Color Guide
For 2019-06-03 - ONLY Completed items should be green.
# | Use Case Functional Requirement Nonfunctional Requirement | Test Cases | Lab | Integration Test Lead | Status (remaining days of effort) | Video URL | Detailed Test Status | Quick Notes |
1 | Model Driven Control Loop Design | (vDNS is part of scale out use case below #10) | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED on both SNAPSHOT and Release versions | Instantiate working for both. Closed Loop in progress vFW to VES : PASS VES to TCA : PASS TCA to Policy : Default policy needs to be changed : targetType: VM Policy to APPC: PASS with SNAPSHOT APPC to vPNG: PASS with SNAPSHOT. vFW: PASS. Waiting to regression test release containers - INT-1078Getting issue details... STATUS - DCAEGEN2-1510Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1685Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1778Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1780Getting issue details... STATUS | |||
2 | Use Case: Residential Broadband vCPE (Approved) | vCPE Integration Test Case | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | vCPE (Heat) - Dublin Test Status | Done VNF onboarding, service design for infra and rescust, model distribution, infra and customer services instantiation Closed loop tests have done VNF event generation, vescollector, DCAE(TCA), Policy and APPC - SO-1927Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1922Getting issue details... STATUS - APPC-1614Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1906Getting issue details... STATUS - SDC-2299Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1861Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1873Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
3 | vCPE with TOSCA | vCPE(tosca) with HPA - Integration test cases | Intel / Windriver | DESCOPED (60% TEST COMPLETION) | ||||
4 | 5G - Realtime PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection | 5G - Real Time PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection - Integration Test Cases | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | 5G - Real Time PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection - Test Status Dublin | |||
5 | 5G - PNF PnP | 5G - PNF PnP - Integration Test Cases | Intel / Windriver | 20.05.2019 COMPLETED ON STAGING 03.06.2019 COMPLETED ON RELEASE (SB02) | Dublin Release Integration Testing Status | There is no possibility to distribute model for PNF due SDNC issues (lack of one table in SDNC db)
SDNC-756Getting issue details...
SDNC-757Getting issue details...
. Failed on Release lab WindRiver SB02 bug - SDNC-756Getting issue details... STATUS reopened | ||
6 | 5G - Bulk PM | 5G - Bulk PM - Test Status | Intel / Windriver SB-02 | COMPLETED | ||||
7 | 5G - Configuration with NETCONF | 5G - PNF Configuration via Netconf - Test Status | Intel/ Windriver | COMPLETED ON ERICSSON LAB COMPLETED ON SB-02 | This test is in continuity of PNF PnP test case which is at no. 5. Completed this test in Ericsson Local Lab with PnP PNF on-boarding. Starting to test it in Windriver Lab. Few Issues impacting this test are: - SO-1857Getting issue details... STATUS Root cause of the exception is handled in jira, - CCSDK-1354Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1856Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1855Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-759Getting issue details... STATUS Due to this issue SDNC-756 not able to deploy service using VID, using a WA to do that stated in the below bug. - SDNC-769Getting issue details... STATUS Unable to distribute the service. - SDNC-756Getting issue details... STATUS - CCSDK-1318Getting issue details... STATUS Existing Blueprints failing due to a bug in CDS Config Deploy | |||
8 | 5G - Preonboarding/Onboarding - Test Status | Intel / Windriver | PNF Preonboarding (VNF SDK): PNF Onboarding (SDC): | PNF Onboarding (SDC) COMPLETED PNF Preonboarding (VNF SDK): COMPLETED - ONE BUG REPORTED FOR ELALTO logged medium level bug | 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Status | Successfully completed PNF Onboarding testing in Ericsson and WindRiver labs. Manually applied workaround to db for - SDNC-756Getting issue details... STATUS in WindRiver lab. Very old images used for VNFSDK and CLI in ONAP DUBLIN: - CLI-168Getting issue details... STATUS - VNFSDK-407Getting issue details... STATUS Instruction in read the docks fro offline VTP platform setup is not correct Preonborading bugs for validation rules found by Dermot Melia - VNFSDK-412Getting issue details... STATUS - VNFSDK-410Getting issue details... STATUS - VNFSDK-411Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
9 | 5G - OOF and PCI | 5G - OOF and PCI - Integration Test Cases | Windriver | COMPLETED. - 2 known issues (Medium): CCSDK-1399 and CCSDK-1400 | Integration Testing | Integration testing in Windriver lab. IT#017 test case will be performed again as soon as CCSDK-1399 and CCSDK-1400 are delivered - DCAEGEN2-1529Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-505Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-508Getting issue details... STATUS 1 test case involving SDN-R could not be completed (IT#017). The following Jiras were raised related to this test case, and the code fixes are delivered. - CCSDK-1364Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-772Getting issue details... STATUS The DMaaP listener docker with the code fix is not yet deployed in SB-00 where the testing is done. The code, fix however, is already merged on to Dublin and Master branches. So, once the latest docker is deployed, we will continue and complete the test case either at Windriver.
