


Meeting Notes Discussion

Discussion Notes from  

All Team members
  1. MODELING - Maybe first focus on models classes that A&AI might need. How do those elements get populated & modified. RTCfg will also need details & the architectural approach how they would approach extensibility; representing in swagger API or flexible schema approach.
  2. A&AI - The A&AI will be stopping at level of PNF (CU/DU), the cells underneath associated w/ a DU you can't find in A&AI. That would be stored in RTCfg DB the index would match with the PNF.
  3. NETWORK SLICING - (Swami) building up, intro some classes. in R7 should we introduce all the classes? Q? (Michela) Where were the classes introduced? For R6 modeling the slice as a service using the only the existing constructors & current platform info-model.
  4. ORAN MODELING - The ORAN alignment, w/ their yang info-models. ORAN-ONAP alignment. Contact ORAN SMEs.
  5. RunTime Config DB - Q? (Joanne) The config DB would be focused on SON U/C importing ORAN yang model to be used in the SON/PCI & associated attributes in R6. (Swami) No. The yang models are not officially available from ORAN. In OOF/SON will still use the old yang models. There is work in converting yang to the schema. ORAN yang model itseill be in R7. Alignment taking ORAN alignment; earlier CMNotify notification over Netconf I/F because ORAN decided it will be a VES event, that VES have a draft specification basedon that will generate a VES notification.
  6. RunTime config DB Schema & Extensibility - Q (Andy)? How does RunTime Config DB deal w/ Extensiblity - the YANG model. Schema in R6 is hard-coded; iin the long term the info from vendor provided PNF package could guide the RTCffDB schema (R7). Q (Joanne)? Relation between 5G info model . Attach the 5G Specific aspects for 5G elements (xNFs). Runtime pc the yang model info that would be represented in A&AI. other info only be in RTCfgDB. MODEL the DOMAIN. Config stuff as a "blob" need to parse. A view of what the info model is. Anything dynamic, changeable, or discovering (would not be in A&AI).
  7. OOF/SON PCI - The Parameters already used for the OOF/SON PCI U/C e.g. NetworkID, CellID, PCIValue, nbrList, ... are these in 3GPP TS28.541 (mapping?). Key ideas - OOF/SON/PCI cares about Cells. Model Cells ... how should they be modeled? is that something that should be evolved in the platform model. how Will that evolve. Maybe start w/ SON as a reference or starting point. The requirements are lmited what info we are looking for in Cell.
  8. DOMAIN - RAN (Wireless). the modeling stuff that is introduced will not preclude the ability to support other domains, such routers. EXTENSIBILITY.
  9. MODELING S/C - NEXT STEPS: ... present an abbreviated presentation to Modeling S/C, what would be reused or re-imported from the 3GPP model and how to attach/hang them to base classes. 3GPP has functions functions separated out and attached to the element. ASK who would like to help create the papyrus model as input.
  10. A&AI - NEXT STEPS I've made presentation at the A&AI Team (Weds 9AM EDT USA), they will also be hosting future discussions on parameters flagged as "A&AI" in the spreadsheet.
  11. NOTES - Q (Zu Q.) Add a column for "Notes" justifying if something will be in A&AI.



Controller to NF Association

See Slides Nov 6, 2018. Development of Controller to NF assignment association S/W.

CDS, VF-C, APP-C, SDN-R, SDN-C; will the CCSDK "merging" of controllers happen in R6?


