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Dublin use cases/functional requirements1h55

All Slides for VF2F - 5G U/C are here: Release 4 (Dublin) Use Cases and functional requirements

under specific use case/functional requirement

Control Loop Sub Committee Dublin Requirements45 mins

We will be discussing these 2 functional requirements:

Ease of creating analytic components and on-boarding DCAE micro services

Model driven Control Loop Design

Security Requirements for Dublin Release 20 mins

Security Requirements for Dublin Release


04:54:36 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
04:55:53 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
04:58:46 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
05:00:01 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
05:00:07 From Yan Chen : #info Yan Chen, China Telecom
05:00:13 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
05:00:13 From Eric Debeau to Kenny Paul (LFN) (Privately) : Hi Kenny, we will present the slides with Mike Elliot and Adolfo.
05:00:45 From Lingli : #info Lingli, CMCC
05:00:45 From Ranny Haiby : #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
05:03:28 From Stephen Terrill : #info, Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
05:04:23 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
05:05:31 From Kenny Paul (LFN) :
05:05:36 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : #info Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom
05:06:08 From Martin Skorupski (highstreet technologies) : #info Martin Skorupski, highstreet technologies
05:06:26 From Davide Cherubini : #info proxy Davide Cherubini, Vodafone
05:06:28 From Catherine Lefevre : #info, Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
05:06:41 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : Thanks kenny for the LF shutdown on the 17th - it will help in taking some time off
05:06:42 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
05:06:45 From Davide Cherubini : (Susana has PC issues but she will join asap)
05:09:56 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : I am working with the wiki at 9 with a client - but I definitely want the jira upgrade - and especially to AWS - so go ahead definitely as the upgrade is worth it - and you need time to triage anything before the 17- I support the upgrade regardless
05:10:19 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : I mean wiki upgrade - thanks go ahead
05:11:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) (Privately) : seen. thank you
05:11:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) (Privately) : seen. thank you
05:11:58 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Davide Cherubini (Privately) : seen. thank you
05:12:15 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Catherine Lefevre (Privately) : seen. thank you
05:12:39 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Jason Hunt (Privately) : seen. thank you
05:13:40 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic ONAP minimal footprint
05:15:40 From Keong Lim k00759777 : is startup time part of s3p?
05:16:09 From Jason Hunt : Startup time has not been part of S3P yet
05:16:37 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : startup time is 2 tier - all of onap except DCAE (20-50 min) - dcae secondary orchestration takes 50-70 min
05:17:46 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : this is the full deployment picture
05:17:47 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) :
05:18:00 From Keong Lim k00759777 : is the 192GB the min requested or max limit?
05:18:06 From Jason Hunt : I stand corrected. Level 1 Manageability is: “Instantiation of a simple ONAP system should be accomplished in <1 hour with a minimal footprint

05:18:45 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : requested=192 - it will drift to 225 over a couple weeks - running on a 400g cluster
05:19:07 From Jason Hunt : Another benefit to this effort is ease of evaluating/prototyping ONAP by new users
05:19:10 From Achilles : Hello, will the recording be posted in onap website after the webinar? thank you
05:20:57 From Catherine Lefevre : yes Achilles - it will be. Kenny sent a note that yesterday recoding is already available
05:21:33 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @achilies. Yes, today’s recording should be posted within 2 hours after the session ends. Yesterday’s is already posted. Following the Session Recordings link at the top of the agenda page.
05:22:07 From Achilles : sounds good..thank you @catherine @kenny
05:22:27 From Stephen Terrill to Kenny Paul (LFN) (Privately) : Hi Kenny - sent an email - question regarding bridge for the arcchcom meeting this afternoon.
05:24:16 From Marcin Przybysz (NOKIA) : Is the installation of the whole ONAP dependent on number of used VM's? Have you checked if there is difference between few powerfull VMs vs a lot of less powerfull VMs? Which installation approach is better, means faster, less resources utilization etc..
05:25:19 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : Mike - DCAE startup has dependency on other onap components (msb, consul etc); the bootstrap helm charts waits on these dependency before kicking off the actually. The overall deployment once that kicks could take 20-50 min depending on image download speed.
