp-nexus:8443/repository/raw/org.openecomp.simpledemo


Check your TG VM and look for scripts in /config like the following that should have been copied over

wget --user=$REPO_USER --password=$REPO_PASSWD $REPO_URL/

Also the private key for the 3 vFW VM's is in /testsuite/robot/assets/keys/robot_ssh_private_key.pvt

TODO: 20181023 during the Academic Conference : the SDNC preload checkbox does not actually run the preload robot script -  - still need a manual preload via the rest call in Vetted vFirewall Demo - Full draft how-to for F2F and ReadTheDocs - it just tells SO to pull in data from SDNC

Install the vFWCL first because it has the network

to do repeated instantiations - adjust the network values in the preload-vnf-topology-operation rest call - being automated in casablanca - 92,96, put the right service-type (Service Instance ID - top right in the gui)

  • No labels


  1. user-bf02c

    Queries regarding :

    1. The script should be in /opt/testsuite/properties as per Heat template.
    2. The script refers to paths /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE and /share/config/ which are not there on robot VM.

    Am I missing anything ?

  2. is in /opt/ and if they aren't there then your git command in the script also in opt failed at a step. You can see the output by running that again

    1. user-bf02c does not have any GIT command. I tried to run this again. It did not give any error in those wget or docker commands.


      The section Tutorial: Configuring and Starting Up the Base ONAP Stack has links for Heat template and env file for ONAP. (;a=blob_plain;f=heat/OpenECOMP/openecomp_rackspace.yaml;hb=refs/heads/release-1.0.0 and;a=blob_plain;f=heat/OpenECOMP/openecomp_rackspace.env;hb=refs/heads/release-1.0.0)

      The section Reference Documents also has links for Heat template and env file for ONAP. ( and )

      It looks these versions are different. For robot_vm, one version has GIT clone command for testsuite/properties.git and another doesn't.

  3. Hello Kedar,

    Gerrit and Nexus contain the latest version of the Heat template for installing ONAP in Rackspace (openecomp_rackspace.yaml and openecomp_rackspace.env) and vanilla OpenStack (onap_openstack.yaml and onap_openstack.env - although with some caveat). Here is the link to the Gerrit repo:;a=tree;f=heat/OpenECOMP;h=a35931e0732cf321898568ce6ecfd7c353133c1e;hb=refs/heads/release-1.0.0

    This is the link to Nexus repo:

    The robot_vm_init script that you are looking at is an old one, in an old repository, which is no longer in use. In the meantime, that script (and others) has been updated and contains git pull instruction to fetch latest changes in Gerrit. Please refer to this link in Gerrit:;a=tree;f=boot;h=023ef8cbc4efb5578dcd02eb4da7f659c9bb70a0;hb=refs/heads/release-1.0.0 and this link in Nexus:

    For what regards the link to reference documents that you posted, it seems that I can't open it.

    Hope this clarifies.



  4. user-bf02c


    I could run I can now deploy an instance of demoVFW.

    But later when I click on View/Edit to Add VNF, I get below screen. The Add VNF button doesn't respond.

    Any help ?

    (Please let me know if this is not the right forum to post such queries)

    1. you should be able to click c321xxxxx and that will pop up telling you to create a vnf. If that doesn't work like it should posting to the onap-discuss mailing list would be your best bet i think.

    2. hello Kedar, I have got the same issue about this. Kindly tell me how to deal with it if  you have fixed it.

      1. Chuanyu, Kedar, I have run the demo about 30 times on a clean rackspace most every time over the past 3 weeks - I have not seen the other 2 service names in your screen capture - perhaps if you clean your rackspace and/or re-pull your wars you will get the new screens.  I am thinking you are running a pretty old version of 1.0.0.  After you do ./ init you should see two pre-populated "demoVFW and demoVLB" services that you should not deploy

        Also there is another question I am working on do we run the old 1.0.0 vFW template attached only to this confluence or do we run with the templates in gerrit - but these target 1.1.0 - I'll let you know.


