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Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameGuilin 
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation. Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information
Participating Company AT&T, Nokia, Ericsson, Wipro,  ChinaMobile, T-Mobile, Huawei?


What is this release trying to address?

Release Focus

DCAE Focus for R7 is on following

  • ONAP R7 Usecase & Functional requirement 
  • TSC/SECCOM MUST-HAVE requirements
  • General platform optimization 
    • DCAE Bootstrap/CM Manager optimization (moving plugins to CM)
    • MOD catalog/UI redesign (POC)
    • Addressing DCAE back logs  + security fixes

Guilin Usecases with DCAE impact

REQ#DescriptionDCAE Commit StatusDCAE Impact AssessmentDCAE JIRA #
REQ-3455G OOF SON use case requirements for Guilin releaseYES

SON-Handler enhancement.

Commitment based on WIPRO support

REQ-342E2E Network Slicing requirements for Guilin release


New MS introduction - DES (under DL-Handlers), Slice Analysis MS, PM-Mapper Enhancements 

Commitment based on WIPRO/China Mobile support



REQ-325MDONS Extension in Guilin ReleaseYES7/2 - Using VES Flow (DCAE impact is TO)NA

Following new services will be delivered in R7 to support REQ-342

Slice Analysis MS 

Repository :

Data Extraction Service (DES)

Repository :

Guilin Features with DCAE Impact

Functional Requirements

REQ#DescriptionDCAE Commit StatusDCAE Impact AssessmentDCAE JIRA #
REQ-381Bulk PM / PM Data Control Extension


PMSH and PM-Mapper enhancements

Commitment based on Ericsson

REQ-327ONAP/3GPP & O-RAN Alignment-Standards Defined Notifications over VES


VESCollector + platform/deployment support via config-map

Commitment based on Nokia 

REQ-326Self Serve Control LoopsYES

MOD updates 
- Nifi backlog reduction
- New MOD UI/catalog (POC)

Commitment based on AT&T

REQ-321CMPv2 Enhancements for R7YES

DCAE Platform (k8splugin, CM/Bootstrap)
Component_spec + Bp-gen
MOD component
OOM revision

Commitment based on Nokia, AT&T

REQ-385IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support in ONAPYES

K8splugin change to support k8s 1.17+  

Commitment based on Nokia, AT&T



Non-Functional Requirement 

REQ#DescriptionTSC PriorityDCAE Commit StatusDCAE Impact AssesmentDCAE JIRA #
REQ-380ONAP container repository (nexus) must not contain upstream docker imagesMUST HAVEYES

Add explicit references to dockerhub or nexus to all images  

Commitment based on Samsung, AT&T

REQ-379ONAP projects must use only approved and verified base images for their containersMUST HAVEStretch-goal


1) Approved base image for NodeJS TBC
2) Policy-handler base image (python:3.6) + python:3.7-alpine
3) Cloudify base image (Community) support only 3.6
4) Bootstrap (centOS) + cloudify cli may not be compatiable alpine (python image is possible)
5) MOD components
6) NiFi - apache/nifi-registry:0.5.0

Commitment : Multiple companies

REQ-374ONAP shall use STDOUT for logs collectionPTLStrech-goalMultiple platform components impacts (CBS, DH, PH, Cloudify not complain). May need a generic way to map filebeat container o/p into std out. 
(Long- Stretch goal depending on OOM team support 
REQ-373ONAP must complete update of the Python language (from 2.7 -> 3.8)MUST HAVEYES

Per TSC 2.7->3.8 important; 3.7-3.8 (nice to have) 

Except Cloudify and SNMPTrap - all other DCAE components will be migrated to 3.8. SECCOM approved exception on 7/3 (refer jira)

Commitment based on T-Mobile

REQ-366Containers must crash properly when a failure occursMUST HAVEYES

MEDIUM RISK - Need further assessment on DCAE components impacted 

Commitment based on Ericsson?

REQ-365Containers must have no more than one main processMUST HAVEYES

MEDIUM RISK - Need further assessment on DCAE components impacted 

Exception required for Cloudify due to upstream dependency. 

Commitment based on Ericsson?