05:25:40 From Keong Lim k00759777 : will there be some top-down budget set for each onap project?
05:26:49 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : Yes VMs are significant for proper quorum and pod scheduling/distribution (80% fs, 67% memory thresholds) - 13+1 is the standard (16g vms) - but you can install on a 1 256G+ vm (definitely not recommended) or 4+1 64G+ vms (not advisable) - kubernetes runs better on more granular cluster nodes
05:27:43 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : Housekeeping Q) verify that JIRA stays up during the WIKI upgrade - assume YES
05:28:22 From Pamela Dragosh : How does Java 10+ have better integration with Docker?
05:29:08 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : VM #s: the following details some non-recommended deployments beyond the 13+1 RI -
05:29:18 From Keong Lim k00759777 :
05:30:35 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @michael o re: jira it IS NOT impacted by the upgrade and will stay up.
05:30:49 From Catherine Lefevre to Kenny Paul (LFN) (Privately) : i have just checked - session recordings = empty repo so it is not yet uploaded? or maybe I miss something
05:30:51 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : No downtime for jira
05:31:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @all- I put a bad link into the wiki for the recordings. Will fix shortly.
05:34:40 From Keong Lim k00759777 : how does alpine support multiple cpu architectures at the same time?
05:37:30 From Pavel Paroulek : it would be helpful for the docker base image you propose to include diagnostic tools (netstat, ps, dig, ping, curl, top, lspci ....) because when dealing with deployment issues it is VERY good when they are already present and you don’t have to install these tools over and over again
05:37:34 From James MacNider ( Amdocs ) : What was the observed difference in the run-time resource usage when moving to Alpine?
05:44:54 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @keong all docker images support multi-cpu architecture via the fat manifest implemented by the registry
05:46:12 From Keong Lim k00759777 : so "fat manifest" is not specific to alpine base image? it's also supporting ubuntu images too?
05:47:25 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @pavel good point. It might make sense to have a test/debug time base image.
05:47:26 From Pavel Paroulek : How can you know the limit resources for services without specifying the volume of data or number of queries expected to be handled? These categories are totally subjective
05:48:48 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @keong, that's right the fat manifest is not specific to any image, it supports ALL images
05:49:10 From Pavel Paroulek : @Adolfo you should maybe reach out to the wider community to get a list of tools/apps that should be present on the image
05:49:24 From Pamela Dragosh : For measuring S3P Performance requirements, should we provide measurements for production settings?
05:50:14 From Pasi Vaananen : I take the DB count is without redundacy of the DB instances ?
05:50:21 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : still going through all the code to pickup the embedded DB's - there are 2 in the list
05:50:29 From Keong Lim k00759777 : what about the downsides of sharing databases? introduces spofs and interdependencies.
05:50:49 From Keong Lim k00759777 : janus and titan are not databases by themselves, they use backends like hbase or cassandra
05:51:37 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @pavel Good suggestion. Do you have any suggestion the CIA team can capture on the wiki to get the convesation going?
05:51:42 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : yes - db count does not include redundancy - 1,3,7 instances are collapsed to replicaSet: 1 for each - these pod based
05:52:00 From Keong Lim k00759777 : would you also consider scylla as drop-in replacement for cassandra?
05:52:57 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : I understand that janusgraph and titan are graph dbs - optimized for relationship traversals - like Neo4J
05:53:54 From Pavel Paroulek : @adolfo - I suggest creating a wiki CFL page anywhere, writing down some obvious tools necessary (serving as an example) and then writing on the ONAP mailing list sending the link to wiki and requesting feedback
05:54:55 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : Very good and important presentation.
05:55:09 From Lingli : +1
05:56:20 From Adolfo Perez-Duran :
05:58:23 From RRAO : Does this TSC also consider the Upgrdae path and compatibility issues betwen releases
05:58:30 From Lingli : Is that only me or not? it is only a call for idea table which is empty. @Adolfo
06:00:07 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @lingli that's right, it is empty by design to capture feedback.
06:00:33 From Yang Xu : @mike are onap-dev.yml and snap-prod.yml in the repo? I could not fine them
06:00:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic External API evolutions
06:01:01 From Jason Hunt : I didn’t get a chance to chime in, but I’d suggest we manage the minimal footprint under S3P, since we had in the release schedule how to check status on it. This would be an evolution of what was in manageability level 1.