        20170606: update 

        Fix: the repo URL in the vFW zip has changed to 

          #repo_url: https://ecomp-nexus:8443/repository/raw/org.openecomp.simpledemo


        Also the private key for the 3 vFW VM's is in /testsuite/robot/assets/keys/robot_ssh_private_key.pvt

        1. HI, Michael, Thanks for your reply.  I have run ./ init successful, and i can get "demoVFW" and "demoVLB" in "SDC service models" tab. And the  service model I deploy is designed by SDC myself.  i will try to update the images and try again .

  5. Hi, Can work on vanilla openstack?

    1. there is no code that i know of that relies on rackspace in robot so it should work. of course the underlying onap install may have bugs though.

      1. Hi Daniel,

        When I try to run "./ init", all test cases were failed. And I saw from results that it failed at authentication, it will try to authenticate at , but my onap deployed in my private open stack.

        1. you do have to edit the properties, you can see some examples (and the default we use) here;a=tree;h=refs/heads/release-1.0.0;hb=refs/heads/release-1.0.0

          in you need to edit VARIABLEFILES to have your variable file instead, or edit the one in there that has the properties defined to point to you keystone.

          FYI questions of the general variety are better served on the email onap-discuss list.

  6. user-1c9d4


    When I try to run "./ init" from robot vm, I see all the tests failing. 

    It's failing because it's not able to get the openstack cloud details. So far in this or previous tutorials we haven't configured the target cloud on which the VNF/Service will be deployed. Wondering where should I do such a configuration/integration for successful run of the demo application.

    Thanks and regards, Ramu

    1. out of the box it supports rackspace, but you can use any openstack cloud to do instantiation by using the openecomp_openstack.yaml heat template. Just set the properties correctly to point your keystone identity.

      FYI questions of the general variety are better served on the email onap-discuss list.

  7. Hi 

    Same error here - deployment on our "vanilla openstack" works pretty  well, but  robot ./demo init fails with 

    Initialize Customer And Models | FAIL |
    KeyError: 'access'

    even I have adopted the onap_openstack.env file to point to my keystone endpoint the file on the docker instance still contains


    which seems to be somehow hardcoded ...

    if I change the entry in this file to my IP and set right password


    I get next error saying 

    Initialize Customer And Models | FAIL |
    KeyError: 'tenant'

    BR Andreas

    1. EDIT: I dont think we ever exposed tenant as a parameter. You may have to manually find it out and add it to the file below. We will look into enhancing the code to account for a multi tenant situation.

      I think this was discussed on the mailing list, and the mailing list is the best place for specific questions in the future.

      workaround for this (since seems newer versions of openstack dont return endpoint) on the robot vm :

      cat /opt/config/tenant.txt in openstack vm to get your tenant

      docker exec -it openecompete_container bash

      cd /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/assets/templates/

      replace keystone_get_auth.template with below:


        "auth": {

          "tenantName": "your_tenant",

          "passwordCredentials": {

            "username": "${username}",

            "password": "${password}"




  8. Thanks Daniel - that helped for next step. no tenant error anymore 

    Running into next issue and I will use mailing list in future!


  9. Hi,

    After  ./ init and passed successfully, But when I browse to locate the demo SDC Service Models, the error is as follows.

    Am I do wrong?

    1. no you did not, that looks like there is an error getting the models from sdc. Can you post to the questions tab so someone from sdc and vid can check?

      1. Thanks Daniel.

        When I ckeck /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/logs/ecompportal/error.log, some error is as follows:

        and the UEB key configure is in '/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/webapps/ECOMPPORTAL/WEB-INF/classes/'. Can it cause Error? I check VID and SDC log, there is no core error, and is OK.

      2. Thanks Daniel. Now it is OK after I modify VID dns.

  10. When I create service instance, there is error . But I haven't find DNS error. Is this  MSO DNS error?

    1. seems like you cant resolve the dns name. can you ping aai from mso?

