Meeting time: 13:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link: International numbers available:

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links




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1) Email Polls

2) Non-MANO Artifacts  (Fei Zhang ) Come back until end of Frankfurt release)

      Slides describing the proposal available for comments: ONAP Non-MANO Artifacts Set Identifiers_PA3.pptx (Michela Bevilacqua)

Action item: Michela Bevilacqua will connect with VNFRQS PTL to build lifetime readthedoc. Jira is created for VNFRQS.

UPDATE: Updated Wiki Page, JIRA to update requirements. Ready for ETSI to review. For all non-MANO artifacts.

Action: Initiated ETSI review. Awaiting response from ETSI

ACTION: Email back to ETSI, assuming no issues and we are proceeding. ONAP identifier should be part of ETSI registry.

3)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

4)  Joint SDC & Modeling subcommittee DM review:

  • 2 Potential topics: ETSI Package Management  & VNF SW Version (SDC & Modeling Subcommittee) (by M1)

5)  ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements

Category 1 : R1/R2:

  Fred: Whether ETSI NFV 2.7.1 review next week will be decided by next Monday.

Category 1 : R3 will contact about how to proceed.

Category 1:  R4 Chuyi will detail the requirement

Category 2: Ben will handle them firstly , will contact with chairs once he need the help

Category 5: Container model documented, encourage the contribution.

6) June virtual LFN Developer and Testing Forum event, deadline June 3rd:

June 22-25

Deadline for topics June 3

Added Modeling Subcommittee meeting to the agenda. Andy Mayer


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Resource IM

ONAP R6 Resource IM Call 2020-6-8

Fred: ETSI Update (IFA 011 version 2.7.1) Virtual IP Support

Proposal on how to describe and document relationships in ONAP Info Model Jacqueline Beaulac Michela Bevilacqua


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Service IM: Meeting Next Week to review requirements proposals.

Policy Model Editor Question. Chuyi Guowill take this on.


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AAI Reverse Engineering status

15CNF Orchestration Modeling

See: CNF Modeling Activity

Release requirement: 

15VNF software version ContinuedLukasz Rajewski

No additional changes have been identified for SDC. Only change in base HEAT.

Generic-VNF: software-version may be added to AAI.

0 Container model

0310: Introduction of K8S module in MultiVIM project

cFW orchestration demo 


0324: Invite K8S PoC


CNF Taskforce takes place after Thursday's TSC:  CNF-Taskforce 2020 Recordings

0421: Container Modeling at April Technical Event

ETSI NFV Container Architecture for ONAP v1.pptx

CNTT RA2 for ONAPv2.pptx

CNCF TUG Progress_0421.pdf

10Modeling and Use Cases

Please review and provide comments by next week to help finalize:

Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling


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