06:01:14 From Gildas Lanilis : @Mike, Adolfo and Eric, excellent preso. Good ideao to break down in at least 3 epics so we team canscope accordingly.
06:01:21 From Xin Miao x00396303 : @yang Xu They are new propsals. I think.
06:01:27 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : A)
06:01:27 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) :
06:01:40 From Catherine Lefevre : @eric,mike an Adolfo - very good presentation - please upload it to the VF2F wiki when you can
06:01:45 From Jason Hunt : The previous problem with S3P was what I’d call “unfunded mandates”… but this one has the CIA team prepared to consult and work with the teams, which is exactly what we need
06:03:09 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : @Mike, are you aware of any tools that can provide guidance on run time resource usage. Does prometheus help?
06:03:26 From Gildas Lanilis : @Mike. You mentioned MySQL as a database. That came as a surprise. I thought we get rid of MySQL in Beijing. Thoughts?
06:03:58 From Pavel Paroulek : what is the purpose of this external API? Anyone know?
06:04:57 From Gildas Lanilis : @Pavel. ExtAPI project proposal is here:
06:05:18 From Gildas Lanilis : @Pavel. that should help to start with.
06:05:23 From Pavel Paroulek : @Gildas - thx
06:07:06 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : mysql is still in sdnc - along with 2 common galera charts in
06:07:14 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : - name: mysql
version: ~3.0.0
06:07:30 From Dan Timoney : @Gildas - we had to get rid of the MySQL client library in Beijing (maybe even earlier) due to license issues. In Casablanca, SDNC at least is still on MySQL on the back end/server side (we want to move to MariaDB using the common Helm charts, but thought it best to let APPC go first as opposed to having 2 projects going at the same time and beating up OOM with most likely the same questions/issues)
06:08:11 From Lingli : also with VFC, UUI and SO
06:08:41 From Stavros Kanarakis (Nokia) : Does External API project only take into account standards from TM-Forum? Will it consider other bodies like ETSI ZSM ISG?
06:09:48 From Lingli : Is there any reference available from ZSM?
06:10:02 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : @Stavros as of now we used only TM Forum API as input
06:10:08 From Gildas Lanilis : @Dan. Thanks for the update. So i understant SDNC is using MySQL, howver ONAP is not providing the mysql client. (bcoz of license compliance)? Correct
06:11:46 From Stavros Kanarakis (Nokia) : @Ludovic, thank you
06:12:00 From Mike Elliott : @Jason it would be great to have both footprint-opt and R3 to R4 upgrade support (being discussed tomorrow) as part of S3P.
06:12:08 From Mike Elliott : @Dan yes you are correct, should be an easier transition for sdnc based on appc effort. We can work together on this
06:14:09 From Jason Hunt : @Mike - sounds good. It’ll be up to the overall release planning whether we have any “new” S3P requirements, but I think footprint-opt is one that does a good job of a reasonable requirement with proper support for the teams
06:14:21 From Dan Timoney : @Gildas - SDNC is using the MariaDB JDBC client to connect to its MySQL database
06:15:44 From Dan Timoney : Also, we’re using the public MySQL docker for our backend - NOT our own docker container. So, no license issue there (we’re not redistributing our own MySQL docker)
06:16:33 From Gildas Lanilis : @Dan. Thanks for the explanations. It helps.
06:17:29 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : @Jason that's a good idea, it would be great to have commitment from the teams to support footprint minimization under S3P guidelines
06:23:08 From RRAO : How is tis monitoring diff from CLAMP usecase of DCAE using microservices
06:23:28 From Keong Lim k00759777 : how is that subset of characteristics going to be chosen? how to know whether the change is benign or not?
06:23:49 From Dan Timoney : For SDNC and APPC, one challenge will be whether we can get the OpenDaylight platform to come up under Alpine.
06:24:52 From Dan Timoney : We do have containers that are not based on ODL as well, and those would most likely be far simpler (same resource issue as every other project)
06:26:32 From Martial Ngueko(AT&T) : @RRAO which "monitoring" are you talking about?
06:26:56 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @all link to recordings on wiki has been corrected.