      1. Yes, It is a DNS case.

    2. We are getting the same MSO Failure but different cause - IP in use - investigating

          "requestStatus": {
            "requestState": "FAILED",
            "statusMessage": "Received vfModuleException from VnfAdapter: category='INTERNAL' message='Exception during create VF 0 : Stack error (CREATE_FAILED): Resource CREATE failed: IpAddressInUseClient: resources.vsn_private_1_port: Unable to complete operation for network 6dfab28d-183e-4ffd-8747-b360aa41b078. The IP address is in use. - stack successfully deleted' rolledBack='true'",
            "percentProgress": 100,
            "finishTime": "Wed, 17 May 2017 19:05:48 GMT"
      1. VF VM creation working now except for an issue with the traffic generator - Also the wiki mentions deploying the demoVFW service - the 2 demoVFW/demoVLB services are DB preload artifacts of the init script - make sure you select the service you just created - wiki updated.

  11. When I ./ preload DemoVNF DemoModule, it is not success.

    1. I had that json issue periodically on a clean rackspace stopped happening around the 24th of May - also make sure you are running with all 17 VMs including the 5 from DCAE

  12. Hi, Trying to add VF module, getting below exception,

    "Maximum number of poll attempts exceeded "

    1. Thats not a success or failure, you can close that modal window and see the status of the vfmodule since mso will continue to do the work and you can poll the status in vid

      1. Rakesh, see the updated wiki, you should still see your 3 VMs for the VF.  However we are working on getting traffic generation to work.

  13. Thanks Daniel.

    I was trying to debug few other issue and somehow messed up my whole stack  (sad)(sad)

  14. Now when I deploy an instance of the demoVFW, there is an error as follows.

    But It is OK in  the past. It  seems as a database problem.

    1. can you open a question in the question tab so someone can look at the issue?

      1. MSO log is '

        2017-05-11 09:44:19,576 WARN  [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper] (default task-7) SQL Error: 1054, SQLState: 42S22

        2017-05-11 09:44:19,577 ERROR [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper] (default task-7) Unknown column 'this_.REQUESTOR_ID' in 'field list'

        Query is: select this_.REQUEST_ID as REQUEST_1_0_0_, this_.CLIENT_REQUEST_ID as CLIENT_R2_0_0_, this_.ACTION as ACTION3_0_0_, this...'

        It seems like a sql question. and I restart mso DB, but it is not useful.

    2. zhang, don't deploy the demoVFW service (it is an init script artifact) - deploy the service you actually created (I was also getting a 500 because of a partially setup pre-populated demoVFW) - the wiki is updated.

  15. While running the command above after instantiating the VNF

     ./ preload DemoVNF DemoModule

    we got error as follows 

    root@vm1-robot:/opt# ./ preload DemoVNF DemoModule
    Starting Xvfb on display :89 with res 1280x1024x24
    Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...
    Preload VNF | FAIL |
    Title should have been 'AdminPortal' but was ''
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

    Any idea what is wrong here ? Is it some thing to do with the vFW package that we are using  ? 

    1. that to me means your SDN-GC is not setup properly. Dan Timoney might be able to help you debug more.

    2. Check your output.xml inside the docker container where the scripts are run - it will contain more info like the following and also list your env overrides

      root@vm1-robot:/opt/testsuite/properties# docker  exec -it openecompete_container bash

      root@4244dac87d10:/# cat /share/logs/demo/PreloadDemo/output.xml

      <msg timestamp="20170524 03:33:56.495" level="TRACE">Arguments: [ 'Received response from sdngc {"errors":{"error":[{"error-type":"protocol","error-tag":"unknown-element","error-message":"The module named \'VNF-API\' does not exist."}]}}' ]</msg>

  16. Getting the following error preloading the VNF

    Preload VNF                                                           | FAIL |

    Resolving variable '${put_resp.json()['output']['response-code']}' failed: KeyError: 'output'

    The stack will need to have some manual network/oort cleanup to return to a clean state

    obrienbiometrics:onap michaelobrien$ openstack network list


    | ID                                   | Name           | Subnets                              |


    | 7e5579aa-27d1-4a4e-888a-daef7f231d77 | oam_ecomp_4Yqu | 31358316-2a3c-4b84-96a7-224194013166 |


    obrienbiometrics:onap michaelobrien$ openstack network delete 7e5579aa-27d1-4a4e-888a-daef7f231d77

    looks like the template defaults are passing through the preload in all cases (no override)

    UCA-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  17. TODO: verify MSO inbound/outbound - and determine why we pass our predefined set of poll timeouts.  Generate a list of pre-predeploy VM/container checks

    Update: the demo works if you deploy the "service" not the looks to be pre-populated demoVFW service in VID - I am updating the tutorial text and screen captures

    We then get the 3 demo VMs - however everything is hardcoded currently to the sample defaults - we were unable to ssh using the supplied key in the demoVFW zip.  We will retry with our own rackspace key override in the VFW env file.