| ||
10 | Scale Out | Scale Out - Integration Test Cases and Status | Intel / Windriver | 100% COMPLETED | Scale Out with manual trigger has been tested by directly calling SO instead of using VID | |||
11 | CCVPN | CCVPN Integration Test Cases | CMCC | 100% COMPLETED Dublin Scope to be reviewed in alignment with what it is currently certified REDEFINED to match the scope of completed testing - user-8fc39 | CCVPN Test Status | - SDC-2284Getting issue details... STATUS - SDC-2286Getting issue details... STATUS - OOM-1843Getting issue details... STATUS - VFC-1375Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-764Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-753Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1774Getting issue details... STATUS The CMCC lab had a relocation plan at the beginning of this year. But for special reasons, the plan is now ahead of schedule. this week all equipment has to be powered off. For this particular reason, we can't continue our tests. so we plan to test the remaining test cases in the next release, | ||
12 | HPA vFW/vDNS | vFW/vDNS HPA Testing(Test Plan 1 inHPA & Cloud Agnostic Intent - R3 Test Plan) | Intel / Windriver | 100% COMPLETED | vFW/vDNS with HPA Integration Test Status (Dublin) | - SO-1871Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-499Getting issue details... STATUS - Both SO1-871 and OPTFRA-499 refer to change from http to https on OOF API side. Found workaround, a fix has been submitted for the second issue and is currently being tested. - OPTFRA-506Getting issue details... STATUS - Done - OPTFRA-511Getting issue details... STATUS - We can work around 511 and have reduced to medium, removed integration tag. - SO-1939Getting issue details... STATUS - Done need to remove oof_directives from the user_directives parameter | ||
13 | Change Management - Flexible Designer & Orchestrator | Steps: 1) Designing custom workflows with Workflow Designer 2) Distributing custom workflows to SO 3) Deploying the custom workflow in SO 4) Sending workflow metadata to VID 5) Triggering custom workflow execution from VID 6) Executing custom workflows in SO | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | SDC build discrepancy where Workflow Designer does not work in ONAP env. but does in SDC local env. - SO-1911Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1942Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1923Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1925Getting issue details... STATUS Distribution of BPMN from SDC to SO is now resolved!!! We now have an issue on auto deploy of activity specs to SDC - SO-1996 (the specs get created, but SDC returns 201 instead of 200 specified in the Wiki, SO made a change to accept 201 too), it is merged and is in today's daily build (6/6/19) Testing complete on the user-defined workflow with setting/unsetting in-maint flag. Testing for in-place software upgrade would be done in El Alto | |||
14 | Steps: 1) Creating VNF profile using CDT 2) Designing custom workflows with Workflow Designer 3) Distributing custom workflows to SO 4) Deploying the custom workflow in SO 5) Sending workflow metadata to VID 6) Triggering custom workflow execution from VID 7) Executing custom workflows in SO | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | - OPTFRA-483Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-492Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-494Getting issue details... STATUS - OPTFRA-498Getting issue details... STATUS - APPC-1576Getting issue details... STATUS - APPC-1604Getting issue details... STATUS - APPC-1611Getting issue details... STATUS - SDC-2287Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1766Getting issue details... STATUS - CCSDK-1371Getting issue details... STATUS
Note: SO workflow cannot be build with WorkFlow designer - we need it for workflow development. It is taken decision to move building workflow in SO/WorkFlow designer in El Alto and to build DT workflow in Dublin outside of SO - with REST APIs of OOF, APPC and AAI. As a consequence we built use case workflow in Python | ||||
15 | Change Management - 5G PNG Software Upgrade | Change Management - 5G PNF Software Upgrade Integration Test Status | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | Completed this test in Huawei Local Lab. | |||