REQ-364Replace NodePorts with ingress controller as a default deployment optionPTLStrech-goal

Need to be create DCAE jira if OOM team support is confirmed  (may just need to update your tests to use urls instead of IPs)

Impact : DCAE Platfrom helm charts + DCAE Service components deployment (k8splugin for nodeport mapping) + DCAE services dependent on nodeport/API

Resource TBD

REQ-361Continue hardcoded passwords removalMUST HAVEYES

1) Evaluate certInitializer integration impact for DCAE-tls init container
2) Possible impact to K8s plugin  (Need more discussion)

Hardcoded pasword impact :  Cloudify (can be fixed - + Bootstrap, DH, Dashboard (can be changed to use secret) 

Commitment based on Samsung/AT&T?

REQ-360Application config should be fully prepared before starting the application containerPTLNO

Okay for service components (as CBS is used); Platform component should be okay. MOD - to be verified (possibly MOD/Nifi container) + Dashboard

NOT Committed
REQ-358No root (superuser) access to database from application containerYESStrech-goal

Need further assesment.  Current list of component impact -  Dashboard/Inventory/TCA-gen2/heartbeat/PM-Mapper/DL-feed/Son-handler

Commitment based on WIPRO?

REQ-351ONAP must complete update of the java language (from v8 -> v11)MUST HAVEYES

MEDIUM RISK : Due to number of DCAE components impacted.

Some MOD components will need exception (due to NiFI upstream dependency)

Commitment : Multiple companies

REQ-350Each ONAP project shall improve its CII Badging score by improving input validation and documenting it in their CII Badging site.PTLStrech-goal
REQ-349Each ONAP project shall define code coverage improvements and achieve at least 55% code coverageMUST HAVEYES

Already complaint for Frankfurt components; new component/enhancement to adhere

Commitment : Multiple companies

REQ-323Each project will update the vulnerable direct dependencies in their code baseMUST HAVEYESCommitment : Multiple companiesDCAEGEN2-2242

DCAE Backlog Reduction

  • VESCollector Enhancements
    • DCAEGEN2-1483  – Event publish order issue (stretch goal)
    • DCAEGEN2-1484  - Set dynamic partitionkey (stretch goal)
    • DCAEGEN2-608   - Performance/benchmarking
  • DL Handlers Enhacements DCAEGEN2-1849 (stretch goal)
  • DCAE Dashboard Fixes and security updates

Inaddition adhoc platform items from backlog below are targetted for this release also. 

JIRADescriptionCommit Status
Import plugins instead of type files in blueprints
(Blocks DCAEGEN2-2167 cfy validate error)
CCSDK-2158pgaas_db 1.1.0 type file refers to 1.2.0 pluginYes
DCAEGEN2-2136 Cloudify unable to parse certain micro service policies TBC
DCAEGEN2-2140escaped string in spec file not included on the blueprint generatedYes
DCAEGEN2-2144bp-gen: switch ContainerizedPlatformComponent to ContainerizedServiceComponentYes
CCSDK-2325 & DCAEGEN2-2207 
DCAEGEN2-2262 (bp-gen & runtime)
Cloudify plugin consolidation + nodetype name syncup Yes
DCAEGEN2-2197runtimeAPI defaults pointing to R4 plugins (MOD)Yes
DCAEGEN2-2221Switch to support offline install for OnboardingAPi (MOD)Yes
DCAGEN2-1791K8s plugin - ContainerizedPlatformComponent to ContainerizedServiceComponentYes
To be createdDCAE Healthcheck container - completely dynamic (remove static)Yes
DCAEGEN2-2218DCAE hardcodes certificates in onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.tls-init-container:2.1.0 Yes
DCAEGEN2-1857dashboard error on logoutYes
DCAEGEN2-1638Dashboard container optimization Yes
DCAEGEN2-2022Improve DH install/uninstall workflow to avoid out of sync conditions with Cloudify (corresponding Dashboard change pending)Yes
To be createdPlugin path/load optimization: Taking release from PATH on raw/plugin repo location (rely on version) and update bootstrap/cloudify buildTBC
DCAEGEN2-2215Allow environment variables to be passed in docker_config (k8s plugin)Yes
DCAEGEN2-1786Eliminate use of Consul service discovery in DCAETBC
DCAEGEN2-2295Sonar coverage for dcaegen2/pluginYes
TBCHelm plugin 3.0 enhancement (new contribution)TBC
DCAEGEN2-2328Genprocessor not recovering from error (DFC spec)Yes
DCAEGEN2-1864DCAE healthcheck improvement for MOD componentsYes
DCAEGEN2-2298Dashboard Java11 supportYes
Dashboard documentation (missing api in RTD + userguide)Yes