Use Case


Data Persistency, RunTime DB

RunTime Config DB is now a R6 use case :

USE CASE REALIZATION MEETING (Notes 2019-01-30) U/C Cross-Interaction, Persistency


Jan 22 - CMNotify; SA5 3GPP Meeting. CMNotify domain. VES Event spec 7.1.1. Alok Gupta has not updated the VES event. On a leave of absence (Hip surgery). CMNotify is going to be done by Nokia. Sync with Sandeep Shah



Controller LCM API Evolution

Goals (Architecture Evolution)
  • Target is common LCM API in CCSDK usable by different controller personas to simplify for both clients and controller implementations
  • Support PNFs for applicable LCM operations in a consistent way
  • Enable use of CDS blueprint processor to customize behavior of LCM operations in the 'self-service' category
    • In ONAP R4, CDS can be used for pre/post-instantiation configuration. Generic and model-driven design should allow CDS usage to be extended for additional operations and use cases.
  • Evolution steps that preserve backwards compatibility for clients

Present at the Arch S/C Apr 9 (Tue) second presentation.

Use Cases


RAN (ORAN-3GPP) Standards Harmonization with ONAP

  • Orchestration at the Edge.
  • A1/O1/E2 communications. Edge to ENBs, Telemetry.
  • E2 will not have this info. O1 is I/F for PM counts. Not a management I/F.
  • WG3 (ORAN) is defining this.
  • ONAP w/ O1. Changes w/ O1 interface.
  • How to satisfy A1/O1 and in what time-frame.
  • U/C ORAN - ONAP harmonization. 3GPP ORAN ONAP.
  • Starting a new U/C in 5G. Marge, Vimal, Fred Feisullin
  • Edge inventory & topology. Transport BH consideration w/ real-time near-RT aspects
  • Akraino. MEC. Edge automation (Ramki).


Use Cases


Licensing Management

New U/C added to the 5G Use Cases Wiki: LICENSING MANAGEMENT

(Oct 8 2019) Arch Samuli presented on Licensing Management.

Modeling work: ONAP R6 Modeling High Level Requirements

Kevin Skaggs Proposed Licensing Platform Model

Use Cases



PoC for December 2019? SDN-R south-bound NetConf I/F w/ model

and also integration with Runtime DB work.

Use Cases


BBS U/C Evolution

BBS Evolution - Slide set linked in R6 proposed U/C. List of proposals & functional requirements.

  1. Change Service - want to use ONAP platform.
  2. Full Closed Loop for Fault Management - CLAMP.
  3. Service Update API (SO) - will be developed

Use Cases


PM Dictionary/FM MD GUI

Use Cases


PNF S/W Upgrade

PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt
Use Cases




VNF-SDK Artifact package security


IoT Service Creation

IoT Create Services on 5G

5G Use Cases in R6 Frankfurt

June 19, 2019

Use Cases


Modeling gNB/5G RAN

Align & harmonize information models to ONAP model and ONAP internal information & data model:

ETSI SOL001 ... 007 with ONAP internal Model, PNFD modeling (Model S/C), 5G Model (3GPP, RAN), ORAN (WGs, RAN), Open ROADM (reconfig optical add/drop multiplexer, Optical), ONF (Optical), ISOMII (Optical), OTCC (Optical transport config & control)

Use Cases


5G NRM (Network Resource Model) Configuration

yaoguang wang

June 2019 LFN DDF, titled as '5G Provisioning management service to NRM

Presentation: 5G Network Resource Model (NRM) Configuration in R6 Frankfurt

Use Cases


PNF / Plug and Play

Benjamin Cheung

PNF Plug and Play

M2/ - Pending  REQ-140 - Getting issue details... STATUS - CMPv2 Security enhancements to AAF (Netconf & PM impacts also).


Architecture S/C


Arch S/C Information Flows: Draft ONAP Information Flows

New Information flow for Preonboarding/Onboarding xNF packages/resources.

ARCHCOM: InfoFlow - Onboard Resource into SDC Flow



PoC Definition

POC definition


Test Automation Progress

Use Case Test Automation

Action Items: Use case subcommittee to reach the Dublin use case owner to provide the following information. what's the current percentage of testing automation regarding your use case and functional requirements; what will be the plan to be 100% and constraints (resources availability etc.)

Release TrackingR6 Frankfurt / M2All Team Members

Use Case Tracking Template

Need the U/C teams to fill out the Dev. Impacts.