06:27:24 From Keong Lim k00759777 : AAI nodesQuery can probably do that service-instance retrieval
06:27:34 From Dan Timoney : We were planning to spend a little time this month to see if we can get the ODL release we use in Casablanca (Oxygen) to come up in alpine … if so, then I’d feel good about committing to alpine for Dublin .. if not, plan b would be to limit our scope in SDNC Dublin to alpine port on our non-OpenDaylight containers
06:27:47 From Gildas Lanilis : @Kenny, by chance did u get the link to former presentation (Eric, Mike, Adolfo)?
06:28:07 From David Perez (Swisscom) : @RRAO: I think ‘monitoring’ here refers to the status of the order, e.g. service creation, delete, modify…
06:29:13 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Gikdas. no
06:29:31 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : @Ludovic, see this document for the simplified AAI service retrieval:
06:29:32 From Gildas Lanilis : @Kenny: Thanks :(
06:29:38 From Xin Miao x00396303 : @Keong Lim is that A&AI APIs already public?
06:29:51 From Keong Lim k00759777 : just trying to find the link now. it's on read the docs
06:30:05 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : @Keong I just posted it above
06:30:09 From Xin Miao x00396303 : I c.
06:31:59 From Brian : there are queries for the inputs and properties in SDC API ?
06:32:07 From RRAO : Does it mean it is SDN-C and APPC responsibility to expose their services and Inventory to AAI
06:35:45 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : @Jimmy Thanks for link ... but from our tests we were never able to retrieve in AAI the userParam (and value) provided in the SO request
06:37:09 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : @Jimmy I used API aai/v11/customers/{customerId}service-subscription/{service_subscriptionId}service-instance API/{service-instanceId}
06:37:11 From Keong Lim k00759777 : that part was created in CCVPN use case, @seshu can tell you whether SO will do it for all cases
06:37:24 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : @Ludovic - you were asking about querying for service-instance without needing the global-customer-id and service-type; that is what the nodes query can help with
06:37:56 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : @Jimmy ! OK got it. Thanks
06:38:38 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : The other attributes we’ll need to discuss, I opened this Jira ticket:
06:38:41 From Brian : Distributing CSAR will work but it might be worth asking SDC if they have an existing API - I have used on ine robot for the resource inputs/properties not sure if they also exist at the service level but I would think they do
06:39:16 From Brian : ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_FE_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}/componentInstances/${component_instance_id}/${component_id}/inputs ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} ${ASDC_FE_ENDPOINT}
06:39:45 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : @Jimmy Thanks !! Yes of course I look forward to discuss this.
06:42:05 From Brian : probably hsould filter your query byt the same query that VID does to check for DISTRIBUTION_COMPLETE_OK in AAI
06:42:26 From Brian : a model that does not have that status should not be available on ExtAPI
06:42:33 From Brian : as a minimum
06:42:47 From Brian : there may also be models that the business does not want to expose to ExtAPI as well
06:45:51 From Brian : Need to aware of two sub-use cases 1) redistributino from SDC portal and 2) delete/deprecate of a model does not exist - this is why really need to query AAI to see if a model is still "active"
06:47:14 From Brian : Should SDC track a separate parameter to mark a service model as available to ExtAPI ?
06:47:26 From Brian : an they only notify ExtAPI for those models at distro ?
06:49:58 From Keong Lim k00759777 : collating proposals into
06:50:17 From Brian : AAI does some DMaaP notifications I thought for BSS/OSS integration ?
06:50:38 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : @Adrian the answers are yes, service-instance-id is unique in ONAP and you can query it directly with the nodes query (see link above)
06:51:20 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : @Brian, yes, AAI sends notification on all changes to DMaaP to the AAI_EVENT (or maybe it’s AAI-EVENT) topic
06:54:34 From Brian : integration is demonstrating SO APIs for instantiation as well so we dont need to only use the GUI's
06:56:17 From Keong Lim k00759777 : sponsor more use cases to cover exhaustive list
06:58:12 From Brian : Highlighting the APIs instead of GUI's might be one problem
06:58:28 From Brian : the APIs exist despite Alex's tendendancy to be negative :)
07:00:04 From Alexander Vul : @Brian - I am not talking about SDC APIs…
07:00:29 From Alexander Vul : And I am not talking about the external API project in psrticular...