    The traffic generator needs to be enabled via the curl in the readme - as currently we don't see automatic traffic in the packet generated graph

    curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{"pg-streams":{"pg-stream": [{"id":"fw_udp1", "is-enabled":"true"},{"id":"fw_udp2", "is-enabled":"true"},{"id":"fw_udp3", "is-enabled":"true"},{"id":"fw_udp4", "is-enabled":"true"},{"id":"fw_udp5", "is-enabled":"true"}]}}' ""

    input env (no effect currently)
      unprotected_private_net_id: zdfw2fwl01_unprotected
      protected_private_net_id: zdfw2fwl01_protected
      ecomp_private_net_id: e69b2c8e-bb65-427f-ba7b-695fb62bba39
      ecomp_private_subnet_id: ec0fbfdf-6217-4c6f-8d6b-e199d74504e4
      vfw_name_0: zdfw2fwl01fwl01
      vpg_name_0: zdfw2fwl01pgn01
      vsn_name_0: zdfw2fwl01snk01


    obrienbiometrics:onap michaelobrien$ openstack stack list
    | ID                                   | Stack Name | Stack Status    | Creation Time       | Updated Time |
    | 924bd06f-d4f1-4e2d-bbc1-672ca272b85c | DemoModule | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-05-25T14:04:29 | None         |
    | a3cd8e00-4497-4432-95a1-a1e46b0231dd | ONAP23     | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-05-25T11:57:39 | None         |
    obrienbiometrics:onap michaelobrien$ openstack server list
    | ID                                   | Name                | Status | Networks                                           | Image Name                              |
    | 190229c6-54ba-4cf7-bc39-95ce4d081551 | demofwl01pgn        | ACTIVE | demofwl_unprotected=;               | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | public=2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:79ed,     |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=          |                                         |
    | 718b9c42-454c-4191-98e0-65625f9870fb | demofwl01fwl        | ACTIVE | demofwl_unprotected=;               | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | public=2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:79e9,     |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        |;                                   |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | demofwl_protected=;                 |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                           |                                         |
    | 4da96ee2-dd0d-4222-b828-3494a2463e9c | demofwl01snk        | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:79ce,     | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        |;                                   |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | demofwl_protected=;                 |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                           |                                         |
    | 1e6e64a2-3893-4cc5-92e1-c9a2a00675de | zldciad4vicdap02    | ACTIVE | public=,                             | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7805:102:be76:4eff:fe20:4dfd;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                          |                                         |
    | 767d73c9-a26c-4273-9f66-ccdf4deb5cb2 | zldciad4vicdap01    | ACTIVE | public=,                            | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7801:103:be76:4eff:fe20:4f8e;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                          |                                         |
    | d5ce96a8-e901-48c8-8565-0997d940b849 | zldciad4vicdap00    | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7802:102:be76:4eff:fe20:7191,     | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=         |                                         |
    | 3d691805-1e0b-4f5d-8fe3-803f5b6ce85d | zldciad4vipstg00    | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7807:103:be76:4eff:fe20:c34,      | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=          |                                         |
    | 00a277e4-2962-46c4-a549-2d6210bf165c | zldciad4vicoll00    | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7807:103:be76:4eff:fe20:79c4,     | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=          |                                         |
    | ac5174c9-8730-4541-a016-c6a8b1836084 | vm1-aai             | ACTIVE | public=,                             |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7805:103:be76:4eff:fe20:16bc;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | 157256b6-8488-4d1a-be88-0a2ef02c47ba | vm1-sdc             | ACTIVE | public=,                             |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7805:103:be76:4eff:fe20:7954;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | b6b29b5f-3e97-438f-8fb7-94c5dfabee2b | vm1-portal          | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7803:103:be76:4eff:fe20:7543,     |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=             |                                         |
    | d1d16f48-ed73-475b-8897-1034a266dca9 | vm1-policy          | ACTIVE | public=,                              |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7806:102:be76:4eff:fe20:70e3;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | c6e96da7-5c97-474d-a409-08fa6a6ecf79 | vm1-dcae-controller | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7807:103:be76:4eff:fe20:4b24,     | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=            |                                         |
    | 2a20190e-e0e6-4405-9dbe-baf9fb23dd4f | vm1-sdnc            | ACTIVE | public=,                             | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:4ad7;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | c28fa126-c4ef-454c-86c5-bac02fc2e57d | vm1-dns-server      | ACTIVE | public=2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:4aca,     | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        |; oam_ecomp_cbi2=            |                                         |
    | 48dcd21d-d7f7-4857-917f-2b7bc51b6832 | vm1-mso             | ACTIVE | public=,                             | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:49f4;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | 93ea4139-7cdd-42cc-94ce-7e1f8d4af2e6 | vm1-vid             | ACTIVE | public=,                            | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7803:104:be76:4eff:fe20:49aa;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | 28700c37-710f-4b39-a1c7-a60437a1da3e | vm1-appc            | ACTIVE | public=,                            | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7801:104:be76:4eff:fe20:486f;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                            |                                         |
    | b9ec96b8-398a-4ef5-81a0-b4d65fd45e47 | vm1-robot           | ACTIVE | public=,                            | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM) |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7803:104:be76:4eff:fe20:47ec;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                           |                                         |
    | 40fdf273-4560-4511-ba5d-e11db40ca97e | vm1-message-router  | ACTIVE | public=,                            | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)  |
    |                                      |                     |        | 2001:4802:7801:101:be76:4eff:fe20:47de;            |                                         |
    |                                      |                     |        | oam_ecomp_cbi2=                           |                                         |