With Guilin release, following components will be deprecated and no longer available part of ONAP DCAE deployments. Corresponding repositories will be marked as RO.

  • TCA/CDAP (replaced by TCA-gen2)
  • RESTConf Collector*
  • VES-Mapper*

    * Pending discussion with ARC/TSC

Platform Maturity

 Platform Maturity (i.e., S3P items)  Guilin Release Platform Maturity

 Green color → Target level ( details see Platform Maturity below)

      • Performance:  Level 1
      • Stability: Level 2
      • Resiliency: Level 2
      • Security: Level 1+
      • Scalability: Level 1
      • Manageability: Level 1+
      • Usability: Level 1+             

Minimum Viable Product

The MVP of DCAE will include the necessary subcomponents supporting the primary objectives: meeting platform maturity goals and supporting the use cases.

    •   Cloudify Manager
    •   Consul (deployed/managed by OOM)
    •   DeploymentHander
    •   Policy-Handler
    •   ServiceChangeHandler
    •   Inventory-API
    •   Postgres
    •   ConfigBinding Service
    •   Dashboard

DCAE Service specific components

    •   VESCollector
    •   TCA-gen2
    •   PRH
    •   HV_VES

      DCAE-MOD deployment is optional and will include following component (controlled via helm chart configuration under OOM)

  • Genprocessor
  • Distributorapi
  • Runtimeapi
  • Onboardingapi


List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.


Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Longer term roadmap

DCAE is the collection and analytics platform serving ONAP.  Improving upon the DCAE MS catalog to add new services for data collection, analytics and the number of open/close control loops.

DCAE-MOD evolution and integration with CLAMP and Policy

Release Deliverables

Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.

Deliverable NameDeliverable Description
Component spec

All ms added into DCAE should provide meta data representation of the component itself; will be used to generate

design flow under MOD and enable blueprint generation 




SourceCode and wagon files under nexus/raw


SourceCode/Docker image


SourceCode/Docker image


SourceCode/Docker image


SourceCode/Docker image


SourceCode/Docker image


SourceCode/Docker image

hv-ves-collector        SourceCode/jar/Docker image
prh        SourceCode/jar/Docker image
dcae-mod       SourceCode/jar/Docker image/Documentation
tca-gen2       SourceCode/jar/Docker image

Note: Only default platform components and bootstrapped MS is listed on table above. DCAE also include dynamic service components deployed based on usecases. For a complete set of available DCAE MS - refer


List all sub-components part of this release. Activities related to sub-components must be in sync with the overall release.

Sub-components are repositories and are consolidated in a single centralized place. Edit the Resouce and Repositories in the centralized page.

In addition to existing platform/service component, following new components are targeted for Guilin.

DeliverableRepository Maven Group ID

Components Description

Slice Analysis MS


Slicen Analysis MS for 5G E2E Slice usecase support

Data Extraction service (DES)dcaegen2/services

Provides api's for data-access from DL-handler maintained storage

ONAP Dependencies

List the other ONAP projects you depend on.

DCAE depends on the the following components as part of the general ONAP architecture:

  • AAI: DCAE MS retrieves and updates VNF data from/to AAI
  • DMaaP: Message bus for communication with other components in the solution
  • Policy - For managing application configuration policy
  • CLAMP - For CL flow related MS instantiation and configuration
  • OOF - For SON handler support


High level architecture diagram

At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.

Indicate where your project fit within the ONAP Archiecture diagram.

Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.

Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.


Platform Maturity

Refering to CII Badging Security Program and Platform Maturity Requirements, fill out the table below by indicating the actual level , the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.

