


Discussion items

R5 El Alto Use Case DiscussionBenjamin Cheung
 A&AI Schema Changes for R5 El Alto (ESR, Complex, PNFid/PNFname) James Forsyth

ESR (external NMS) - EMS/NMS + ONAP.

Complex (Cloud Region ID/Home) - (verify with Jimmy)


New A&AI parameters for xNF.

Physical Location, Location within system (Cloud location)

Complex Wiki:

BBS U/C Platform evolution

San Jose presented proposals for next release for R5/R6.

Slide set linked in R5 proposed U/C.

List of proposals & functional requirements.

San Jose DF Discussion

M4 R4 Milestone discussion

TSC M4 Score Card

R4 Dublin M4 Milestone April 11, 2019 (Tomorrow)

Release Planning

Score Card:

Dublin Release Requirements

Platform Evolution for Data Persistency (R-future)

N.K. Shankaranarayanan

Controller to NF Association (R-future)Benjamin Cheung

Firewall U/C in R4/R5Bharath Thiruveedula

PM Dictionary, FM Meta Data GUI evolution

R4 FM Initial GUI will be available, that work is underway. Only able to present fields are defined in VES events. Will need evolution in a future release and updates in the next releases.

3GPP release which integrates VES events into 3GPP.

PM - change structure of defined VES event provided working discussions to talk about modifying to have each measurement be its own record in the VES file. Better organized information for GUI to pull into a policy engine. Modify and create a proposal.

Requirements for PM / FM are completed.


PNF S/W Upgrade U/C R5

Netconf focused.

PNF Sw Upgrade (old page to be removed)

ETSI SOL001...SOL007 Modeling

PNF Pre-onboarding/Onboarding U/C in R5PNF/VNF PREONBOARDING / ONBOARDING in R6 Frankfurt

Network Slicing in R5

Controller LCM API EvolutionOskar Malm

Proposal in ARCHCOM:

High level goals:

  • Target is common LCM API in CCSDK usable by different controller personas to simplify for both clients and controller implementations
  • Support PNFs for applicable LCM operations in a consistent way
  • Enable use of CDS blueprint processor to customize behavior of LCM operations in the 'self-service' category
    • In ONAP R4, CDS can be used for pre/post-instantiation configuration. Generic and model-driven design should allow CDS usage to be extended for additional operations and use cases.
  • Evolution steps that preserve backwards compatibility for clients

One possible solution was presented based on existing LCM API defined in YANG, but consolidated into CCSDK with APPC code as likely starting point. When receiving incoming API requests, this code performs logical functions such as request validation, optional NF locking and finally dispatch - today this means selection of Directed Graph (DG) to execute. The common implementation would be extended for PNFs and CDS integration.

This is ongoing topic and there is no ARCHCOM recommendation yet.

R5 El Alto Cadence Proposal (EUAG / End-User Advisory Group)

Summary: The El Alto release could be shortened

and focus on internal (tech) debt and defect backlogs.

A proposed release cycle is presented.


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5G Use Cases in Next release (R5 or R6)

Action items