    root@vm1-robot:/opt# ./ appc DemoModule
    Starting Xvfb on display :89 with res 1280x1024x24
    Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
    OpenECOMP ETE                                                                 
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                           
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                                
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...
    Create APPC Mount Point                                               | PASS |
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | PASS |
    1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
    1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | PASS |
    1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
    1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | PASS |
    1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
    1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
    OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | PASS |
    1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
    1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
    Output:  /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/output.xml
    Log:     /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/log.html
    Report:  /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/report.html
  18. Hi,

    I don't think this is included above but I found the following useful for some debugging.

    The Robot has a container has a webserver that can be accessed at robot_ip:88 but you have to set up the authorization which can be done by making a file 




    and then using the cmd 

    docker cp  authorization openecompete_container:/etc/lighttpd/authorization

    to move the file in

    then the command 

    docker exec openecompete_container cp -r /share/logs/demo/InitDemo /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/html

    will copy the result of the demo run to the webserver and this can be read at


    and then use test:test 

    1. Yogini and I need the logs in OOM Kubernetes - they were already there and with a robot:robot auth

      for example after a

      root@ip-172-31-57-55:/dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot# ./ distribute

      find your path to the logs by using for example

      root@ip-172-31-57-55:/dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot# kubectl --namespace onap-robot exec -it robot-4251390084-lmdbb bash

      root@robot-4251390084-lmdbb:/# ls /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/html/logs/demo/InitD                                                            

      InitDemo/         InitDistribution/ 

      path is

  19. Nice!, will check it out Andrew.

    1. we didnt enable it as it was not so secure the way we had it setup and it also didnt let people track results over time. Eventually the goal was to finish it and have it be a flag in the docker if you wanted

  20. ./ preload DemoVNF DemoModule is success, but after that ,if create VF Module,the error is as follows:

    And there is sql Error if we check MSO log

    I think the mso server image don't match mso db image. Who had ever met that?

  21. The exception thrown by the MSO connection manager seems related to a loss of connectivity between the MSO container and the DB container, any other error in MSO logs?

    1. If not connected,I think there would be error in the past steps. Because it is necessary to create link and up data between the MSO container and the DB container in the past steps. So I think it is sql statement error.

      I cann't find other Error in MSO logs. 