16 | Change Management - Schedule Optimization | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | Completed!! | ||||
17 | BBS Broadband Service Use Case (Dublin) | BBS Use Case Tracking (Dublin Release)#Testing | BBS Swisscom Lab | COMPLETED: - Phase 1: Service creation and activation + Nomadic ONT (Test cases #[A-D]) COMPLETED - Phase 2 (moved to El Alto): E2E Service Termination (Test cases #[E]). Jira SO-1994 Note: POLICY-1835 and POLICY-1831 should be included in Dublin | BBS Integration Test Cases | - DCAEGEN2-1496Getting issue details... STATUS- DCAEGEN2-1500Getting issue details... STATUS- DCAEGEN2-1499Getting issue details... STATUS - INT-1075Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1578Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1910Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1913Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1928Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1930Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1931Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1933Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-783Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-784Getting issue details... STATUS - DCAEGEN2-1596Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1993Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1831Getting issue details... STATUS - POLICY-1835Getting issue details... STATUS - SDNC-791Getting issue details... STATUS
- EXTAPI-248Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
18 | VSP Compliance Check within SDC (Dublin) - Phase 1 | VSP Compliance Check within SDC - Integration Test Plan | Vodafone | COMPLETED | ||||
19 | K8S based Cloud Region Support - vFW Use case | Deploy vFW Helm Chart using Multicloud K8s Plugin in Kubernetes Cloud | intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | ||||
20 | K8S based Cloud Region Support - EdgeXFoundry Use case | Deploy EdgeXFoundry Helm Chart using Multicloud K8s Plugin in Kubernetes Cloud | Intel/ Windriver | COMPLETED | ||||
21 | 5G: Network Slicing Modeling | Amdocs | Borislav Glozman | N/A | No integration testing is expected. A potential model of network slice was presented using SDC features. | |||
22 | Consistent ID of a Cloud Region | Windriver | Bin Yang | Use Case Tracking in Dublin Release | - VID-482Getting issue details... STATUS - MULTICLOUD-656Getting issue details... STATUS - MULTICLOUD-651Getting issue details... STATUS
- SO-1904Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1995Getting issue details... STATUS Creating VF Moduel failed with GR-API and selecting CloudRegion3(CloudOwner3) (other than the default one): I am not sure which project (VID/SO/SDNC) should take care of this issue, sent email to discuss email list and wait for response Details can be found: Deploy vLB to Multiple Cloud Regions | |||
23 | Modularity | COMPLETE | ||||||
24 | ETSI Alignment SO plugin to support SOL003 to connect to an external VNFM | COMPLETE Create+instantiation is completed Note: Termination+Deletion is almost but has a minor issue, it will be done in El Alto | Due to lack of SDC SOL004 VNF support in Dublin, automated CSIT testing has been deferred to El Alto under - SO-1899Getting issue details... STATUS In Dublin, manual-based (sending REST requests) test has been done for SO/VNFM Adapter to test VNFM Adapter functionalities. Currently, VNFM Adapter API function testing with VNFM Simulator is completed, and the team is working on the SO workflows (which invoking VNFM Adapter) testing. VNF creation+ instantiation testing is 100% Terminate+Delete integration testing will be done in El Alto Dublin test cases, SO VNFM Adapter Test Case | |||||
25 | Improve our E2E Process Automation | COMPLETE | VIDEO URL: E2E Automation vDNS w/ CDS Use Case - ONAP-03-Run Time- Video Demo for vDNS CDS Dublin | E2E Automation Testing Status with CDS | Dublin Highest Bugs: - SO-1985Getting issue details... STATUS - SO-1882Getting issue details... STATUS – Requires retest. - SO-1870Getting issue details... STATUS - CCSDK-1344Getting issue details... STATUS -Fix to be submitted 5/23. - SO-1892Getting issue details... STATUS - Steve S recommend to update the reference data to include "*" for serviceType. Patch needs to be updated.
SDNC-756Getting issue details...
