The following components have reference documents describing exposed APIs:

  • No labels


  1. Will you be adding the link to SDNC API document? Thanks.

    1. The SDNC Rest API document is not available yet.   You may view APIs via the apidoc/explorer interface on a running instance of SDNC.  The URL would be

           http://{VM address where SDNC is running}:{port}/apidoc/explorer/index.html

      For the demo container configuration the port is 8282 or if you build and run an SDNC controller in a VM, the port is 8181.

      The images below show an example use of the interface to: view classes of APIs; get a list of operations for one class of APIs;  and expand one of the operations in this list to see interface details.

      1. Nice! thank you was looking for the swagger docs, the user:pass (same as VID db pass in the DockerFile is admin:Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U)

  2. Thanks, I will do as you suggested

  3. Hi,

    When I try opening the URL above, it prompts me for a username and password. When I provide the default karaf/karaf it does not work. I am able to open the karaf console with this username and password. Is there a different username and password for this?



  4. The default user is admin for Opendaylight REST interface. The password is the common ONAP GUI long test  password.

  5. HI,

    Where i can find Rest API  for VNF ?


    Abdul Kalam

  6. Abdul:

    We have previous version VES Specification with an agent library available via AT&T github at We are also in the process of adding the new VES Specification including the /yaml On-boarding artifacts to the github. We will provide a link as soon it is done.


  7. HI,

    We are using OpenStack+ONAP. How we can Onboard VNF(Create),get VNF instances and delete instances using command line or any other ways?

  8. the onboarding and instance creation is done using the SDC component.

    the sdc had a UI interface for the onboarding and instance management.

    1. Hi Michel,
      If i want to use command line or Rest API to Lanch VNF,Delete and get instances ?

  9. you can do that but as far as i know this was not yet documented.

    it can be done using rest .