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2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links




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1) Email Polls


2) PNF Software Version  (Fei Zhang )

      Slides describing the proposal available for comments: ONAP Non-MANO Artifacts Set Identifiers_PA3.pptx (Michela Bevilacqua)

Action item: Michela Bevilacqua will connect with VNFRQS PTL to build lifetime readthedoc.

3)  Use the established wiki page for capturing modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

4)  How to proceed future DM discussion?

  • Approval of SDC (and other) data model current updates and use cases application of data models
    • Ofir Sonsino
    • Internal, on-boarding models
    • Use Case application / updates to SDC models 
      • Case 1: use case only design the service based on the current SDC model.
      •  == > It does not need to be reviewed by both SDC and Modeling subcommittee.
      • Case 2: use case needs to extend internal SDC model in order to design a new service.
      • == > Option 1: SDC review and approve first, Modeling subcommitttee review and publish it at the second step.
      • == > Option 2: SDC and Modeling subcommittee review and approve it together, (perhaps use SDC features meeting or Modeling Subcommittee meeting, with additional modeling breakouts if needed).
    • Engage Use Case teams for Frankfurt updates and Guilin data model requirements Benjamin Cheung

5) ONS -NA (Postponed)

Poll on online virtual meeting: please vote



  • Could invite Container Modeling topics to ONAP Modeling Subcommittee meetings

6) ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements


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Resource IM

ONAP R6 Resource IM Call 2020-3-16

Andy Mayer will add JIRA item to address how to handle referenced external model elements in ONAP IM.


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Service IM

2 service IM call  this week.

1 invite Thinh to talk about ETSI NFV progress about subnetwork slice. like enhancement of network service descriptors?

Thinh will prepare IFA014 and SOL001 to present to your subteam. 3GPP also use these modeling for their slicing at service level. on 25th. Mar

2 keep the original time 9pm beijing time , 9am in eastern time, 1pm UTC

3 new zoom ID for service call: 2868829092Andy Mayer help to change the calenar


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AAI Reverse Engineering status

Addressed in Resource IM

New uml from AAi has errors that need to be fixed.

5Model Enabled ONAP effort

Invite the introduction about Model enabled ONAP

2020-03-02 ONAP Model Enabled Meeting

Action item:

Bob Papa invite SO to present model driven POC next week .

 5 Container model

0310: Introduction of K8S module in MultiVIM project

cFW orchestration demo 


0324: Invite K8S PoC @srini

0ONAP Glossary

Modeling and Use Cases

Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling

Discuss M3 process

Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases

Need to begin using these Functional Templates for each Use Case. Possibly merge into a single template. Benjamin Cheungis working with the Architecture Subcommittee (Use Case realization effort) to introduce.

See: ONAP Use Case / Requirements Teams Process Way of Working (WoW)


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