AreaActual LevelTargeted Level for current ReleaseHow, EvidencesComments
    • Level 0: no performance testing done
    • Level 1: baseline performance criteria identified and measured  (such as response time, transaction/message rate, latency, footprint, etc. to be defined on per component)
    • Level 2: performance improvement plan created 
    • Level 3: performance improvement plan implemented for 1 release (improvement measured for equivalent functionality & equivalent hardware)


    • Level 0: none beyond release requirements
    • Level 1: 72 hour component-level soak test (random test transactions with 80% code coverage; steady load)
    • Level 2: 72 hour platform-level soak test (random test transactions with 80% code coverage; steady load)
    • Level 3: track record over 6 months of reduced defect rate
    • 0 – none
    • 1 – manual failure and recovery (< 30 minutes)
    • 2 – automated detection and recovery (single site)
    • 3 – automated detection and recovery (geo redundancy)

1+  (Most DCAE components are complaint; will address remaining in Guilin based on resource availability)

    • Level 0: None
    • Level 1: CII Passing badge
      • Including no critical and high known vulnerabilities > 60 days old
    • Level 2: CII Silver badge, plus:
      • All internal/external system communications shall be able to be encrypted.
      • All internal/external service calls shall have common role-based access control and authorization using CADI framework.
    • Level 3: CII Gold badge 


    • Level 0: no ability to scale
    • Level 1: supports single site horizontal scale out and scale in, independent of other components
    • Level 2: supports geographic scaling, independent of other components
    • Level 3: support scaling (interoperability) across multiple ONAP instances

1+  (Except logging, all other requirements are met)

    • Level 1:
    • All ONAP components will use a single logging system.
    • Instantiation of a simple ONAP system should be accomplished in <1 hour with a minimal footprint
    • Level 2:
      • A component can be independently upgraded without impacting operation interacting components
      • Component configuration to be externalized in a common fashion across ONAP projects
      • All application logging to adhere to ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2
      • Implement guidelines for a minimal container footprint
    • Level 3
      • Transaction tracing across components


    • Level 1:
      • User guide created
      • Deployment documentation
      • API documentation
      • Adherence to coding guidelines
    • Level 2:
    • Level 3
      • Consistent UI across ONAP projects
      • Usability testing conducted
      • API Documentation
    • Level 4

  • API Incoming Dependencies

List the API this project is expecting from other projects. Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.

Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.

API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
SDC model distribution APIAPI for retrieving TOSCA model of close loopCurrently AvailableTo fill outLink toward the detailed API description
Policy EngineAPI for retrieving configuration policy updatesCurrently AvailableCurrently AvailableNA
Policy (PDP) API to push DCAE MS configuration/policy modelsCurrently AvailableCurrently Available
A&AIAPI invoked for information enhancementsCurrently AvailableCurrently Available
DMaaP Message RouterAPI for topic publish / subscribeCurrently AvailableCurrently Available
DMaaP Bus ControllerDMaaP Bus Controller is a part of DMaaP that provides topic provisioning; this is the API for topic provisioning.Currently AvailableCurrently Available

 PCI Optimization API http://{OOF-host}:{port}/api/oof/v1/pci

 http://{pcims-host}:{port}/callbackUrl Call back URL for SON-MS (to provide PCI optimization results)

 Currently Available Currently Available

http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getNbrList/{cellId}/{ts} (Get neighbor list for  a cell Id)

http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getPnfName/{cellId}/{ts} (Get the PNF name for a cell Id)
 Currently AvailableCurrently Available
  • API Outgoing Dependencies

API this project is delivering to other projects.