More Generalized Use Case Template (discussed w/ Model team):

Use Case Tracking Template and Use Case Template

Frankfurt Release Requirements


Plug- fest

Demo Plugfest

POC & Plugfest in End June 2020

WINLAB? A1/O1 ORAN & ONAP Joint Plugfest

Panel Discussion - ? / Maybe in January-February

Setup. Bronze Release. / Slicing, Heart Beat-Health Check

Architecture TopicsArchitecture TopicsAll Team Memebers

Architecture Component Descriptions:

ONAP Architecture Component Description - Dublin

Architecture Flows:

Dublin ONAP Information Flows

Frankfurt Release Requirements


List of U/C Realization calls from R6 U/C Wiki: Release 6 (Frankfurt) proposed use cases and functional requirements

Apr 10, 2019Controller LCM API Evolution
  • Target is common LCM API in CCSDK usable by different controller personas to simplify for both clients and controller implementations
  • Support PNFs for applicable LCM operations in a consistent way
  • Enable use of CDS blueprint processor to customize behavior of LCM operations in the 'self-service' category
    • In ONAP R4, CDS can be used for pre/post-instantiation configuration. Generic and model-driven design should allow CDS usage to be extended for additional operations and use cases.
  • Evolution steps that preserve backwards compatibility for clients

May 1, 2019A&AI GraphGraph Visualizer

Visualizer for A&AI Model Layout

Use Case Realization Call: May 1, 2019

May 8, 2019A&AI Model Browser, Sparky

A&AI developer Model Browser to navigate and viewing attributes, object types & edge view

Recording & Slides: Use Case Realization Call: May 8, 2019

May 15, 2019A&AI Run Time Browser (Sparky)A&AI Run-Time Browser
May 22, 2019Edge Automation Overview & Discussion

Central & Distributed Edge ONAP configuration.

Topics include: Onboarding, Instantiation, Edge Orchestration, A&AI, Architecture, Work-flows, Multi-Tenancy

Use Case Realization Call: May 22, 2019

May 29, 2019Modeling, Use Case & Arch S/C Way of Working

Model S/C (Sub committee) contributions page: Modeling sub-committee Contributions

Jun 5, 2019Use Case slides for Dev. ForumUse Case Realization Call: June 5, 2019
July 10, 2019R6: PNF Software Upgrade

ONAP Read the Docs/R4 Announcements

WIKI: PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt Overview & Presentation

July 24, 2019R6: OOF/SON PCI Use Case DemoNK ShankarOOF / PCI / SON Use Case  Discussion and Overview


5G NRM Configuration U/C Overviewyaoguang wang5G NRM (Network Resource Model) Configuration U/C Overview & Presentation


ORAN Standards HarmonizationORAN Standards Harmonization U/C Overview & Presentation


Modeling S/C guidelines & Use Case Interactions

Modeling S/C Process Wiki: Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling with Use Case Tracking Template and Use Case Template

R6 Modeling Req Plan wiki: ONAP R6 Modeling High Level Requirements


Licensing Management OverviewIntroduction of Licensing Management in R6


SDC & R6 Use Case Impacts DiscussionOfir SonsinoDiscussion with SDC PTL Ofir w/ the Use Case Teams and SDC commitments. See the summary Table for SDC impacting Use Cases.


VID & R6 U/C Discuss

Ittay Stern

Use Case Teams

Discussion with VID PTL (Ittay Stern) for R6 Use Case Impacts discussion and commitments for VID impacting Use Cases

Preparing slides for Use Cases at the Technical Conference Antwerp (for 5G/PNF use cases)


A&AI & R6 Use Case Impacts Discussion

Discussion with A&AI PTL (Jimmy Forsyth) and Chandra Cinthala for R6 A&AI Use Case Impacts discussion and commitments.

