This is the project welcome page for CLAMP (Control Loop Automation Management Platform)

Below are the links to the CLAMP project sub wiki pages

The CLAMP project won't participate in Honolulu and upcoming releases. 

The CLAMP functionalities are being migrated under the Policy Project as part of the Istanbul release

What is CLAMP?

overview: CLAMP Project Proposal (5/11/17)

documentation updates: CLAMP Documentation (major updates for each release)

How to create a Control loop  :  CLAMP videos (FRANKFURT)

Initial Project Proposal

The CLAMP project was proposed as a new initiative as part of ONAP on 5/11/17 :

Approved Project Proposal


  1. R1 Amsterdam Release  RELEASED  Q4 2017

  2. R2 Beijing Release  RELEASED    Q2 2018

  3. R3 Casablanca Release RELEASED Q4 2018

  4. R4 Dublin Release RELEASED Q2 2019 

  5. R5 El Alto Release RELEASED Q3 2019 

  6. R6 Frankfurt Release RELEASED Q2 2020 
  7. R7 Guilin Release RELEASED Q4 2020 

Weekly Call Meetings & Calendars

A Team meeting is organized every Wednesday

Weekly calls meeting minutes, agenda and schedule can be found here

Team Calandar: 


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    Subscribe to calendars using your favourite calendar client.



Useful links and resources for the CLAMP team :

Casablanca Integration Testing : Integration Weather Board for Casablanca Release

Dublin Integration Testing : Integration Weather Board for Dublin Release

El Alto Integration Testing : Integration Weather Board for El Alto Release

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  1. Hi Gervais-Martial Ngueko, could you highlight major differences in closed loop automation use case support between CLAMP and the proposed OOF project ?

    1. Hi, can you tell me where is the description of the OOF project, is it a R2 project ?

      1. Yes; it is in R2 proposal as part of 5G RAN deployment and optimization use cases. We could have a discussion with the lead to figure out how CLAMP and OOF fit together or expected to be independent. OOF is being discussed in the context of network slice (I presume it would be realized as a service in ONAP) optimization as well. It would be good to get a matrix identifying levels of closed loop automation. i.e. VNF level (which CLAMP addresses today...), Service level (OOF ?).

        1. My view is: OOF would provide mS on DCAE, those mS would then be available to be included in a control loop designed and managed using CLAMP. Those OOF control loop would obviously trigger appropriate optimization policy (this would be part of the control loop designed and managed via CLAMP).

          Note that currently control loop are triggered by event coming from VNF, so (automatic)scheduled trigger are not yet part of the solution.

          So the link between OOF and CLAMP for me:

          1) micro-service on DCAE dedicated to OOF usable in Control Loop

          2) specific OOF policies that would be used in OOF Control loop.

          But of course we can have discussion with OOF lead (and other people involved) to dig deeper.

  2. Hi Clamp team , Can you post the Video/Document of End-to-End Closed loop demo using CLAMP ? . It will be very much helpful .

    Thanks a lot !



  3. Hi.

    Can you add some description of CLAMP project on that page? In What is CLAMP section is only the link to video with control loop creation tutorial. I found great description on CLAMP Project Proposal (5/11/17) page, maybe it can be copied or linked.