API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
VES CollectorAPI for VNFs to send VES dataCurrently AvailableR3
DCAE Deployment HandlerNB API for invoking the deployment of DCAE subcomponentsCurrently AvailableR3
DCAE InventoryAPI for Add/Delete DCAE copy's TOSCA modelsCurrently AvailableR3
HealthcheckAPI for querying DCAE component healthcheck Currently AvailableR4
DCAE Onboarding APIAPI for publishing DCAE spec into MODCurrently AvailableR6
DCAE InventoryAPI for CLAMP to retrieve flow informationCurrently AvailableR6
Data Extraction Service (DES)API for data retrieval and simple computation from DL-Handler maintained storages (For R7, this will be used by DCAE components such Slice-Analyis MS) and ExternalAPI(TBC by usecase team)Will be provided during M2/M3R7
  • Third Party Products Dependencies

Third Party Products mean products that are mandatory to provide services for your components. Development of new functionality in third party product may or not be expected. List the Third Party Products (OpenStack, ODL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch,Crystal Reports, ...).

NIFIApache NIFI1.9.x
Cloudify Manager


1.0.0 (version based on OOM)

In case there are specific dependencies  (Centos 7 vs Ubuntu 16. Etc.) list them as well.

  • Testing and Integration Plans

      • Unit Test addition will be enforced part of new code submission
      • CSIT tests will continue to be supported for existing components
      • Pairwise testing will be done in the WindRiver Dev lab similar to what was done in last release
  • Gaps

This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release. List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.

Gaps identifiedImpact

  • Known Defects and Issues

Provide a link toward the list of all known project bugs.

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

  • Risks

List the risks identified for this release along with the plan to prevent the risk to occur (mitigation) and the plan of action in the case the risk would materialized (contingency).

Risk identifiedMitigation PlanContingency Plan

Cloudify support for Python 3.x not available currently, expected in by Aug 2020 timeframe. This impacts migration of Cloudify and associated plugins in Guilin (REQ-373)

Continue Frankfurt version of Cloudify and Plugins under python 2.7None
  • Resources

Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page

  • Release Milestone

The milestones are defined at the Release Level and all the supporting project agreed to comply with these dates.

  • Team Internal Milestone

This section is optional and may be used to document internal milestones within a project team or multiple project teams. For instance, in the case the team has made agreement with other team to deliver some artifacts on a certain date that are not in the release milestone, it is erecommended to provide these agreements and dates in this section.

It is not expected to have a detailed project plan.

DateSprint#No of days Deliverable 
06/25/2020 - 07/09/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 1 (Planning)9Finalize DCAE scope and committment
07/10/2020 - 07/23/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 210 
07/24/2020 - 08/06/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 310

M2/M3 -  

  • 50% or more of Functional delivery completed
  • Atleast 60% of release/compliance (coverage & security)
  • API definition formalized and shared with impacted teams
  • Integration test plan completed
  • CSIT/automated test delivery
  • SDK version for Guilin to be baselined and released
  • Documentation repo updates (API updates & new MS/component) - Guilin Documentation
08/07/2020 - 08/20/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 4 10
08/21/2020 -  09/03/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 510 

M4  -  

  • 100% of release/compliance (coverage & security)
  • Validate deployment/integration with ONAP/DCAE deploy
  • Documentation update for deployment/configuration/architecture/logging
  • Update wiki for new components deployment for usecase owners
  • Demo for new components introduced
  • Pair-wise testing
09/04/2020 - 09/17/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 6 9
09/18/2020 - 10/01/2020DCAE Guilin Sprint 710

RC0  -  

  • Fix Integration blockers and high priorty issue
  • Automated robot test, CSIT & daily build jobs must pass
  • Update OOM chart/blueprint/documentation to reflect correct version
  • Branching
10/02/2020 -11/05/2020Integration support 

  • Documentation, Training

      • Highlight the team contributions to the specific document related to he project (Config guide, installation guide...).
      • Highlight the team contributions to the overall Release Documentation and training asset
      • High level list of documentation, training and tutorials necessary to understand the release capabilities, configuration and operation.
      • Documentation includes items such as:
        • Installation instructions
        • Configuration instructions
        • Developer guide
        • End User guide
        • Admin guide

Guilin Documentation

Other Information

    • Vendor Neutral

If this project is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, ensure that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed. All ONAP deliverables must comply with this rule and be agnostic of any proprietary symbols.

    • Free and Open Source Software

FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible. List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ). In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.

Each project must edit its project table available at Project FOSS.

Charter Compliance

The project team comply with the ONAP Charter.

  • No labels