07:00:34 From David Perez (Swisscom) : @Matthieu,@Ludovic,@Adrian great presentation, thanks
07:01:15 From Ludovic Robert (Orange) : Thanks David !
07:02:14 From Morgan Richomme : I am here
07:02:19 From Morgan Richomme : I am not on mute
07:02:24 From Morgan Richomme : but you cannot hear me...
07:02:30 From Keong Lim k00759777 : at the bottom, video only
07:03:03 From Brian : Good guess kenny !
07:04:07 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : I get lucky every once and awhile ;-)
07:05:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic ONAP Usability Experiences
07:06:04 From Pavel Paroulek : there is rocket
07:06:19 From Pavel Paroulek : chat but most ppl are not using it
07:07:17 From Pavel Paroulek : URL:
07:10:59 From Brian : Do you setup a tenant per user or a shared tenant for all users ?
07:11:16 From Achilles : what is the minimum hardware requirement to deploy ONAp Casablanca? thank u
07:11:23 From Brian : ok - you answered thanks
07:11:41 From Brian : I want those icons !
07:14:24 From Keong Lim k00759777 : should healthchecks be checking more if system is not working?
07:18:06 From Brian : Did Integration ?
07:18:42 From Brian : [let me try a full sentence] did you ask integration about adding the postman collection to the intetration repo ?
07:19:39 From Brian : do you have availabilty_zone as well ?
07:19:49 From Marcin Przybysz (NOKIA) : Is it valid for Casablanca already? I saw some changes in APIs which could influence Postman collections.
07:23:52 From Brian : we added functions to asdc_interface.robot for onboarding allotted_resources and generic neutron networks - could you look at adding those to the python as well ?
07:24:26 From Brian : also download csar so you can do multi service instantiation like vCPE
07:26:14 From Yang Xu : @morgan please come to integration weekly and we can talk about adding postman collection to integration repo
07:28:51 From Keong Lim k00759777 : did the AAI query really take 10 seconds?
07:28:54 From Brian : Do you run heatbridge ?
07:29:51 From Rene Robert : we want to integrate HeatBridge. It is in the ToDoList...
07:33:42 From Yang Xu : This python library is useful for e2e integration test
07:41:51 From Brian : Very cool !
07:44:16 From David Perez (Swisscom) : Cool stuff, indeed
07:48:19 From Arash Hekmat (Amdocs) : ONAP needs rich UI
07:49:13 From Gildas Lanilis : Could we ask the presenter to post the presentation?
07:49:20 From Gildas Lanilis : in wiki.
07:49:51 From Brian : I suspect most service providers will want to customizie their UI
07:50:14 From Adrian OSullivan (Huawei) : Kenny, will do thanks
07:50:36 From Martin Skorupski (highstreet technologies) : @Brian: I'm sure about it ;)
07:53:17 From TTHOPPEK : will the meeting recording be posted in wiki ?


Zoom Chat Log Dec 12 

04:54:01 From Ranny Haiby : #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
04:55:55 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
04:56:29 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
04:56:30 From Martin Skorupski (highstreet technologies) : #info Martin Skorupski, highstreet technologies
04:59:14 From Yan Chen : #info Yan Chen, China Telecom
05:00:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
05:00:32 From Jimmy Forsyth to Kenny Paul (LFN) (Privately) : hi Kenny - the usual way I find meeting info is through the Community Meetings and Calendar page - now it’s saying “Unknown macro: Calendar” on that page and not loading the calendar
05:01:14 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : #Bin Yang, Wind River
05:01:41 From Yan Yang : #info proxy Lingli, CMCC
05:01:44 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
05:02:19 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
05:02:59 From Stephen Terrill : #info, Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
05:03:06 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange

05:03:34 From Avi Chapnick : # info Avi Chanick , Amdocs (Proxy for Alla Goldner)
05:07:43 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : #info, Murat Turpçu, Turk Telekom
05:13:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Architecture Requirment Summary for Dublin Release
05:17:07 From Kate iPhone : switching from my phone to my ipad
05:19:44 From DENG Hui : so after 2 months, still no conclusion from Arch about NSD
05:20:33 From Byung-Woo Jun : I thought there was a vote for NSD last Friday. What is the outcome?