SO-1889Getting issue details...
| |||
26 | S3P - Footprint Optimization (Integration with Alpine) | N/A | No specific tests. Default containers used in OOM are optimized. | |||||
27 | Component/memory optimization: Ongoing Assessment | N/A | ||||||
28 | Global optimization (e.g. shared DB) - stretch goal=shared PostgreSQL; shared MariaDB | COMPLETE AAI - PASS SDC - PASS SO - PASS SDNC - PASS | Integration testing underway to validate. | AAI and SDC using Shared Cassandra delivered. SO and SDNC using Shared Mariadb-Galera delivered. PASS if application installs and functions on shared datastores. | ||||
29 | S3P- Geo-Redundancy | COMPLETED | Basically the update is both OOF and Portal are successfully using MUSIC in Dublin (E2E testing has no MUSIC-related issue now) and their code exercise MUSIC geo-redundancy across the US more or less every day in production. | |||||
30 | SOL 004 (VNF Package Security) | 5G - Preonboarding/Onboarding - Test Status | Ericsson, Intel / Windriver | SDC: COMPLETED
logged medium level bug | 5G - PNF E2E Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding Integration Test Status | Note: SOL004 test cases are an integral part of the 5G PNF pre-onboarding/onboarding test cases. For both SDC and VNF SDK following applies: VNF SDK: - VNFSDK-414Getting issue details... STATUS delivered Another bug has been found: | ||
31 | xNF communication security enhancements. | xNF communication security enhancements - Tests Description and Status | COMPLETED | xNF communication security enhancements - Tests Description and Status | ||||
32 | Locale/Internationalization language support | Tao Shen | COMPLETED | |||||
33 | Angular 6 Upgrade of ONAP Portal and SDK | Portal R4 Dublin Functional Test Cases (includes Angular 6 upgrade tests) | Intel / Windriver | COMPLETED | Angular 6 Upgrade tests are run locally by the test lead (Sireesh Chintamani ) on the portal/sdk screens after pairwise testing is passed on SDK - Portal Pair Wise Testing for Dublin Release | |||
34 | HPA vIPsec | vIPsec HPA testing | Intel / Windriver | Ruoyu Ying | COMPLETED | Need double check for last step on vf module creation | ||
35 | Health Checks for PODS | Percentage coverage of Health Checks for Running PODS | Integration | Reporting only for Dublin N/A | 55% Yes 22% No 23% Still being researched | |||
- DCAEGEN2-1539Getting issue details... STATUS
Srinivasa Addepalli
Kiran Kamineni , user-00d66 Eric Multanen , user-1e7f3 , libo zhu and Akhila Kishore
Glad to see "COMPLETED" status on "K8S based Cloud Region Support - EdgeXFoundry Use case". Congratulation on passing this major milestone of deploying containers in K8S Cloud regions from ONAP.
Srinivasa Addepalli
user-00d66 and Kiran Kamineni
Please check MULTICLOUD-655 - Getting issue details... STATUS and try to solve the problem by Tuesday, if possible.
Srinivasa Addepalli
Kiran Kamineni , Ritu Sood, Eric Multanen , Liang Ding , libo zhu and Akhila Kishore
great work guys, Great to see the status of vFW with K8S COMPLETE.
It is real proof that both VNFs and CNFs can coexist on the same K8S Cluster.
In vFW case: packet generator & firewall are deployed as VMs and sink is deployed as container.
FYI Ravi Chunduru , Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya, ramki krishnan Prem Sankar Gopannan , Amar Kapadia and Samuli Silvius
Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya
Kudos to entire team !
Srinivasa Addepalli
Itohan Ukponmwan Eric Multanen and Marcus Williams
Kudos to you on successfully completing the vFW/vDNS HPA use cases on R4
Michal Ptacek
Great job guys, is it possible to share on this page what is the base commit in OOM charts used for this test results ? If not all docker images were released or will be changed even later, it would be good to know on what versions of images (unambiguously identified by commit in OOM) were used.
Brian Freeman
Please update your status if you are not at 100% in a test case/area each day so we have accurate status for priority settings and for the TSC review
Yang Xu
Rahul Tyagi Eric Moore Raj Gumma blueprintprocessor is already updated to 0.4.5. Could you mark your use case (no. 7 in list) test complete?