DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Policy R6 Frankfurt Team Scrums

Policy Team

Epics - do overall planningPolicy Team

Policy Notification Update discussionPolicy Team


Pamela Dragosh

Gervais-Martial Ngueko

Jorge Hernandez

Saryu Shah

Jim Hahn

Ajith Sreekumar

Ali Hockla

Bruno Sakoto

Liam Fallon

Pramod Jamkhedkar

Vidyashree Rama

Rashmi Pujar

Sébastien Determe


  • CLAMP update
    • El Alto update
    • Frankfurt
      • El Alto branch created
      • AAF work
      • DCAE self-serve CL - finalizing
      • CDS will start development - Vidya
      • Rashmi question: CDS work who is identified to work on it? So far Vidya. Others from Huawei may help.
  • Policy Scrum (see wiki)
  • Policy Epic review
  • Question: Should the PDP continue to run if for multiple policies being deployed and one or more fails? ex: if 10 are loaded and 5 fail to load
    • Drools continues to run
    • XACML continue to run
    • The PAP makes the decision to put a PDP into PASSIVE mode if there are failures. eg the User makes the call to undeploy
    • PDP's report what policies succeeded and failed
  • R6 Dmaap Notification of Policy Update
    • For Policy Update - need to add complexity of multiple PDP groups. How does the client know which group?
      • Agree to just get the first cut done and address this later. Perhaps in G Release.



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