05:21:34 From DENG Hui : most people prefer NSD belongs to Service,
05:21:52 From DENG Hui : does it mean we need to support NSD definitely?
05:23:04 From Keong Lim k00759777 : disaggregated
05:26:43 From Kevin Scaggs : First step - determine what domain NSD is in, then how do we address it in that domian
05:31:56 From Keong Lim k00759777 : i don't think that "service" and "resource" should be in the name of any entity.
05:32:33 From Keong Lim k00759777 : @steve in slide 4, is kafka there separate from DMaaP?
05:34:27 From Keong Lim k00759777 : 2 more kafkas inside PNDA+?
05:34:51 From Xin Miao x00396303 : No. @Keong
05:35:47 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : @Keong, there are logical blocks trying to indicate the input to analytics and output of analytics is via Kafka. But, there will be only one Kafka broker.
05:37:57 From Catherine Lefevre : is it possible to have one extra slide including owners of each topics and impacted projects or link to impacted projects? thank you
05:39:00 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Release Process Improvements for Modeling
05:43:29 From Brian Hedstrom : We may want to change the granularity of this from Component to Module
05:44:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic M3 Modeling checklist
05:45:11 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : @Seshu and @Catherine, these pages have owners, participating companies and projects impacts. FOr K8S based Cloud region support, please see this page: and Distributed anlaytics :
05:45:40 From Kevin Scaggs : Good observation, Brian.
05:45:44 From Seshu m s71826 : Thanks Srini
05:46:06 From Seshu m s71826 : My ask was a matrix with all the functions/usecases with eh projects involved
05:46:13 From Seshu m s71826 : to make it easier to follow up
05:46:32 From Seshu m s71826 : Including the owners
05:51:04 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Jira relationships with ONAP components
05:51:22 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : @Seshu, Yes, understood. IN case you want to look at it before that summary slide is created, informaion is available in above pages. :-)
05:52:20 From Seshu m s71826 : Thanks Srini :) .. Yes, this is a good start point for sure.
05:56:02 From Keong Lim k00759777 : is there enough time for modelling to be approved, then implement in AAI, then clients to use AAI?
05:57:03 From Brian : Models are functionality freeze
05:57:05 From Brian : M2
05:57:56 From Debeau : +1 with @Brian
05:58:39 From Catherine Lefevre : +10 with Brian
05:58:50 From Brian : M3 might be consider Model "as-built" reflecting what the api's implement
05:59:13 From Catherine Lefevre : M3 artefacts code ready
06:00:29 From margaret chiosi : Should modeling feed into VNF requirements which supposedly feeds into VNF SDK/VVP?
06:01:16 From Andy Mayer (AT&T) : Yes, the M2 Model Freeze is the design model, and M3 is the Final Model "as-built"
06:01:40 From Gildas Lanilis : @Andy. Correct.
06:02:13 From Debeau : I think modeling is broader than VNF requirements
06:03:41 From Debeau : service modeling is not included in VNF requirements
06:04:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic OOM Priorities for Dublin
06:04:49 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : Need to drop now.
06:11:06 From Pavel Paroulek : What is the relationship between the proponenti Network policies and MSB? Aren’t they solving the same thing?
06:11:34 From Pavel Paroulek : proponenti = proposed
06:12:45 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Must drop now to prep the Board Meeting. Gildas has the Host privs, with Steve T as co-host. Recording will continue and will be posted to the wiki.
06:13:21 From Debeau : Network policies are défined at pod level while MSB acts at component level
06:14:31 From Pavel Paroulek : @Eric so access will be regulated at both levels simultaneously?
06:14:37 From Brian : is control plane separation of etcd and orch affected ?
06:19:07 From Catherine Lefevre : Team - I am going to join the LFN Board, presenting our 2018 great accomplishments
06:19:08 From Debeau : @Pavel I believe yes
06:21:34 From Brian : coffee line chit chat mentioned GlusterFS :)
06:24:27 From Debeau : I like Mike Holly Grail
06:25:08 From Keong Lim k00759777 : does it include a rollback to casablanca too?
