Meeting time: 13:00 UTC Duration 60 minutes

Zoom Meeting Link:

International numbers available:

Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

TimeAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links




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1) Email Polls: 2021 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions

Start the email Polls for ASD Model: 

 IM: Application Service Descriptor (ASD) onboarding IM

 Package:  Application Service Descriptor (ASD) Onboarding Packaging Format

2)  Modeling current activity status

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Please capture modeling requirements for R10 here: ONAP R10 Modeling High Level Requirements

Proposed Jakarta Release Schedule: Release Planning: Jakarta

Note: In JIRA, ONAPMODEL is the "project" we are using to capture Modeling Subcommittee release requirements.

3) Jira Issue Cleaning

This issue has not been updated in 18 months, or more. The issue will be closed and resolved as "won't do" by Jan 21, 2022, unless providing reasonable explanations.

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

All the issues have been closed.

4) DDF in Jan. 2022 

Joint SDO Modeling Workshop Minutes:

5) Merging of Modeling Subcommittee call and Resource IM call

Send an email Poll to the mailing list,  the meeting time will be Monday 13:00 UTC, duration 60 minutes every week after merging. If this is approved, next call will be Feb. 7th. 

Note There will still have a resource IM call on Jan. 24th as usual, but no call on Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st, since  Chinese Spring Festival will start from Jan. 31st .



Resource IM Call Report

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ONAP R10 Resource IM Call 2021-12-20