R6 Frankfurt



REQ (Requirements) Epic

The main Epic REQ Jira ticket for enhancements for POB/OB in R6 is

REQ-135 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Definition of Platform Info & Data model continues

Introduce/Refine PNF S/W version (get it review & approved)

Resource Data Model

Onboarding PNFD to Platform PNFD mapping development & enhancement


Package Validation enhancements notable Package security (option 2 per artifact), SOL004 alignment, License Model Check.

PNF Onboarding Package

Further carry-over development from R4/Dublin for PNF onboarding process.

VNF Onboarding

VNF onboarding, same procedure, same function, but testing/integration was not completed in R4/Dublin.

VNFD Mapping to Platform Model

Additional validation of security package.

VNFD Modeling transformation (PNFD was completed in R4)

PNF Software version onboardingThe PNF S/W version needs to be onboarded (and defined) for usage in the PNF S/W Upgrade use case.
Documentation /

VNF requirements document / Read the docs. DOCS project

VNF-RQTS project requirements update.

ETSI & SOL Alignment

ETSI Alignment Support

ETSI Catalog Management


PROJECTPTLUser Story / EpicRequirement







External API


Epic 1: VNF onboarding

Epic 2: VNFD Model mapping

Epic 3: S/W Version in Package

E1b: VNFD transforming (modeling team discussions)

E2: VNFD (onboarded) to Platform Model (modeling team discussions)

E3: S/W Version (under discussion in resource info modeling team)

Multi-VIM /







Epic 1: VNF onboarding

Epic 2: VNFD Model mapping

Epic 3: S/W Version in Package

E1a: Alignment to SOL 001.

E1b: VNFD transforming (modeling team discussions)

E1c: Enhance security for xNF package artifacts.

E2: VNFD (onboarded) to Platform Model (modeling team discussions)

E3: S/W Version (under discussion in resource info modeling team)


VIDIttay Stern


VNF-SDKEpic 4: VNF-SDK Enhancements

E4a: Enhance security for xNF package artifacts bug fixing (Option 1 done in R5)

E4b: PNF descriptor requirements alignment

E4c: Integration Testing work Morgan Richomme 


List of PTLs:Approved Projects

The "Base" PNF Pre-onboarding/Onboarding Wiki

The base page was created for R4/Dublin ONAP release and can be found here:

5G - PNF Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding

Modeling work to support PNF pre-onboarding/onboarding - INTERNAL MODELING

Definition of Platform Information & Data model continues. Modeling S/C. Extend internal Modeling.

Resource Data Model (PNFD to Platform Model) - MAPPING

Onboarding PNFD to Platform PNFD mapping development & enhancement

PNF Onboarding Package Carry-over and enhancements

Further carry-over development from R4/Dublin for PNF onboarding process.

VNF Onboarding

VNF onboarding, same procedure, same function, but testing/integration was not completed in R4/Dublin.

Data types, normatives, TOSCA definitions. Updated types to 2.5.1.

(Jira Ticket opened in R4 but didn't have time to finish it)

Integration Project


(Test Only)

Enhancement of Package Testing. A item to make sure that integration testing is performed and that VNF-SDK supports the functions as will be described in the Requirements work. Testing the package against the requirements (a user can enter a requirement#) VNF-RQTS project.

It would be ideal if the PNF Package used by the VNF-SDK work is shared by the rest of the PNF pre-onboarding/onboarding development & integration.

In R6 (Integration Project) - use VNF-SDC in automated test Suite in Integration proj. Automated PNF PnP executes the whole process, onboarding the description, creating the svc model; distributed odel. want to add additional test executing validation of VNF-SDK before real-onboarding. validation of package, then use package for onboarding.


to be done (new Jira ticket pending in Integration project)

VNF-SDK enhancements

Checking Content


(finished in R5 maybe some bug fixing in R6)

Driven from SOL004: Option 1 (Supported in R4 Dublin): TOSCA.meta (exists) Meta-directory based, XML based approach. Option 2 (NOT support in R4 Dublin): CSAR without TOSCA.meta. Manifest (.mf) file that has everything (so the TOSCA.meta is redundant). Yaml-based approach.

The Public Key a key to open the package. SOL004 Option 1, 2 and use key to open the package - X.509 certificates public key, private key to sign the package and private key correspond to the private key of the package also delivered with the package. a package, a signature, and public key certificate delivered together. There may be more than one signature. Option 1 there is a digest for every file. All of those digests are listed in the manifest file. The manifest file is signed, one signature on the manifest. One signature and one key/pair & 1 certificate. Still optional to sign other files. The signature is a file beside. myimage.iso myimage.xyz but the same file/directory. Every file signed should have a signature files. CSAR file signed in a .sm file, package signature. The public key is signed can be signed by a root certificate.

An X.509 certificate is a digital certificate that uses the widely accepted international X.509 public key infrastructure (PKI) standard to verify that a public key belongs to the user, computer or service identity contained within the certificate.

(investigate) if VNF-SDK would like to use AAF as the CA. Can AAF perform the CA functions.

To open the package need: (1) Public Key (to open the manifest file) (2) file input (3) certificate input. create a hash, the hash is verified against the signature. SHA-256

R5 (El Alto). Implemented Option 1 per artifact security (R4 had only Option 2 per package security). Had to fix a bug. No more is needed in R6.

OPEN   - only Bug Fixes were done no new functionality, post-poned to Rx


The descriptor. There is validation of the VNFD. PNF Descriptor: TOSCA descriptor, and validate the node type. Validation of TOSCA PNFD. Following TOSCA rules. Components required are there.  (NEEDS INVESTIGATION)

VNFSDK check the VNFD based on VNF requirements.

In R6: Req (from Victor Gao) - discrepancies in Req. Req for VNFs. Added new Req for PNF. some need to be refactored. To make sure PNF stuff is validated in better way. PNFD validation.


VNFSDK-341 - Getting issue details... STATUS (closed)




The create package function creates the metadata files, and CSAR files. This needs to be modified to support SOL004. (NEEDS INVESTIGATION)

[Low Priority] - Likely to be pushed to R7 Guilin

OPEN: Post-poned to R7


#F2: TOSCA Metafile License Content Check

SDC license model check. Potential ARTIFACTS: Vendor license model & agreement, features. VNF can have >1 features, entitlement pool, license key pools, actual keys.

[Low Priority] - Licensing Management Use Case is introduced in R6, so License content check will for POB/OB will happen in NEXT release R7 Guilin (at earliest)

OPEN: Post-Poned to R7



Additional Resources / Links:

ONAP R6+ Onboarding VNF/PNF package format, non-MANO artifacts set definition


This section discusses the Testing & Integration for R6 PnP

  1. WHO IS TESTING - what company, team, and people will be doing the testing & responsibilities for testing.
  2. TEST ENVIRONMENT - which does the lab & test environment.
  3. RESOURCES NEEDED - what resources are needed.
  4. WHO IS CONTRIBUTING RESOURCES - what resources will be provided and by whom/what company.
  5. NETWORK CONNECTIVITY - Connectivity requirements
  6. INTEGRATION LEAD DEFINITION - ONAP "Use Case/Requirement" Integration Lead

PNF PnP Integration Test Cases for Preonboarding/Onboarding. These can be navigated to from the Integration team page hierarchy.

5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Cases

Testing Status

Dublin 5G - PNF PnP - Test Status

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