06:25:58 From Keong Lim k00759777 : does it mean some ONAP components are running at casablanca version while others are running at dublin version concurrently?
06:27:07 From Brian : do we have backup for any persitant storage apps so we can roll back to retest the upgrade ?
06:27:25 From Brian : need a design for test discussion
06:29:14 From Keong Lim k00759777 : once rolling upgrades are available, does it mean that ONAP releases become redundant?
06:31:48 From Keong Lim k00759777 : does it mean no breaking changes can be introduced? or they need to be smeared across several releases?
06:37:10 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Logging is working directly with OOM daily on deployment, monitoring
06:38:00 From Stephen Terrill : Great. I just want to avoid uncordinated concepts that can confuse.
06:38:17 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : CLMAP and LOG are looking at using the common charts from OOM for ELK, there are several other users of E and K
06:39:44 From Brian : @michael O - we really need some training on the logging dashboard - did you add a default dashboard or set of dashboards for things like SO debug, SDNC debug, SDC debug ?
06:40:32 From Brian : +1 for moving helm charts to projects
06:41:36 From Brian : timeline for the repo changes ?
06:44:23 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Adding a dashboard in definitely in my dublin queue - I parallel with getting infrastructure going for the projects - see red in the diagram and aligning the libraries with a common schema see yellow containers that should be green - still verifying each of the 200+ containers -
06:44:24 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
06:44:30 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
06:45:20 From Pamela Dragosh : +1 - Policy can participate. Thanks Mike!
06:45:21 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : still a lot of work - will need the help of the projects getting reviews in to align so the dashboard is usable for requestID and invocationID transaction tracing
06:47:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : portal, policy, so, sdnc, aai have been very helpful - we are targeting portal/sdk as a candidate when I finish prototyping with it - thanks
06:47:43 From Keong Lim k00759777 : is HEAT deploy defunct now? is it OOM deploy only from now on?
06:48:27 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : TSC-25 with the LF will also helm-deploy (verifying the docker version partially) - after Mike's already running helm-verify before submission
06:48:38 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
06:48:40 From Gildas Lanilis : @Keong, Yess OOM is the way to install onap
06:52:03 From Keong Lim k00759777 : will rolling upgrade become part of s3p?
06:52:24 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Anyone with issued during deployment - please post to the group, jira, ptls, meets - as we would like to cover off anything during deployment that causes inconsistent deploys - 51/51 HC ideally should be doable 10 times in a row - towards a defined dependency/priority startup order - so we minimize contention for ram/hd/ram on startup - mike is working this via several refactors but we should all help
06:56:03 From Brian : upgrade and geo-diversity seem like the highest priority from a SP standpoint
06:58:50 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : yes, backup/restore/upgrade - also Reproduction of the deployment via several yaml overrides - so we can consistently bring up the system - currently about 50% of the time I may need to undeploy/deplly a couple components that missed their config window due to a more resource heavy pod coming in earlier than the last time - the timing adjustments in the yaml are a temporary workaround for now
06:58:58 From Brian : Wednesday 10 AM EST
06:58:58 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : 10am EST wed OOM
06:59:13 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
06:59:45 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : we need to sync config for all prod/demo deployments - yes - currently distributed in 2 repos
07:00:07 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
07:01:00 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : we are listing the completed/restarted config jobs since 1.11 k8s - we can filter these out
07:01:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
07:01:59 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : 3 components restarted manually in 3.0.0-ONAP yesterday on 1 of my 4 envs during a demo
07:02:04 From Keong Lim k00759777 : OOM-1542 "after few days (10-12 days) ONAP pods crash automatically"
07:02:39 From Brian : good job mike
07:02:48 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : that is due to 3+ issues (FS past 80%, ram, etc ) - eviction of pods starts then - causing rescheduling
07:03:09 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Mike is Excellent!!!! to work with
07:03:59 From Yang Xu : Great and important platform features, let’s work together to deliver them
07:04:01 From Alain Soleil : Glad to hear the consitent OOM deployment topic will be handled and managed as a priority, it is critical getting ready for production ONAP can be deployed and operated with success all the time
07:04:26 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : looks good
07:04:34 From Brian : I can read it but that is better
07:04:44 From Stephen Terrill : #topic: SO deployment and troubleshooting for beginners, Seshu
07:05:24 From Keong Lim k00759777 : is that gitlab page also on onap wiki?