  22. Update, the vFW zip attached to the wiki is old and needs to be updated likely to the 1.1.0 level.

    Looks like the reason we could not get the traffic generator working was that the VM userdata script failed to run properly and start the generator because downloaded scripts from nexus had the wrong url in the env template.

    The repo URL in the vFW zip has changed to 

      #repo_url: https://ecomp-nexus:8443/repository/raw/org.openecomp.simpledemo


    During VM creation nexus artifacts should be downloaded like the following

    root@demofwl01pgn:/opt# ls


    root@demofwl01pgn:/opt# wget

    --2017-06-06 15:12:13--

    Resolving ( 2604:e100:1:0:f816:3eff:fefb:56ed,

    Connecting to (|2604:e100:1:0:f816:3eff:fefb:56ed|:443... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

    Length: 2627 (2.6K) [application/x-sh]

    Saving to: ‘’

    Also the private key for the 3 vFW VM's is in /testsuite/robot/assets/keys/robot_ssh_private_key.pvt

  23. hi,

      I finished vfw VM installation. but vsnk can not mornitor traffic on its port.

    i checked on vfw VM by tcpdump, the traffic was already sent out by vfw.

    then i checked the traffic by wireshark, the packet has no error. and the src mac in packet is the hardware address of tap-1 of vfw vpp. Dst mac in packet belong to vsnk VM.

    On vnsk ping ip of vfw tap-1 "" ,it is ok. also added route to

    i also use tcpdump to check the traffic on vsnk VM, can not find any UDP traffic from vfw.

  24. cloud_env: openstack
    artifacts_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
    docker_version: 1.1-STAGING-latest

    Problem in Step: "Deploy Service Instance in VID"

    With some Hickups I managed to setup ONAP, ran the " init" and sucessfully opened VID (with workaround) to deploy the vFW Service instance.
    Unfortunately I am stuck here, as in the dialog the field "Service Type" is greyed out, which stops me from proceeding. 
    Any hints ?

    1. I had the same problem (but I don't think ran successfully for me).  I executed the HTTP PUT on AAI as described here Tutorial_vIMS: Create AAI cloud account and this allowed me to select the service type.
      Note: I also had to run the workaround described here -  SO-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and I still have not got to the stage where my service is instantiated, but slightly further along.

      1. Hi Stephen,

        thanks for the hints.
        I managed to use Postman to check the content of AAI and obviously the customer with the correct entries for vFW and vLB are existing (result of init), including the "service-type" attribute.

        The VID also sends the API call to the AAI to get these details, but not showing them in the dialog.
        So it seems to be a problem of the VID currently.


        1. Andreas Geissler - I repeated some of this today. init reported success, but I still could not select a service_type.  I added the tenant_name as described in Run on vanilla Openstack and ran " distribute" ( init cannot be rerun) and I think this is what allowed me to select the service type for the demonstration user.
          (However I still can't instantiate a service correctly due to this error - Failed to fetch service instance data from A&AI: Response Code: 401)

          1. Stephen, sounds unfortunate.  I get a 401 in my own JAX-RS 2.0 client code if I don't include either the Basic auth AAI:AAI or the aai certificate is not imported into the default keystore.  I have seen issues discussed early this week on failure for 3 or 4 clients of AAI to authenticate properly in master/1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.  -  will see if I can dig them up.

            Vid can't post to AAI currently in 1.1 - VID: required key [authentication_mechanism] not found


  25. Hello.

    I have some problem when i am trying to run the demo.

    Indeed, the "service" isn't created and i only have the prepopulation artifacts as you can see in my screenshot.

    Do i miss something?



    1. Cherif, check your output of ./ init

      The customer and service (not the instance yet) are created in the init script - see 15:39 of the 3rd demo video

      Installing and Running the ONAP Demos#ONAPDeploymentVideos

      I just happen to be creating a vFirewall on a 2nd install - I just finished the robot init.

      The state of the vid browse service models call should include your model if it was initialized ok


      ( headers: Authorization=Basic QUFJOkFBSQ== X-FromAppId=AAI  Content-Type=application/json)

      Look for your service name around

                  "model-name-version-id": "dcb40136-9cec-45be-b080-2a36b31c2f06",

                  "model-type": "service",

                  "model-name": "vfservice",

                  "model-id": "43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef",

      If it is missing (since it is in VID) then the init script likely had issues.