Use Case Realization Call: September 25, 2019


DCAE & R6 Use Case Impacts DiscussionVijay Venkatesh KumarDiscussion with DCAE PTL (Vijay Kumar) for R6 Use Case Impacts discussion and commitments for DCAE impacting Use Cases


M1 U/C discussionUse Case Teams

R6 M1 Deadline (Oct 10 2019)

M1 Checklist: Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

READ THE DOCS:  > USER GUIDES > Verified Use Cases

and discussion with A&AI (James Forsyth ) continuing discussion from Sept 25.

Network Slicing has two proposals in R6 (LIN MENG CMCC and Swaminathan Seetharaman ). Need to align the two proposals and present at Use Case S/C meeting (Alla G.) and TSC and Architecture next week Oct 14.


PoC Planning & DiscussionTracy Van Brakle

Combination Plugfest & PoC 1st week of December bringing together subset of ONAP modules as SMO (svc mgmt orchestration) layer w/ other artifacts from ORAN S/W (LF). LF will publicize. Planned June 2020.

Co-Demo discussion Nokia & Ericsson: Plug Fest Planning Discussion Oct 28, 2019


RunTime Config DB (Data Persistency)

Discussion of the RunTime DB Use Case in R6 Frankfurt which introduces a Common Service Data Layer for a data lake to store configuration and operational parameters.

Component & Flows:

ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt

ARCHCOM: InfoFlow - RunTime Config DB Information Flow



OOF & R6 Use Case Impacts DiscussionShankar PN

Discussion with OOF PTL (Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan ) for R6 Use Case Impacts discussion and technical details for OOF impacting Use Cases


SO & R6 Use Case Impacts DiscussionDiscussion with SO PTL (Seshu Kumar) for R6 Use Case Impacts discussion and commitments.


PoC Planning & DiscussionTracy Van BrakleSync up on the Dec 5, 2019 ORAN/ONAP PlugFest & Demo


Network SlicingCMCC-Huawei-Tencent & Wipro-ATT-Amdocs joint Network Slicing proposal


No MeetingNo Meeting


MDONSXin Miao Presentation and discussion of Multi-domain Optical Network Services


Ctlr & R6 U/C ImpactsDan Timoney

Discussion with Controller (APP-C, SDN-C) PTL (Dan Timoney) for R6 Use Case Impacts to Controller project. A technical discussion, Q&A, and U/C analysis.

Recap of ONAP/ORAN Plugfest (Dec 5)



No MeetingNo MeetingNo meeting end of December due to Holidays & Vacations


Use Case DiscussionUse Case TeamsM2 Discussion


No MeetingNo MeetingNo meeting due to Prague DDF


M2/M3 DiscussionUse Case TeamsM2/M3 Deadline Discussion


5G Service Modeling




Network Slicing Presentation & DiscussionRefined Network Slicing Presentation & Discussion
Jan or FebRelease Manager DiscussionDavid McBride

Discussion with David McBride of the Linux Foundation, the R6 Release Manager regarding practices, wiki page updates, Jira dashboard and what is a use case? Release development process moving waterfall > agile/sprint

Release Planning: Frankfurt

Frankfurt Release Requirements

x, 2020CC-SDK and E2E AutomationYuriy MalakovCC-SDK & E2E Automation
April / MayWay of Working ProcessBenjamin Cheung

Process for Modeling WoW and development with Architecture & Modeling.

Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling

?PNF Plug & Play w/ SOuser-063b3PNF Plug and Play SO BPMN Work-flows to Building Blocks (BB)
Jan or FebDocumentation ProjectsSofia WallinProcess ReadtheDocs
MarchDiscussion of Use Case Template for R7

Filling out, describing and creating the Wiki for a Use Case

Use Case Tracking Template and Use Case Template

Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases

March/AprilORAN Bronze Rel & ONAP Plugfest PlanningPlanning for ORAN Bronze Rel & ONAP Plugfest Planning


3GPP TS28.541 Analysis Spreadsheet

RECORDING for U/C Realization

Zoom Video & Audio (MP4)

Audio Only (M4A)

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Chat (Txt)