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 | 9am PDT |  noon EDT | 16:00 UTC | 18:00 CEST | 21:30 IST 


  • North American daylight saving 2021 starts March14
  • European           daylight savings 2021starts March28

Meeting ID: 890 6970 8424



Discussion items


Next meetings: 

2021-04-21: John Keeney

2021-04-28: Martin Skorupski

2021-05-05: John Keeney

2021-05-12: Martin Skorupski 


Status reports:


Martin Skorupskimy personal understanding 2021-04-04:

  • O-RAN-SC → RAN
  • Magma → Core
  • ONAP (including O-RAN-SC Non-RT-RIC) → SMO

Specs from 3GPP (core, N1, N2, N3, E1, F1, X?) and O-RAN (A1, O1(based on 3GPP), O2, OpenFrontaul, E2)

@all: Please correct, in case of my misinterpretations. 

Kenny Paul

5G Super Blueprint links Landing Page:

Wiki Page:

Mailing List/Calendar:

00:3000:10SMO functionality and alignment between ONAP and O-RAN SC

SMO functionality and alignment between ONAP and O-RAN SC

  • Swami, John and Martin: slide set was presented 
  • There was a meeting between ONAP TSC and O-RAN-SC ToC - including LFN
  • View file

Some thoughts: 



00:16"A1 Proxy"Pawel Slowikowski

more on A1 Proxy

  • internal Proxy → 2 proxies in a row
  • maybe a wiki helps also in future

Feedback notification to Policy

  • Policy vs Analytics - where to implement?
  • Issue no use case driving this topic yet
  • Spec says - notification yes, but not info about its processing
  • Notification receiver - currently logs the notification

from Slack:

Hi O-RAN-ONAP experts!
I have one question regarding the feedback policy operation, do you plan (or have some idea) how this operation should be supported in ONAP (as an SMO)?

Answer: We have a plan - but there are several options and it is not clear which one to choose

follow-up question: What should be done with such notifications? 

potential use case: UE movement → clean up of Policies when moving from one Near-RT-RIC to the next

Currently, we have only the status_notification_uri field in the policy preload available. But the http server is missing on the A1-P Consumer site (ONAP-PMS, SDNC/A1 Adapter) that will respond to this POST request (feedback) from the Near RT RIC site.

How is the community vision on this topic? I wonder that this "feedback" should be handler by R-APPs or the PMS will be responsible for that?

Answer: might be use case driven

I saw that the community not use this slack channel but this is my first attempt to start some discussion here. Also this topic can be handler during our weekly callImage Removed

we will be better (wink)

  • maybe a discussion wiki helps here too

Use Case 

  • VES collector 1.9.0
  • onap-sdnc 2.31
  • DMaaP 1.1.8


  • multi helm

yang files

  • admin - unlocked → Connection should be established → works as expected
  • admin - locked → Connection should be shut down → action by O-DU to close the connection

AI: check yang models.

for agenda next week

Claudio David Gasparinisome insides from CPS - thanks!

00:23UI for A1- Policy

There is a UI in O-RAN-SC Non-RT-RIC

  • can be reused by ONAP 
  • how to start-up this UI? - there is a way - also was part of ONAP portal (unmaintained)
00:34ves:stdnDefinedDamian Nowak




    00:??Use Case


    OSC Proposed e2e integration use case: O-RU FH connection recovery

    <bridge dropped recording stopped at this point. Most participants reconnected once bridge started again>

    • Topology ??: (contd)
      • John Keeney Lots of options for how this should be done properly in ONAP.
      • Swaminathan Seetharaman ONAP usecases already have some plans for this e.g. slicing, oof,  etc
      • Andy Mayer A model should be agreed in ONAP. Lots of previous discussions in ONAP - e.g. what goes in A&AI and CPS ... but that was a while ago.
      • Martin Skorupski SDNR has some topology model too - not standards based.
      • @Sven John Keeney Martin Skorupski Lots of issues with different topology models ... and most existing hierarchical models break down in a 5G/CloudRan environment
      • Lots of work ... Andy Mayer Martin Skorupski Can create a JIRA in ONAP MODCOM ...
      • ... but will keep it simple here for this use case.
    • @? Will other O1 usecases be effected? Martin Skorupski i No. O1 functions continue as before.
    • Martin Skorupski Please add feedback if any

    Action items
