

Discussion items

M1 Deadline Deliverables

All in 5G U/C

M1 Deliverables, DEADLINE: Nov 07, 2019 (Pushed to Nov 7)

TSC Evaluation & Integration leads - Deadline Oct 15, 2019

Release Planning Page: Release Planning

M1 Deliverables Checklist: Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

(1) TESTING -  Integration Testing End-to-end use cases listed OCT 24: Still to be done.

(2) PTLs - commitments from the Platform component PTLs OCT 24: DONE

(3) RELEASE PAGE - Frankfurt Release Requirements page needs to be updated. OCT 24: DONE

(4) MODEL - Modeling Requirements Page for R6 (Planning)

ONAP R6 Modeling High Level Requirements


(5) CHECKLIST - Deliverables for planning milestone checklist template: Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

Checking & cross-checking that Epic REQ-# Jira tickets are made (Sept 19)


  1. Harmonization U/C Identify Integration Lead

Dongho Kim - discussing with Ericsson and AT&T who can commit. A1 adaptor unit testing. RESOLUTION A1/O1 Sandeep Shah

For O1 part Nokia. CMnotif. fault, CallTrace(no), ...

2. RunTime Config DB Integration Lead

  • Joanne Liu Rudelfind the Integration Lead  RESOLUTION: Need to identify SDC-R integration work. Build processor MariaDB; SDN-R receives the SDC CSAR package S/W will be REUSED so no new development.

3. OOF/SON/PCI U/C Integration Lead

4. Pre-onboarding/Onboarding U/C

  We do not need full E2E Integration Zu Qiang (Ericsson) , only need to integrate the new development in VNF-SDK CLOSED FINISHED. Nokia will be integration the VNF-SDK work (confirmed).

5. Network Slicing is Missing per company Commitment & Integration lead(s)


  Reviewed Frankfurt Release Requirements

All 5G Use Cases have a Jira Ticket tree (w/ TSC Milestone child-Jiras)

For Bulk PM : PM Control Support + Secure communication between xNFs and ONAP in 5G Bulk PM 

For NRM: NRM Configuration with RESTFul protocol

ORAN ONAP Plugfest DemosAll in 5G U/C

Realization Call Oct 16

Use Case Realization Call: October 16, 2019

Discussion with Tracy Van Brakle

Demos will be on Thurs Dec 5, 2019 (AM EDT UTC-4 USA) at Rutgers Lab (Brunswick NJ).

Question - do we need to tell Tracy Commitments?

Ericsson & Nokia will have a Joint meeting to coordinate co-demoing. Plug Fest Planning Discussion Oct 28, 2019

R6 Use Case Proposals / RequirementsAll in 5G U/C

TSC Release Page.

Frankfurt Release Requirements

In the REQUIREMENTS Table of the R6 Release Requirements Wiki (above) the Use Case requirements as discussed on the TSC call for Sept 12, and David McBride has asked that we have requirements (jiras) on separate rows. Further follow-up discussions will be had for "what is a use case" and if some of the 5G use cases should be moved up to the first table.

RunTime DB

Architecture S/C presentation for Run Time DB.

Documenting (1) Arch component wiki ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt

(2) Flow using Run Time DB. Presented Oct 15, 2019.

(3) Making RunTime DB as a separate common service component

   - Discussed at the Architecture S/C Oct 23.

(4) Need to present TSC AFTER approval from Architect S/C.

(5) Meeting with David McBride

OCT 24 - Presented at the Architecture S/C Oct 22, Arch S/C said it was ok to proceed with the RunTime Config DB as a new ONAP component. So need to fill out the New component page.

Weekly Meetings on Fridays. (ONAP 4 hosted)

Network Slicing R6 Proposal

Update on slicing proposal. SO/Seshu presented.

Multiple functional requirements/Use Cases. Recursive orchestration of nested services. Didn't want independent W/F for flows but try to leverage/reuse work. Presented the End to End U/C with macro-view for E2E slice. and components impacted. Right now impact will be on SO, OOF, Policy, SDC and AAI. What controller will be used for managing slices? Focusing on design aspects and instantiation and activation. Put up logical E2E slice. Target simple VNFs. Focus to create VNF vs reconfiguring a VNF? Slice segments are going to be both dedicated/shared. Started with discovering existing resources; assume segments created with VNF/PNFs in inventory & discoverable. Spinup new slice instances.

Presentation/slides at: NETWORK SLICING PoC in R6 Frankfurt (Obsolete)

Convergence Plan Presented Oct 17, 2019.

  • Borislav Glozman - Present at Alla Goldner U/C call the converged solution. OCT 24: Some emails to ask Stephen T. to approve. Discussion at TSC. Issue was raised at U/C S/C review. Stephen wanted to (and has completed) Architecture review. Need ok from Alla Goldner - that this is a converged U/C.

Setting up Regular meetings

Discussion: Milind Jalwadi

  • JSON based screens for VID, Is there a slicing GUI that could be re-used.
  • would want to upstream that NSST NSSD
  • Part of the Network Slicing Use Case.

  Reviewing the Frankfurt Release Requirements, we notice that the TSC made a comment:

  • For the network slcing.  The following is a Go from architecture
    • SO plug-in to an External NSSMF (for core).
    • CSMF and NSMF representation in ONAP, and also allowing CSMF external.
    • What is not approved is NSSMF in ONAP; nor connecting two subslices together as that requires the NSSMF and that still needs quite some more discussion.

This should limit the impacts to SO and External API for Frankfurt 

And some of the Code Impact/Code Commit cells are RED. Vimal Begwani  stated that swami et al team will indicate what is the exact scope for R6. Debate only NSSMF or SO impact might not be as stated here.

  • PRESENTATION TO ARCH Subcommittee - This will be presented to the Architecture S/C.
ORAN/3GPP ONAP Harmonization U/C

Trying to settle on scope of the Use Case. List of many possible contributions that will take more than one release to complete. Impacts for items to be added to wiki (analysis).

Prioritize the work items what we could propose to accomplish.

CM Notify & Payload as a new domain has been accepted on the DCAE S/C today Oct 24 2019.

New VES specification 7.1.1; addendum being added.

3GPP Fault event fields specified in 3GPP mismatched VES specification; 3GPP SA5.

WoW w/ Model & Arch
Way of Working between Architecture , Modeling Subcommittee & Use Case Teams and what happens and touchpoints at M0/M1/M2/M3.
Use Case Template5G U/C Team

Use Case Template - discuss updating the Use Case template & pages with some of these fields. Modeling team has said it would be useful for them to have the pre-condition & post-conditions, and information being passed (info-flows) documented.

Use Case Template

Filling out, describing and creating the Wiki for a Use Case

Use Case Tracking Template and Use Case Template

Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases

Ben talked w/ Andy Mayer U/CR call Oct 23. He said he is preparing the page, and would present here at the 5G U/C S/C call.



Network Slicing Convergence Plan

Link to presentation (presented to ArchCom): E2E Network Slicing Joint Proposal


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