      Are you seeing your customer/tenant populated (it is in the same step)?


      { "customer": [{
      "global-customer-id": "Demonstration",
      "subscriber-name": "Demonstration",

      Update: I assumed you are running 1.0, if you are running 1.1 - then likely you are experiencing the issue between MSO-VID Stephen has mentioned above.



      1. I realised the demo thanks to you.



  26. ./ init is success. But when i try to access the VID console as 'demo' user, am getting the following error.

    Please help.

    1. Hi,
      I think this is a known issue (hopefully fixed soon), look here:

      Best regards

  27. Hi, I try to use onap in openstack, and also meet the the maximum number of poll problem when the status is "In Progress"

    However, the vFM Instances didn't start up in openstack, 

    I checked the mso docker, it shows the error below

    I have update the mso-docker.json with "RegionOne" for lcp_clli and region_id, but it doesn't work.

    Any suggestions to solve this problem?  Thanks

    1. You,

         Just an fyi that the maximum poll events issue is expected on slower systems - the poll attempts are hardcoded to 10 - until we use an async callback or increase the timeout or number of timeouts you can ignore this - as long a the service is created eventually.

      VID-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS


      1. Thanks Michael?it works.

  28. snapshot12.png

    ./ init is success but the 'Service Type' is disabled. I tried to run ./ distribute but still no luck.

    AAI - POSTMAN GET is also fine.

      "service-subscriptions": {


    When i check the vid/application.log, i could see the 'Number Format Exception'.  Is it related to this error?.


    2017-07-28 12:55:01,429|cb463113-74ea-4a92-a849-b0b3503d015c||http-apr-8080-exec-4||/getuserID|292b461a-2954-4b63-a3f9-f916c7ad3bc0|ERROR|INFORMATIONA

    L||d61d4b880330|||| handleSesionUpdatesNative failed

    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "<!DOCTYPE html><html ng-app="abs">    <head>        <head>        <meta charset="utf-8">

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    Any help.


    Antony Prabhu

  29. Hi Team,

      Any work around for the above issue service-type 'disabled' view?...I couldn't proceed further.


  30. While running the command above after instantiating the VNF

     ./ init

    Initialize Customer And Models  failed with following error                                       | FAIL |

    Variable '${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID}' not found.

    Work around is :-

    cd dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot/eteshare/config/


    add entry with tenant id


  31. Hi All,

    We are trying to run demo for vFW.
    In this process we are running the script init and it is failing with the below error,
    We are getting this error when we receive response from ASDC for POST request msde to it, when it distributes model for vFWCL.
    Can anyone please help us as to how we can resolve this

    Thanks and Regards,


  32. user-acfda

    Hi All,

    Query regarding onap-parameters.yaml file.

    From which command to fetch the value for the below two ID?

    openstack network list to fetch the value of public network and fill it in "OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_ID".

    But, from where to fetch the value of OPENSTACK_OAM_NETWORK_ID?

    Can both values be same?




    1. OAM network is the private management network id, but i have given oam cidr value in my case

  33. When a service is instantiated, the vnfs that are mentioned in the service should also be instantiated automatically. Then why should we again add a vnf instance to the service manually ?

  34. I am trying to create a service instance, but I keep on running into an error.

    In the Create New Service Instance section, it shows this:

    In the onap-robot VM, I tried to run the script and got the following error:

    I also checked the file /opt/eteshare/logs/demo/InitDemo/output.xml. This is the error:

    However, it has fetched the keystone URL successfully:

    Can anyone help?

  35. Michael O'Brien

    I am using ONAP OOM Casablanca maintenance release 3.0.2 TAG.

    I created a service and deployed using VID. While attempting creating a VF (Virtual Function) inside that deployed Service, I get "MSO Failure - see log blow for details" VID_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ADD_VF_MSO_FAILURE.JPG

    Above issue is happening for be it "vFW" service (or) our newly created service "vNWC" (virtual Network Controller".

    Can you please help which item to look for to resolve this issue?