07:06:04 From Gildas Lanilis : @Keong. No. Not sure why GitLab is being used here. This is a surprised to me.
07:06:44 From Pamela Dragosh : Should be in readthedocs
07:07:05 From Gildas Lanilis : Yes. eithe rin ReadTheDocs or ONAp Wiki.
07:08:31 From Gildas Lanilis : As we were discussing weekly meeting for OOM and Integration, weekly meeting schedule is available here:
07:09:07 From Keong Lim k00759777 : seshu you have 2 microphones going now...
07:09:21 From Keong Lim k00759777 : stereo sehus
07:09:23 From Viswa KSP : @Kenny - I see 2 Seshu
07:09:39 From Stephen Terrill : ill fix
07:10:00 From Stephen Terrill : Both are unmoted
07:10:01 From Gildas Lanilis : @visma. That is bcoz Seshu is connected form 2 different devices.
07:10:15 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : yes, we may want to use the official gerrit/git from ONAP Linux Foundation - not internal company infrastructure like this gitlab site - just a suggestions Seshu - "work in public..."
07:10:22 From Viswa KSP : @Gildas - Got it !!
07:10:26 From Stephen Terrill : #info. Seshu will updload to the wiki (send email) and ensure its in in readthedocs
07:10:49 From Viswa KSP : @Steve - Earlier during Orange’s session on onap
07:10:57 From Viswa KSP : Snap-tests, I did see Gitlab
07:11:08 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Any OOM documentation should be done directly in the OOM wiki - I myself do not use my corporate wiki for anything
07:11:09 From Viswa KSP : was that also contributed to Wiki / Gerrit ?
07:11:57 From Gildas Lanilis : @Visma. I do not think. Ut we have asked Seshu to publish in wiki or readthedocs.
07:12:01 From Brian : I think Dublin will be OOM only
07:12:07 From Stephen Terrill : @viswa. I think slipped by. however all material used should be uploaded to this event wiki. That is the accepted and polite practice
07:12:41 From Viswa KSP : @GIldas / @Steve - Thank you!
07:12:46 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Seshu I am having issues with SO deployment - sensitive to startup order - please post any workarounds in public only
07:13:30 From Brian : Note that integration-override.yaml overrides some of these settings for your environment like a nexus cache and pullPolicy
07:13:41 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : you are missing a "make onap" in your wiki
07:14:16 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : the docs are incomplete or need to be resyncd with public
07:14:55 From Brian : +1 for what Mike said
07:17:13 From Stephen Terrill : #info Some feedback in terms of make all, make ONAP; repos.
07:18:08 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : ok, you had internet issues - was just thinking your team used this wiki ongoing for issues - a 1-time upload is fine
07:19:07 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : What about configuration info, e.g. how to add an additional cloud instance to the OS Adapter or is this not required anymore after ESR VIM addition ?
07:19:27 From Viswa KSP : This is the most practical way for all lazy dev folks like me….
07:19:33 From Brian : that only works locally not in an OOM deployment
07:20:14 From Marcin Przybysz (NOKIA) : what with issues tracking while pod is not yest runnig, exaple in init state? how we can find out promlem?
07:20:26 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : btw seshu and I are buddies and have had dinner twice - I am sorry for being hard on him - i am still in the PST time zone
07:20:48 From Viswa KSP : About cloud-config.json ??
07:21:14 From Brian : there is a REST interface to add cloud_sites as well
07:21:29 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : use a -f over....yaml
07:21:49 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : mikes
07:21:49 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) :
07:23:21 From Stephen Terrill : #info good info, good feedback to come.
07:23:51 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : helm undeploy/deploy - via mikes page using a --set.enabled=false/true as well as a 2nd way
07:24:09 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : --set so.enabled=true/false
07:24:10 From Brian : mike --set.enabled doesnt work well for us in integration
07:24:17 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : mike is better - thanks Seshu
07:25:36 From Viswa KSP : @Seshu - Could you also put some info on live debugging into container mapping source…
07:25:42 From Viswa KSP : If it is dev oriented page…