    All OOM rsys-so pods are up and running.

    Thanks in advance,


    Balaji Shankaran


  36. Hi,

    I am trying to deploy a instance on Openstack using ONAP. I am using casablanca version of ONAP. I am trying to run "./ onap init" but I am getting a SSLError. Output of this command is following:

    root@sb4-k8s-1-1:~/oom/kubernetes/robot# ./ onap init
    Number of parameters:
    ++ kubectl --namespace onap get pods
    ++ sed 's/ .*//'
    ++ grep robot
    + POD=dev-robot-robot-646785574-ws5hq
    + ETEHOME=/var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE
    ++ kubectl --namespace onap exec dev-robot-robot-646785574-ws5hq -- bash -c 'ls -1q /share/logs/ | wc -l'
    + export GLOBAL_BUILD_NUMBER=5
    ++ printf %04d 5
    + OUTPUT_FOLDER=0005_demo_init
    + DISPLAY_NUM=95
    + VARIABLEFILES='-V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/'
    + kubectl --namespace onap exec dev-robot-robot-646785574-ws5hq -- /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -d /share/logs/0005_demo_init -i InitDemo --display 95
    Starting Xvfb on display :95 with res 1280x1024x24
    Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
    Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases including setu...
    Initialize Customer And Models | FAIL |
    SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='hvlcloud.5ghvl.local', port=13000): Max retries exceeded with url: //v3/auth/tokens (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),))
    Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases inclu... | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
    Testsuites | FAIL |
    1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
    1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
    Output: /share/logs/0005_demo_init/output.xml
    Log: /share/logs/0005_demo_init/log.html
    Report: /share/logs/0005_demo_init/report.html

    I installed ssl certificate of my openstack in ONAP NFS instance but it didnt worked. Is there a way to disable SSL in ONAP or is there a way to attach my SSL certificate on ONAP. I would be so happy if someone help me on this issue.

  37. Dear All,

    I have installed ONAP ElAlto successfully and i distributed sample vFW from my SDC it is visible in my VID but deploy button is disabled. I also noticed that one case failed in onap init.

    root@onap-elalto-1:~/oom/kubernetes/robot# ./ onap init

    Number of parameters:




    ++ kubectl --namespace onap get pods

    ++ sed 's/ .*//'

    ++ grep robot

    + POD=dev-robot-robot-5c9bd6d678-7fhrj

    ++ dirname ./

    + DIR=.

    + SCRIPTDIR=scripts/demoscript

    + ETEHOME=/var/opt/ONAP

    + '[' ']'

    ++ kubectl --namespace onap exec dev-robot-robot-5c9bd6d678-7fhrj -- bash -c 'ls -1q /share/logs/ | wc -l'

    + export GLOBAL_BUILD_NUMBER=4


    ++ printf %04d 4

    + OUTPUT_FOLDER=0004_demo_init

    + DISPLAY_NUM=94

    + VARIABLEFILES='-V /share/config/'

    + kubectl --namespace onap exec dev-robot-robot-5c9bd6d678-7fhrj -- /var/opt/ONAP/ -V /share/config/ -d /share/logs/0004_demo_init -i InitDemo --display 94

    Starting Xvfb on display :94 with res 1280x1024x24

    Executing robot tests at log level TRACE




    Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases including setu...


    Initialize Customer And Models | FAIL |

    ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine('No status line received - the server has closed the connection',))


    Initialize SO Openstack Identity For V3 | PASS |


    Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases inclu... | FAIL |

    2 critical tests, 1 passed, 1 failed

    2 tests total, 1 passed, 1 failed


    Testsuites | FAIL |

    2 critical tests, 1 passed, 1 failed

    2 tests total, 1 passed, 1 failed


    Output: /share/logs/0004_demo_init/output.xml

    Log: /share/logs/0004_demo_init/log.html

    Report: /share/logs/0004_demo_init/report.html

    Error logs:

      Can you please help me how to resolve this. I am struggling since a week on this issue.

    I have updated my openstack credentials v2  in openstack.yml & helm deployed using overrides files of opnap all & openstack yml.

    Also my pods are reachable to openstack. I don't know where am i missing.